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I have the Chaos space marine strike force, and would like to know the best way to model it. I will not be using magnets, so what I use will be permanent.

The box contains

20X chaos space marines

1X chaos terminator lord

5X chaos terminators

2X chaos rhinos

1X landraider

1X vindicator

1X defiler

I have never played 40K. But the Defiler is the coolest model I have ever seen. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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First off, "Welcome to the Ruinous Powers!" :P


I'm going to assume that you have Codex: Chaos Space Marines, and have read it through. That's your first step before you do anything else, and that includes listening to ANY of the suggestions you get online (including these ones).


I'll take it for granted that as a first time player you aren't looking for a top tier, win at all costs, tournament list.


The models you've listed break down quite well into the following:


2 squads of 10 Chaos Space Marines with Champion (Powerfist preferably), 2 "special" weapons, an icon bearer and a rhino



Land Raider

Chaos Lord

5 Terminators with 1 "heavy" weapon and various other weapon options


The terminators are where alot of your decisions are going to be. If you want them to ride with the Lord in the Raider then you can only take 5. If you want to walk or Deepstrike then you can use all 5.


Mostly, you need to read the rules and then put together whatever you feel looks/sounds cool (within the rules of course). As a first army the most important thing is that it's what you want, not what anybody else says is good (and yes, that includes my opinions too).


Good luck, and don't stess over the details. ^_^

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I'm going to second what Hiro said.


First and foremost this is your army that you should do what you want with.


As for your models, you're in luck because you can make workable units from all of those so you can make a few different army variants depending on your match's point level.


If this is your first army and you're still learning all of the myriad of rules, I would start by putting together a 1000 point army that satisfies the 1 HQ and 2 TROOP requirements then fill in the rest depending on what catchs your eye. In my mind, 1000 points its a good point limit that won't make the games too long or confusing but also lets you incorporate some of the non-required elements into your army as well.

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but 1k pts armies are offten different from what is played at 1500. at 1k you would go for 2x5 pms with specials full oblits and DPs and at 1500 one could start thinking about using csm etc.


also if termi lord is taken , then you can only take 4 termis . when taken is a rather theoretical thing because neither of the options should be used that way[lord with the termi armor. termis trying to do assault etc] .

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Thank you all.

I have read the Codex and the rule book, but reading and knowing how the rules work in play are two different things.

I have been reading a lot today I will defiantly go with the two troops and one HQ. Lots of rules in these books.


Okay one question, where the devil did you get this thing 'cause I want to find it.

I have had the box for two years now. It has been in my to build pile. For the holidays I was given two space marine

megaforce boxes. That reminded me of this one, the defiler is the coolest model I have ever seen. So I decided to build this one first.

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Assuming you don't want to go get extra bitz online, there are a few handy little tricks to get the most out of your plastic sets:


Try your hand at basic modeling, and cut the last two or three fingers off one or two of the terminator power fists. In their place, put the blade of one of the curved chainswords of the CSM kit. With a little modeling putty to fix up any gaps, it makes a rather nifty chainfist - which is an excellent option if you are throwing your terminators into melee. Taking the combi-melta from the lord kit (fairly sure it comes with one) from the lord kit and putting it into the unit is also a quick and easy way to get a little bit extra killyness into the unit.


With the defiler, it only comes with one extra close combat weapon. That can be ok if you want to fit up the reaper autocannon, but if you want it to be eating things in melee, throwing together an extra weapon can be as easy as cutting up some lengths of leftover plastic sprue and some spare chainswords from the CSM kit, gluing the into a suitably killy looking arm, and sticking it to the model. Voila, a second close combat arm!


Chaos is quite easy to personalize, and the army can work really well in casual games using just about any combination of units. Unless you want to hit up tournaments, ignore people telling you to only run dual Daemon Princes and nine Obliterators. It's a boring way to play. Build using whatever you like, and learn what works for your playstyle and what doesn't


And welcome to the fold, brother...

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