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Victory for the Blood Angels!


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Hello Brethern,


I participated to a 1850 pts tournament this week-end and carried out the day! :lol: All Hail Sanguinius!!


My Army list was as follows:



RAS (5 man) MG-Rback LCPG

RAS (5 man) MG-Rback LCPG

RAS (10 man) PF,2xMG

Sang Priest JP

Death Comp (7 man) 2 Bolters, 2 BPCW, 2 PW, 1 PF-Rhino DB

Baal TLAC - HB

Baal TLAC - HB

Attack Bikes (3 man) MMx3

Predator AC-LC

Predator AC-LC


There were 10 participants and we played 3 games, Swiss style. I won all of my games.


I played against IG (Leafblower style), Grey Knights (All Terminators Army) and Grey Knights (Purifier Army).


I'm a little tired right now but I'll try to write up some small bat-reps in due time (unfortunately I do not have photos).

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Hello Brethern,


Here is the first battle reports for the tournament. Unfortunately I do not have a lot of pictures and my recollection of each and every detail of each turn I played may not be complete :(


Battle 1

Mission: Annihilate as primary, seize ground as the tie breaker. Spearhead deployment. IG won the roll-off and started the game, I failed to seize.



Company Command MoF 2 Flm and AC w. Chimera

Platoon Command 2 MG and LC w. Chimera

20 man platoon blob with commissar MG and 2 AC

Heavy weapon team with LC

Heavy weapon team wiTh AC

2x melta veterans in Chimera

1x melta veterans with demolitions (in Vendetta)

1x Psyker Battle Squad (10) man w. Chimera





So with the first turn gone I was going to be in a world of pain. It would be an uphill battle as I would struggle to get into grips with the gunline. The only thing in my favor was the big building in the center of the table which allowed me to take some cover and block LOS. So he castled neatly in the opposite corner with the the artillery on the back and chimeras spread out in front of them. The Blob was deployed to the very edge of his deploymen zone right in front of my army.




I deployed with my Baals in the front, AB’s right behind them giving Mephiston cover and I spread the rest of my mechanized force a little further back blocked by the other units. My plan was to swing with them from the left flank behind the shadow of the big building. I deployed the jumper RAS w. Priest towards the rear of the building towards the right flank (taking cover but still sticking my neck out. Initially I thought about hiding them out of LOS but decided to bait him to divide his fire (which didn’t work :P) as he would not want my RAS within is gunline. I positioned the Priest so as to share his aura with Mephiston and the AB’s.






Scout Moves: I win the roll off and move both Baals side by side towards his gunline. My flanks are more or less protected by the building. I use smoke on both of them. He moves his Vendetta towards my right flank and positions it so as to see my Baals through the door of the big building.




Turn 1


The blob moves towards me. He shuffles his artillery pieces to have LOS to my armored column. Thankfully most will be in cover due to my good positioning and Baal Screen.


He fires away. After the smoke clears, one of my annihilators is stunned, my DC rhino blows up :(, I lose a LC on one of my rbacks, one of my baals blow up the other one is shakn, I lose an AB and 2 RAS. I pass my panic tests. It could have been much worse, so far so good.




No combat



I surge forward. The AB’s and the RAS move towards the vendetta on my right flank. Mephiston flyes forward. My DC start their very long run towards the enemy line (they will end up running ¾ of the table). The Rbacks move 12” from my outer left flank (in retrospect I should have moved these guys 18” to put earlier pressure). The predators shuffle among themselves, the sole operational one taking a good firing position against the Medusa (I do not want it to eat away my DC). The operational Baal takes cover behind the big building ready to pounce the next turn.


In shooting, I manage to stun the medusa and 4 melta shots sees the demise of the Vendetta (the demo vetsa are not pinned though  ). Rest of my shooting is close to non existent so does nothing. Mephiston runs 4” and DC runs 2”.


In assault mephiston goes in the blob, to block some LoS, shut of the AC’s and for some general distraction. Kills 5 I think, they hold of course.


Turn 2


The fire line shuffles a bit.


I take more pounding from IG, I lose a few more jumper RAS (which is further hit by weaken resolve, they break but thankfully rally at the edge of the board), the predator which took the shots against the medusa blows up, I lose the LC on my other Rback and some more weapon destoyed resaults on the tanks.


