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Music of The Thousand Sons

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Any music you think suites the Thousand sons, everyone else has a music thread, so why not us? The only one I can think of at the moment is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b93UAEDpcGE...feature=related not sure why, just something about makes me think of the sorcerers leading the rubrics.
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Very well. Prepare yourself.


To help fine tune his plan, the sorcerer meditates before performing the ritual that will teleport him and his rubric marines to a museum housing a powerful artifact.



During the raid, the Rubricae form a wall in front of their sorcerer while firing their bolters in eery and robotic unison at the Space Marines sent to intercept the Thousand Sons. When a new threat appears, they move as one and unleash just enough ammunition to tear the foe asunder. Using this expendable distraction for thousands of years, Ahriman is allowed to pillage whatever artifact he desires to claim as his own and executes anyone foolish enough to stand in his way. No trace of Ahriman remains after the firefight, only the empty and boltgun-riddled shells of Thousand Sons armor left behind. No voices could be heard from loyalist or traitor alike as the battle raged.


"Men who understand each other have no need for words."



Just sayin'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Gotta go with the classical music in this scene. Everything about it just screams "Tzeentchian fate tampering", and I can imagine a Sorceror Lord doing the exact same thing, waltzing around the battlefield, orchestrating the destruction unfolding around him, while listening to the music of the spheres.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Possibly this?

:) could be because of the lack of the better word, "Tripyness".

A slightly more serious suggestion would be "No more lies"by Iron maiden, especially the lines "They're all sitting at my table, talking tall and drinking wine. There time is up just like me but they just don't know it yet." Magnus keeping the legion in the dark about what was about to happen?

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