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Dawn of war and transports


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Not at all- they are a seperate unit purchased on the same FOC chart slot. Just like a unit of servitors accompanying a C:SM techmarine, just like a heavy weapon team from C:IG, or the company command platoon. Theres no difference.
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Special Weapons squads are part of the Infantry Platoon. As dswanick so helpfully quoted:


Infantry Platoon Composition: 1 Platoon Command Squad, 2-5 Infantry Squads, 0-5 Heavy Weapons Squads, 0-2 Special Weapons Squads, and 0-1 Conscripts Squad.

That list is made up of the units which are allowed to deploy as a single unit in Dawn of War. Dedicated Transports are, still, separate units.

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DAWN OF WAR - Table Halves

He then can deploy up to two units from his Troops selections and up to one unit from his HQ selections in his half of the table (this is his 'deployment zone'). His opponent then does the same in the opposite half, but must position his three units more than 18" from enemy units.

Example: Player A wins the roll-off and deploys an infantry unit from his Troops and one monstrous creature from his HQ, in his half of the table. he also deeclares that a second infantry unit from his Troops will use its infiltrate ability in his half of the table. Player B then deploys a unit of Troops, already embarked into their dedicated transport (which is his second unit of Troops). He then deploys an independent character from his Hq, joining the unit embarked in the transport.

Finally, player A deploys his infiltrating unit.


Composition: 1 Platoon Command Squad, 2-5 Infantry Squads, 0-5 Heavy Weapons Squads, 0-2 Special Weapons Squads, and 0-1 Conscripts Squad. Each Infantry Platoon counts as a single Troops choice on the force organisation chart when deploying, and is rolled for collectively when rolling for reserves.

Page 96 – Infantry Platoon, second sentence

Change to “Each Infantry Platoon is deployed in place of a single unit in missions that limit the number units that can be deployed. In addition when making a reserve or outflanking roll, roll once for the whole Infantry Platoon. Any units in reserve that are embarked upon a non-dedicated transport are instead rolled for separately.”


Dedicated transport vehicles sit outside the Force Organisation structure, as they are attached to the unit they are bought for. When this distinction is called for (for example in some missions or deployment types), dedicated transport vehicles count as being from the same force organisation category as the unit they were bought for.

Given these quotes, I don't think the Chimeras can be included in with the Platoon for Dawn of War. The Platoon composition specifies all the units that are included in the composition and does not mention dedicated transports or Chimeras. The BRB statets that Dedicated Transports are seperate from the unit they are purchased for and are not part of the FOC, but that they are just "count as" a Troops choice as they were purchased for a Troops FOC selection. Thus, they are seperate units from the Infantry Squads and Command Squads for which they are bought and can't be "grandfathered" into the Platoon by virtue of the Infantry Platoon RAW. Finally, the rules for Dawn of War limit the number of units that can be deployed, but this is not specifically overriden by the Codex rule or the FAQ change. Thus all the squads count as a single Troops selection for deploying for Dawn of War but the Dedicated Transports still do not - in my opinion.

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