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My Black Templar Crusade


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So I finally got around to setting up a makeshift photo booth so I can post some pictures of my crusade


Unfortunately I will definitely need a better camera soon but I hope these pictures from my iPhone will do for now.

The pictures are more or less in chronological order from my first marines back in 2002 up to my AOBR dread which I finished last month. I took large breaks in between 2002 and now due to life getting in the way so I will break up the photos into groups by time frame.



My first 5 marines that came in my starter set with a brush and a few paint pots.




I don't know what the "T" or "II" on the shoulder pads were supposed to mean. lol squad II? T is for Templar?

Also I did the litanies in an 'Asian' up and down script because I wanted my marines to have been recruited from a chapter keep on an Asian world.


Chaplain and powerfist sergeant (didn't realize BT didn't have squad sergeants ... My reading comprehension = fail)




You can see some goblin green on the bases because everyone had goblin green colored bases for some reason back then.


Neophytes. These were done after I got codex Armageddon. I guess I decided the "T/II" were in fact "II" squad markings.




Plasma cannon and Flamer.




Assault squad. Never finished them because life got too busy and then with the onset of 5th Ed making them useless they currently still remain an unfinished squad of 3.



Rhino. Hinged doors.





Initiates (ccw/bp)




First attempt at OSL


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Cenobyte servitors. I know that in the Grimdark they love their mutilated cybernetic servants but I didn't lol

These guys were recruits that just barely failed, maybe due to incompability with the gene seed or something. However they were chosen to continue to serve due to their skills and fervent desire to join the crusade. They look more ornate than the neophytes because I feel neophytes are in "boot camp" while these servitors serve the crusades chaplains directly. For example look at the altar boys in catholic ceremonies. They might not hold much rank at all but they still have nice robes. The power cables to their hammers are to show that they have some means of inflicting damage in the future but obviously no where near as strong as actual power weapons, thus the small power packs.




What would a crusade be without a champion?





Some tactical Initiates. All from AOBR except Lascannon.




Sword brethren assault squad




Attempts at some more OSL



Ancient Vardis (AOBR Dread. Repositioned, BT front plate, custom Flamer, magnetized)




Anyway, thanks for taking this journey down memory lane with me. I hope I can keep up the momentum this year and actually get this army into a playable state.


All C&C welcomed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am honored to receive such compliments from my fellow marshals. I hope to bring more sword brethren and initiates worthy of the Templar chapter to go forth and bring the Emperors light to the heretic and the xenos.


5 more initiates for the eternal crusade


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My jaw just dropped to my crutch. These are extremely well paintet. Power effects and souce lightning is marvelus. Jealus of your painting skills. Any chance we can get a army shot of your crusade?


Purge the heretic!!

Wow thanks for the compliment, but to be honest I'm not even close to being jaw dropping good. There are some seriously amazing painters on here, but thanks anyway! I'll work on getting an army shot soon.


Love how the painting gets better and better - that rhino is superb though. Looking forward to seeing more.
Thanks, that's always the goal ... continual improvement, at least until I reach the limit of whatever talent I have haha


Such fantastic models there. Really fond of the old school 2nd ed models. That brings back some memories!


The writing and the highlighting are superb, and the power weapon effects are just gorgeous! Please tell me how you did that!

For the power weapons effects I just followed some tutorials I found online, but here's a quick summary.

1. First and foremost for me was building up the nerve to attempt it. You just gotta set a model aside and say "I'm gonna just give it a try ... worst case scenario I'll have to strip it or throw it away."

2. Paint the hammer/weapon/shield black

3. Dilute blue (I forget which blue I used but a medium blue) and just lightly paint it all over the black

4. using same blue go back and paint over just the edge parts once the previous coat is dry

5. now this part you can do different ways but I think I took a brighter/lighter blue and did a quick lightning type pattern. try to make it look a little random, look at images of real lightning


6. now I added a bit of white to the brighter/lighter blue and try to make a thinner line in just some of the areas, mainly the areas where the lightning will be splitting or connecting or touching an edge

7. now I get mostly white and add a little of the brighter blue to it and paint that at the junction points


Step 1 was the hardest for me, once I committed to just diving in and giving it a try it got easier and easier.


I like your take on cenobyte servitors, makes more sense imo :)
Thanks B) I still have 1 more to do but he's undergoing some conversion work and also I'm making another chaplain. I'm using Asmodai as the base for the new chaplain because I wanted him to have robes.


I've also finished a CML Tactical Terminator made from the AoBR sergeant and a HK missile

(not my usual "photo booth" set up but I'll update it when I get a chance)



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  • 3 weeks later...

@Dark Scipio - I went with the red because I liked how the codex had the colors for the ranks. So in my crusade it's basically white then red then gold.


2 hammernators complete. Tried a different way of doing the osl from the shields and decreased the osl from the hammers.





As always C&C welcomed.


Next up ...

A bunch of stuff haha haven't decided what to work on exactly.

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Very well done Brother, I'm working on my own Black Templar Crusade myself. Its the Napoleonus Crusade, also in this Hall Of Honor. What really caught my eye was your power weapon effects. I'm glad you explained to us how to do it because I was going to ask. Your power weapons are the best I have ever seen.
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Brother Kisada,

I just had time last night to look at your work ,but now I have a little more time and I have been reading what you have put along with your pics. I find it funny how you and I started back in early 2000. You in 2002 and me in 2001. Then both of us took long breaks and just started painting again. I just started last year myself. If you can believe it, I am just now starting to play the game lol. Also, like you I have just this week started posting pictures of my work.....past and present in the Hall of Honor. I found it very funny when you said that back then it seemed like everyone was basing their models in goblin green lol.....my early work was in goblin green also for the same reason. Like I said before, I like the way you did the power weapons so don't be surprised when you start seeing my power weapons starting to look like yours. :ph34r: Thanks againl for letting us know how you did it.


Crusade on Brother!!!!!

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