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Darkest_Angels LPC

Darkest Angel

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Here is what I have for my vow of 5 marines, asmodai, chapter master, and chappy dread.




For the sergeant i used the sanguinary guard fist and added a little GS work




Also the Storm Chicken in the background is just a fun project for me ;) questions and comments always welcome.



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Aaaaaaargh! I hate the protection software we have at work! I can't see pics! :D


Anyway, although this is a "blind" statement I'm very confident Darkest will make it on time! There is a "Vow Complete" banner with his name on it! ;)

Here you go Captain Semper




The last frame there is why I'm painting a pink rhino it's my CSM army. I'd say im 75% done at this point just finishing up the tacticals and Asmodai, As for the dread I tried flexing my NMM arms, I like how the golds came out, not so sure about the silvers though lemmy know what you guys think.



I agree with the rest, your NMM is excellent! I think I'll give it a go myself (I'm awful with metallic gold)! I'm updating you to 75%!


I knew (hoped?) that Slaanesh is involved with the Rhino! They look great!

I was going to post something nice about your NMM, but then my hands got filled up with the shackles I'm going to use to bind you to the interrogation rack in cell 42.


So no luck there traitor, straight to the house of pain for you :sick:



  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Darkest, any progress there? Can't wait for your Asmodai mate!!! <_< I'd say between the dread and Asmodai you have all your Chaplain needs covered for life! Slaanesh or no Slaanesh :D





*waits expectantly *

I'm Finished!
















Comments please!

Congratulations Darkest! Well done mate! Your red is providing and excellent spot of color in your force - I like that, especially given the very dark green that you went for. Well, they are not called Dark Angels, nor you the Darkest for nothing I guess! ;) But most of all I like your Asmodai! Great work on the robes and the helmet - bravo! The dread is also going to be my next buy from FW - AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE! B)


Congratulations again on completing your vow - that's fantastic!

Well done Darkest Angel on completing your vow and what a vow it has been. I really love the dark brooding effect of the armour you have managed to pull off complemented by the lgith robes and the briliance of the reds. Real nice work. I really love your captain most of all.




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