In combat Mephiston kills some more.



The rallied RAS jumps near the demo vets getting ready for the charge. Rbacks on the left flank approach the center of the table (they will be able to fire a bit this turn). The Baal which took cover comes out next to Mephiston. The shaken Predator moves towards the gunline. The AB’s break off from the right flank and comes in to join Mephiston (I’m not sure this was the right move to make, I could have chased some chimeras on the right flank as well). DC moves a bit more closer to the center.


The Medusa is taken out by the combined PG shooting of the Rbacks from the flank. The Baal kills the LC heavy weapons team. I think I also shake a chimera.


Mephiston and AB’s finish off the Blob (he takes the wounds on the comissar so they break) RAS assaults the Demo vets and kill them off. In the consolidation phase, I move the AB’s in front of Mephiston to give him cover.


Turn 3


More shuffiling, positioning in the gunline.


I take more pounding this turn but thankfully don’t lose any more tanks, the rbacks are shaken, the baal is immobilized and loses its main turret, the pred is stunned. The most devastating outcome is that the Manticore opens up on the RAS wihch was taking cover oot of LoS behind the wreck of the Vendetta. 3 missiles, they all hit and I only have my Srg left alive, who is pinned! The AB’s also die.


No combat



I move one of my Rbacks into the heart of the gunline and disembark, the other one moves toward an objective which is behind the big center building (just in case) Mephiston jumps towards the Manticores. The DC closes in.

I kill off a chimera and shake one of the remaining chimeras.


The RAS goes in to the platoon command who had just been de-chimerad and kills them off. Mephiston kills one manticore.


Turn 4


Some more shuffling, shock and awe as the angels have arrived! :P


Firing kills 4 of my disembarked RAS who breaks . He also kills of my remaining jumper RAS Srg and the other predator. I also lose 2 DC’s.


No combat.


The rest is a bit hazy as we had run out of time and played in a rush to finish, thanks to the time extension granted by the referee. In the end, I ended up killing his command chimera (the company commander survived and refused to die or break even after I put tons of shots in ot the squad), the chimera of the PSBS and the PSBS, another chimera and the vets inside and the remaining AC heavy weapons team.


I won by three points :tu: I was also holding an objective just in case.


It was truly an uphill battle, very very intense from my side as I received blow after blow from his big guns (probably vey intense from his side as I refused to die and moved towards him inch by inch). In the end I managed to prevail, great battle all around, glory to Sanguinius! :cuss

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Battle 2


Mission: Annihilate as primary, seize ground as the tie breaker. Spearhead deployment. I won the deployment roll.



Grand Master which made the terminators troop

Terminator Librarian

Vindicare Assasin

Dreadknight Big Sword and Heavy psycannon

Dreadnought with 2 TLAC psybolt ammunition

10 man Terminator squad with lots of halberds, a hammer, a falchion and 2 psycannons

5 man terminator squad halberds, hammer, falchions

Land Raider crusader (The GM, Librarian and 5 man squad rides with it)


My battle plan: I had a strong shooting advantage against this army so I decided to keep my distance and fire until tehy would whittle down at which point I would assault in to finish them off. The plan worked to a certain degree :tu:


Turn 1



He had reserved everything so I made some movements with my fast vehicles to cover as much as ground as possible while keeping my distance from the board edges.



Nothing to do on his side


Turn 2



Some more positioning on my part.



Everything except the assasin came in and positioned towards the back of the building.




I won’t go in to the details from this point forward what basically happened was that I moved back and forth behind the buildings keeping my distance and firing at his units. I took out the dreadnought, but failed to kill the dreadknight after 3 full rounds of shooting by a predator and 2 Rbacks (I rolled a LOT of “1” to wound).


I had guessed where the assasin would come in and positioned one my baals as to be close in order to gun him down when he came in. To my big surprise, I learned that the little bugger actually could fire his special ammunition with its pistol as well! (I thought that he wouldn’t be able to fire when he came in) so he turbo penetrated and blew off my baal :cuss But, I gunned him down later.


After a lot of positioning on both of our part no other units were killed and the game ended at the end of turn 5?! So I won 2 to 1 :P I also held an objective just in case :P

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