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OK Im addicted


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Well as the title says I am now addicted to this hobby. It all started with hey what is that store over there. Well I walked out of that store with the AoBR set.

I put it together played a couple games then there it sat for 3 months. I didn't really like orks and the space marines where alright but bot what I wanted to play.

I researched the heck out of armies for atleast 2 months. I must have watched a 1000 battle reports and I don't know how much time reading forums. Well about a week before Christmas I decided on blood angels.

It was perfect I could use the SM from the AoBR set and build from there.


Well that was almost a month ago now. Now I cant leave the house with out some sort of trip to a game store. Then when I get there you think I can just buy the one or two paints I need. Noooo I seem to always find

something in the way of more models. The people at fantasy flight event center just love me.


OK not to give the wrong idea. I am not complaining at all. Just the opposite in fact. I am loving the blood angels and the new hobby. But I must ask where does it end. Well I ever be happy or is there always going to be more to buy.

Anyway here is a wip pic of my new army or atleast what I have assembled.




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It's like a drug. I got back into the hobby in 2008 and started with a bit of everything BA army. Alongside that I put together a Chaos Daemons for a GT in '09 then picked up the new BA coded when it was released. I finished my 2000pts of Death Company a couple of weeks ago and thought, "That'll do for a bit, maybe I'll update my Daemons in a bit".


Best laid plans and all that, I'm in the process of building and painting 1500pts worth of Sanguinary Guard and have drawn up what I need to add to my Daemons to get them to 2000pts.


This hobby can easily take over your personal life.

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The one thing I have to stop doing is when I read army lists. I'm like oh I don't have that yet. Then next time I'm at the store wouldn't you know it. There is the thing I don't have yet.

Still try to figure out how it gets in my cart.

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That's awesome!


I wish I had the motivation you have. I have loved this hobby since I first found out about it back in 1996. I was just a kid then so I didn't have the capital to jump in head first like you have here haha. Great job getting paint on it all that quick too. That's my biggest downfall I suppose.


You've proven to be a very welcome addition to the forum. Looking forward to seeing more from your army.

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I'm right there with you. My brother bought me the started set back in 2000, built everything, played once then shelved it all. in 2010 a game shop opened here in town and I went halves on AoBR with a buddy and I got the Space Marines, decided on playing BA. Now, just under 2 years later, I'm sitting on a 14K BA Force, 1250 points of Tau and 2250 points of Tyranids. Good times I say.
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Welcome to the forums! This place is a really great way to feed your addiction as there are a lot of really talented guys here that will inspire you to buy new models and try all kinds of flash new mods and paint styles.


I myself have about 4000 points worth of painted Blood angels and about another 10000 of unpainted unassembled marine bits from gw/forgeworld and various other bits companies. A lot of that is due to the really cool stuff I see here! I buy it but havnt got around to building it yet!


It's a curse and a blessing! You will never truly be done, once you build a force it will constantly evolve as you buy more and learn different paint techniques. Then you'll want to redo your old stuff! Next thing you'll know is you have been at it 5+ years!


Enjoy and can't wait to see your work!

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You're not alone, as you might already have guessed. :P


I started collecting around March 2010 with a Space Marine Captain. At the time I thought each chapter was like a specialist unit for the Space Marines, but then having learned that each chapter was a Space Marine army on its own with uniques rules and so forth I had to decide on an army.

Three armies had my attention,

Dark Angels simply for the name and the robes,

Blood Angels again for the name, being the 'noblest of all the space marines' and the special unit the Death Company

and The Inquisition. Inquisitors. Assassins. What's not to like?


I settled on Blood Angels and now have about 7500 points worth with about a third painted.

I think Blood Angels are awesome, they have great 'fluff' (I'll never get used to that word) and great characters. They also have my favorite model, The Sanguinor. Futuristic Space Jesus with golden power armour, a whopping great sword and the Holy Grail? Yes please! :P

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I once said this to a young Neophyte about two and a half years ago:

Welcome to the hobby! You're here to stay, and if you ever leave, you'll just come right back.


And on you never being happy with what you have, that's a big no. I started about four years ago paying $200 for a Grey Knight army from a friend. Since then, I've accumulated 5,000 points of Crimson Fists, all painted, 2,500 of Blood Angels, half painted. Random Daemons, Eldar, and Tyranids. And is that enough? No way. I'm rebuilding two armies on top of that.


And to prevent our new friend from going too far off the deep end, nobody mention Forgeworld produ..... Crap....

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LOL Yes I have found forge world. About to order as a matter of fact. Wish I would have found them before I assembled all the tanks.

Well Should tell everyone then that I went to the game store for some basing stuff. Well allot of money later and this is what I left with.

I just cant help myself. Is there AA for games workshop?



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Welcome aboard, Brother. And congrats on choosing the Blood Angels, in the end the choice was very easy right? :lol:


And no, the addiction will never go away. Never ever. Never ever ever. When the light of the Astronomican has finally died you will still be scavenging plastic bits for your army.

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Yeah there is AA for GW. It's called living in a box under the freeway.



But seriously thats a great expansion. Clearly, you're just starting out your Blood Angels and want to get a playable army up and ready as soon as possible. Now that you have this stuff, don't make the same mistake as the rest of us. Paint it all first, then go buy more, I can't stress that enough! And keep in mind you have the rest of your life to collect, don't rush to get it all at once, because newer and better things will come out (which is why I'm not buying any bikes...they so ugly)


That's my advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where there is smoke, there is fire! :)


I started BA during the pdf "heresy". My first army was Eldar and BA my second. I must admit that my Eldar is collecting a lot of dust in the closet. My BA on the other hand is still growing.

I primarily was a gamer but I'm becoming more and more hooked on the painting and conversion aspects. :)

I don't think there is much hope for salvation for many of us. It may be another aspect of the black rage.... :)

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Loved the topic title! I started 40k 13 or 14 years ago, and although I didn't spend all that time modelling, painting or gaming, I read fluff, BL books, forums and other stuff that could provide more info on the 40k universe... A year ago I decided to start a new BA army, although I had one already, and the other was Ultrasmurfs... Even during this last year I had to pause my modelling and painting due to work and studies and videogames :) but I always come back to it. My opinion is if you got addicted to 40k, it becomes not a hobby, it becomes a way of life. So, welcome aborad, you're here for long :)
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Yeah, once you get a taste there really is no quitting. I first played when I was 12, and even though I didn't have the funds to collect my own army then. The sheer joy I felt at having discovered such an awesome hobby stuck with me through the years. I'm now 25 and was lured like a moth to flame even though I hadn't played or collected in over 10 years. Within a year I've assembled near 4000 points of Blood Angels and gotten several of my friends interested in the hobby as well. I honestly can't imagine ever giving it up. So welcome to 40k and the Blood Angels. There is no escape.
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I started at 14....I'm 31 and restarted BAs 9 times. It never ends....


You can't get away from the dam plastic all the dam plastic when I started it was lead/white metal never did me any harm I still hear 25 years later :) I left in 93 and I picked a brush back up in 3 and half years a go.

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