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Yep, that's how it is.


Although I find that a reasonable check (aside from household bills which keep heading off that Storm Raven) is not fielding anything which isn't fully painted, and I try not buying a new unit until the previous one is done - though to be fair I only finished the very last of the new models I bought when the Codex came out just before Christmas....

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I said the same thing. Yet here I sit w/ and bunch of unpainted minis ;)


Yep, that's how it is.


Although I find that a reasonable check (aside from household bills which keep heading off that Storm Raven) is not fielding anything which isn't fully painted, and I try not buying a new unit until the previous one is done - though to be fair I only finished the very last of the new models I bought when the Codex came out just before Christmas....

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Hahah welcome brother!


Nice one on the airbrush too! I got mine for Xmas. Pro tip: check out the Vallejo model air paint range. They are made to be used in airbrushes and go on very smooth. GW paints aren't too bad, but with the Vallejo ones you don't have to thin them, and they come in a dropper bottle, which makes things much cleaner. Makes life a thousand times easier!

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I'm guessing the OP is in the Twin Cities. There's several opportunities for gaming in the area. Ping me if you'd like more info.


I've been playing pretty much straight since '89. I recommend Brother Chris' advice if you want to keep your sanity (and your wallet) from being drained. :)


Have fun and keep us updated!

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Well the weekend is almost over and I didn't get anything done on my LPC vow. I started out thinking I was going to get a big chuck done on it this weekend. Then I got my taxes back. Spent most of friday and saturday morning looking at airbrush stuff. On the way home saturday I was thinking this is cool I will get a ton done with the new airbrush. LMAO not the case at all. Came home and was talking to a buddy when he said something about battle foam. He was telling me about the bf shield bag. I am like this is cool a bag that will hold the foam trays I got from GW and was only like 40 bucks. So I raced off to my pc to take a look at this battle foam site. He never said anything about the custom trays they sell. Well I didn't buy the bf shield bag after all. I am a little embarrassed to say what I bought to tell the truth, but hey I now have the rest of sunday to maybe get some detail work done. As long as I stay away from forge world today I might get something done.
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hahahaha welcome to hell Montdj!! :jaw:

as bro chris said(and it is probably the best advice you will get EVER) paint a unit to completion...then, and ONLY THEN look for the next model fix.

i can assure you that if you dont follow this simple yet highly effective rule,we will see you down the track selling half your stuff to mates/other gamers for half price or less because you...


1. cant be bothered to put it together and paint it


2. Dont have the time to put it together and paint it cause you have so many OTHER things that need painting :)


3. dont like that army anymore so need to ditch it for the (insert shiny new model released here)that you must have!


trust me.... i,like many others have been "livin the dream".

good luck,



p.s good choice with blood angels B)

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1. cant be bothered to put it together and paint it


2. Dont have the time to put it together and paint it cause you have so many OTHER things that need painting ;)


3. dont like that army anymore so need to ditch it for the (insert shiny new model released here)that you must have!


1. You can always be bothered to have time to put together and paint everything!!! It's all a state of mind!!!!!




3. Always keep your army, because in the future, they will once again be the shiny new army, and you'll have a major head start on everyone else!!!!




Actually, Mithril is right on pretty much all counts. But I do suggest you never sell your armies, simply because you'll be kind of mad at yourself later down the road. The only exception is when you have a beyond unbearable paintjob on an army. Then it's ok because the sale of your army will help some young scout elsewhere in the world with their new 40K addiction. Although, as Mithril says, buy a squad, paint a squad. Because then before you know it, you have 7,000 points painted, but another 7,000 that still needs done! And no, I'm not talking about myself at all on that one (whistles and walks out of the BA forum)...

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Thanks for the responses. Its great advice I really could have used about 6 weeks ago. But its all good and I will never sell. I have slowed down on buying models.

Now my problem is after looking at more pictures I don't like the way my assault marines are going. While the army painter primers are great I should have not used dragon red.

I will not be using dragon red any more and someday I will redo the assault marines but for now I am having a blast putting kits together and painting. I wish I would have more time for games.

