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Assaulting 2 vehicles


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I let it fly because I didn't know the rule, and I looked for it later (couldn't find anything).


Imagine 2 full rhinos side-by-side facing me. There's an inch of space between them. Now imagine a Necron overlord who stands 5 inches behind one of the rhino's bum. Can he assault the first vehicle in a way that his 1" base moves over to touch the next rhino?


I was under the impression that when you move the first model into assault, you take the shortest distance but could not find something to back me up.

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He cannot assault both., or rather a single model alone may not multi-assault.

BRB pg 34

...the closest attacking model must be moved to contact the closest model in the enemy unit against which the assault was declared.Then remaining models can assault models belonging to other enemy units...


...may not move into base contact with enemy models from a unit they are not assaulting


So, he has to move into base contact with the unit he declares an attack on, without touching the base of another units models.

In his attacking unit had other members , they could multi-assault (if they can do so by following the assault move rules)

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It's a common error people make. We had a local Tyranid player who was multicharging with a lone Trygon. He was moving the model's base to contact with one unit, and claiming there was no restriction that said he couldn't rotate the base to touch additional units. We corrected him, and he doesn't do quite as well with it anymore. :D
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There's a big difference between harmless error and trying to take advantage of whatever you can when someone is generally very giving/nice :]

I agree, for sure; not really on-topic, but if it's of any consolation, I go to great lengths to both 1. be very nice to and 2. never ever play games with that brand of people.

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There's a big difference between harmless error and trying to take advantage of whatever you can when someone is generally very giving/nice :]

I agree, for sure; not really on-topic, but if it's of any consolation, I go to great lengths to both 1. be very nice to and 2. never ever play games with that brand of people.


And here I was wondering why we haven't played in so long... :)

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(Mr. awfullawful jests; he is one of my preferred opponents as he's the antithesis of the opponent-type I outlined here.)


Anyway, this cut and dry question is stamped out and happy. <3 Sorry for the subtle derail.

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