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Anyone had experience with those kits?


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Found rather interesting item on ebay:


But may be you had experience with those and you know some other interesting 1000Sons conversion packs?



They have been used quite a bit really. I believe the price went down, making it much more reasonable now. No one has had any complaints about them as far as I know. I considered getting them but I would of ended up having alot of unused pieces as my Thousand Sons army isn't that heavily Egyptian based.


As for other 1000Sons conversion packs, there are "Kromlech Khopesh Vibro Swords" which are used a bit, and the "Dark Angels Chapter Upgrade Frame" Both of which I used to make my Lord's Retinue which can be found here.

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ive gotten both the kit to make rubric marines as well as terminators and i love them both. my 1k sons army is heavily egyptian influenced so these kits fit in perfectly. that being said, the casts that i have received have been very good quality with little to no warping or issues with miscasting at all. my only qualm with either the marine or terminator kits has been more of a personal one in that im not the biggest fan of the 4 animal heads for the terminators, and as for the marine kit, my personal issues are with the head of the top-right model (row 1, model 3) in that the mask itself seems a bit too much Black Templar-eque, and the only other is that the head of the middle-left model (row 2, model 1) is that the sculpt of whatever is covering the mouth bit is a bit clunky looking, but its head-crest is very nice so it kinda makes up for it . Nevertheless it is an excellent and highly detailed kit that i believe is perfect to make either just another rubric marine squad, a head sorcerer's personal bodyguard, or even throw in some DA robes and make a chosen sorcerer squad.


Furthermore i think you should look into the terminator sculpts as well because they are also very high quality.


heres the link that i found:



best of luck

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