It does look like this weekend I will be able to get a couple games in. I have also been thinking about starting a blog. A way to show my wip updates and such. Any way thanks for the advice and keep it coming as for you can see

I am a huge 40k noob.



P.S. I found the forge world site. I was thinking about a bunch of the rhino stuff. Is it as great as it looks. The little research i have done on forge world seems to be everyone loves it.

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Forgeworld is awesome. The only problem really is it's very expensive. It's also harder to find forgeworld items on eBay to help with pricing. I generally use forgeworld if there is a really important model that I want to spice up or a unit that I absolutely want to stand out. I needed a Librarian and Honor Guard for my DoA army recently, and I hate all the GW librarians so I checked out forgeworld and fell in love with Sevrin Loth. What's more he came with his own honor guard! It was perfect. I filed all the red scorpion symbols off them, added some BA shoulder pads and bits and some wingless SG jump packs and viola, an incredibly badass looking librarian and super sweet honor guard. Two birds with one stone. The only downside? $66 for 5 models....
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I've gotten myself a few forgeworld parts/units so here's my experience. If you are buying full models (Dreadnought body/full kit, titans, etc) then it is amazing and near hassle free. They are very solid and only need a little detail work and gap filling to make them 100%. My Templar Assault Terminators have the shoulder pad upgrade and they came out fine too. But those door upgrades.... They can be a bit of a pill at times. I've got three sets and they all came pretty warped. I read online to bend it back to shape you need to put it in warm water and bend it back into shape. I tried that, and it really began to test my patience. Things like the side doors aren't too bad as long as you have a (very) powerful glue, but if a Land raider front door is bent, you need to spend quite a bit of time working with it. Maybe I was doing it wrong, maybe I just sucked at it, but either way, it was annoying (and one bent right back to where it was!!!). And be veeeerrrrry careful with bending because those things can snap like a dried up twig.

But that's just one minor irritation for some epic upgrades that can make the gaming community from your area quite jealous of your epicness. Go for it.

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You're right, it never ends - this is my 3rd ish BA army now.

Thought I had it all finished about 8 years ago, then my car got broken into and a big chunk of it was stolen, but i managed to get some of it back.


Good luck, you've made a good start :P



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WOW I would love to see a pic of them. They sound awesome.


I took a few pictures of them to show. I have them all magnetized so I can swap out weapons and back-packs as needed. I'm still working on them, they needed to be cleaned up a bit still, and painted obviously, I also don't have enough melta-guns for them at the moment, which is why only one of them has a weapon, haha. They're currently pictured with DC back-packs but as I said, I also have some SG jump-packs for them to swap out as needed.


As I said earlier, they come as "red scorpion" marines, but I just filed those chapter symbols off the shoulder-pads, and added some BA flair, like back-packs. I'm also considering adding some honor badges and seals to their legs. The priests LC is just a converted Terminator LC.





And, everything is magnetized, so I can swap the(eventual) melta-guns for plasma guns, or flamers, or CC weapons, and also the back-packs for jump packs. Whatever I feel like using at the time.



Here's the whole reason I bought the squad though, for the Librarian, Sevrin Loth. He's almost unchanged, I just filed one small red scorpion symbol off his shoulder-pad, and I also cut his axe off, and gave him a bigger one. He originally had what was little more than a force-hatchet. It just didn't seem appropriate or badass enough, so I improved on it.




His back-pack is also magnetized as well, so I can make him a jumper if I want.



Anyways, forgeworld does some awesome work, but once again, very expensive. I could have bought a LR or SR for the price I spent on those five guys....

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Thank God I am not alone here. I got so heavily addicated on 40K. I love playing Blood Angels and Death Company armies... and I am starting now Mechanized or hybrid army for Blood angels balancing my Descent of Angels army and 1500P Death Company Jump pack armies. Love the fluff, love the Death Company... and I will fear the 6th codex edition...


This is like transition to me... I played 3rd edition High Elves and managed to get 16,500P High Elf army almost entirelly white metal... I still hunted all the possible Blood Angels characters in metal blisters. I wasn't impressed FineCast at all.

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