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What I would like to see in the new codex...Dark Mechanicus


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I've been reading "The Chapters Due" and thought, how cool would it be to have a Dark Mechanicus in the codex? It could be a 0-1 Elite choice with the following ability:


Roll a D6 for every IG, SM, or Ork vehicle within 24". On the roll of a 6, that vehicle has been infected with scrapcode and cannot move or fire.


Then the vehicle can't be repaired unless a techpriest, techmarine, or nob (since they scavenge Imperial gear) are in base contact and roll an 11+ on 2D6.


This would make for an interesting game vs a mech-heavy army.


It would also have the rest of the normal gear a techpriest has.


Just a thought.

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I hope they flesh out the Mechanicus more, both the loyalist and traitors. They are a very significant faction in the background but besides techpriests and techmarines (and maybe obliterators) they aren't represented.


I'd love to see a full on Mechanicus codex but some additional entries in existing armies would be good too.

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100% Absolutely, By-The-True-Gods Yes.


Read "Titanicus" by Dan Abnett, that book makes scrapcode seem awesome! I would like:


Dark Mechanicus unit options that themselves give, or can allow you to purchase:


In regular 40K games: Scrapcode-based wargear, Scrapcode as vehicle options, Scrapcode/Daemon hybrid entities, Scrapcode/Daemon upgrades to other units.


In Apocalypse games: As above plus "Preliminary Bombardment" style scrapcode attacks before turn one with lingering or even escalating effects each turn.

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I''m not sure if a sole Codex would be viable, but having an extensive section of Adeptus Mechanicus added to Space Marines and IG codex, along with a Dark mechanicus added to Chaos Marines, that would be great.


I'd do something similar to an Inquisitor and it's Retinue in the latest Grey Knights. Have a Magos, then give options for Servitors, Skitarii, etc...


C'mon GW, at least provide something for Apocalypse games!!!


Anyways, a Magos can be specialized and take something interesting to battle. Like maybe have access to some Xenos tech, or a special ordinatus/war machine.


I like the part I wrote about the Dark Mechanicus having scrap code that infects vehicles within a certain radius, but could also have daemonic servitors. I'm sure someone can think of other things.

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C'mon GW, at least provide something for Apocalypse games!!!


Totally with you. Having Titans in Apocalypse would be awesome. ;)


But seriously, I agree that some Dark Mechanicum in our next codex would be very awesome. As far as their own codex, I think I remember an interview or article where it was flat out stated it wasn't going to happen, but couldn't tell you where I saw it. It does seem odd for as integral to the setting as they are that they aren't represented more.

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I would like to see one daemon engine for each cult in the new chaos dex... Blight drones are pretty cool and fill a Landspeeder type role. Blood Slaughters are another smallish engine that would work... Maybe Tzeentch could have the big flyer... Firelord? (I don't remember the epic names anymore :wub:)... and that leaves us looking for one more unit for the Dark Prince.
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I would like to see one daemon engine for each cult in the new chaos dex... Blight drones are pretty cool and fill a Landspeeder type role. Blood Slaughters are another smallish engine that would work... Maybe Tzeentch could have the big flyer... Firelord? (I don't remember the epic names anymore :yes:)... and that leaves us looking for one more unit for the Dark Prince.


Slaanesh had the Violator Subjugator walker. Was that sized closer to a Defiler or a Titan?


(Googled it before I posted. Violator sounds like a much better name for a Slaanesh war engine, though...)


EDIT: Went back to the page I googled the name and apparently it already has an Apocalypse datasheet. Lexicanum says it's got the armor of a Dreadnought. Maybe make a Lesser Subjugator somewhere in-between the super-heavy version and a dreadnought?

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I would like to see one daemon engine for each cult in the new chaos dex... Blight drones are pretty cool and fill a Landspeeder type role. Blood Slaughters are another smallish engine that would work... Maybe Tzeentch could have the big flyer... Firelord? (I don't remember the epic names anymore :))... and that leaves us looking for one more unit for the Dark Prince.


Slaanesh had the Violator Subjugator walker. Was that sized closer to a Defiler or a Titan?


(Googled it before I posted. Violator sounds like a much better name for a Slaanesh war engine, though...)


EDIT: Went back to the page I googled the name and apparently it already has an Apocalypse datasheet. Lexicanum says it's got the armor of a Dreadnought. Maybe make a Lesser Subjugator somewhere in-between the super-heavy version and a dreadnought?


Oh I know the Dark Prince had units... had a few if I remember correctly... That being said I'm not sure which units (if any) fit into the supermodel (dreadknight/Trygon) or smaller category.

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