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HQ Sorcerer


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Gotta clean up the base, but I am pleased. Done in 30mins tops after basecoat, working on my speed painting. See also: My recent Death Guard. :] The eyes are my favorite.


What do you think?


He usually has BoC and lurks with Oblits.




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That's awesome! Speed painting is the way forward I reckon, unless it's like a character or really amazing unique figure I just cant be bothered to spend hours and hours on one model. Just getting them to TT quality is fine.


I'm amazed that you actually got the pupils of his eyes done and not it the standard crazed/wacky look that most pupils end up looking like!


The shading of the blue on the armour looks really nice too. Is that a green stuff robe he's wearing?

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"They will call us traitors, but such an irony will go unrecorded even in the lost books of Kallimakus. We remain loyal, as we have always been."


"The Great Work I have begun will be the first step in proving how right we were, how loyal we were and how loyal we might yet be"



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