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WIP: Order of Olympia


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The colonies of the Eastern Fringe have many legends and epic myths; but the most fascinating of these tell of the Order of Olympia. An equal mix of fear, reverence and mystery surrounds these Astartes, with some claiming that these nomadic knights have been safeguarding the Fringe since the dark days of the Horus Heresy.

When they are most needed, the Order appears suddenly in orbit, disgorging elite Astartes and chapter-trained human auxiliaries onto the planet below. Their ivory-armoured units form into organised firing lines and advance implacably upon the foe, while their champions leap at the enemy heroes, duelling furiously with Tyranid beast and traitor Marine alike. At their flanks, human auxiliary sniper units bring down significant targets with a trained eye and a lifetime of conditioning, paving the way for the squads of Astartes and tanks. In such a way the Order appears, destroys the threat and disappears within days, causing actual sightings to be rare, and for many to dismiss claims of their existence as mere tales.


The origin of the Order is known only to the Astartes themselves, a terrible secret bestowed upon them after initiation. In the darkening days of the Horus Heresy, one Iron Warrior Battle Barge, Perturabo’s Might, stayed its hand during the sacking of Olympia; their hands and souls were guided from darkness by the presence of a lowly psyker within the ship, and so the crew and their loyalist Iron Warrior counterparts attempted a solitary rescue mission.

They made landfall ahead of the traitor advance and began the evacuation of as many civilians as they could manage, filling their holds with terrified Olympians. Upon realising their intent, traitor flak batteries began firing upon the dropships when they returned, and after almost a hundred small landing craft were lost, it became evident that no more could be done. Under heavy fire from the rest of the Iron Warrior fleet, Perturabo’s Might fled the system, making course for the Eastern Fringe.

Over the next few hundred years, the ship made contact only through smaller ships used as trading vessels, bartering trinkets and the like with outwards colonies for the materials required to make the ship self-sufficient. During this time, the ship made anchor at a cluster of ore-rich asteroids, a chance discovery that may well have secured the survival of the ship. With the metals from these asteroids, not only did they have a plentiful supply of materials (allowing them to trade for what they could not make or grow beneath UV lamps), the hollowed-out behemoths became a serviceable, if grim home for the refugee Olympians. The loyalist Astartes, now the Order of Olympia, repainted their armour white in the image of their new purity. Following suit, the Battle Barge was renamed Sword of Remembrance, distancing themselves further from their traitor brethren. Reported sightings, while never common enough to confirm their existence, increased as the band of knights slowly gained the materials and strength to again serve humanity in the only way they knew how: through the utter destruction of its enemies.


While the core of the Order is its Knight-Brothers, several supporting formations fulfil roles they cannot. For example, highly trained and genetically enhanced Olympian commandos operate as snipers and infiltrators, fulfilling the roles that scouts would take in other chapters. Warp-sensitive Astartes are detected and singled out during initiation and undertake training to serve not as Librarians but as Navigators of their vessels, although they are still trained in the nuances of psychic combat. The ranks of the Navigators and the Knight-Brothers run parallel, culminating in the positions of Lord Helmsman and Knight-Commander respectively, while the ranks of the Commandos are simple and culminate in the rank of Corporal, with orders given by the Space Marine commander of their detachment.


The Olympian populace remains steady, with both a lack of resources and space requiring strict population control to be in constant effect. Upon the asteroids colonies, around 30,000 humans live in relative safety in complexes and mines that have expanded so much that the asteroids are dotted with windows and exposed structures. Amidst this cluster of rock and metal, the Sword of Remembrance remains anchored, serving as the Order’s makeshift fortress-monastery, as well as the training grounds for the Olympian commandos and Initiates, the workshops of the Forge-Brothers, the war room, and the hospital of the colonial cluster. The only time the ancient warship moves from its position is when a particularly significant threat to the Imperium is located – examples including tendrils of Hive Fleets, as well as demonic incursions, the Black Crusades and particularly threatening Ork Waaaghs!

For less serious threats smaller ships are dispatched with dedicated battlegroups on board. It is these that are most commonly seen beyond the Eastern Fringe, small corvettes containing as few as twenty Knight-Brothers – with the Chapter numbering at fewer than four hundred Astartes, every man is considered vital, and no more are sent than are needed. However, this conservative approach to deployment has resulted in several devastating losses for the chapter, most notably during the Hive Fleet Kraken invasion, during which time the Chapter lost almost one hundred and fifty men, as well as almost six hundred human auxiliaries.


The Omophagea and Betcher’s Gland of the Order of Olympia are completely nonexistent. Also, a severe mutation of unknown origin has resulted in extremely long lifespans, even by Astartes reckoning, with the average marine living for almost nine hundred Terran years. However, it is known that certain individuals exceed even this lofty number, with Knight Commander Ulric having served at his post for over thirteen centuries.


The Order remains distrusting of Imperial authorities, mainly due to what they see as a perversion of the Imperial Truth – the Imperial Cult being dangerous and abhorrent to them, a conviction strong even amongst other Chapters. Although they will come to the aid of beleaguered Imperial Guard forces, they will usually operate from behind enemy lines, giving friendly forces limited opportunity to make contact with them.

Of fellow Astartes they remain more trusting, often suddenly deep-striking to bolster the ranks of other Chapters where the enemy is in danger of breaking through, although as with standard Imperium forces they keep communication with them at a minimum. Especially amongst the nearby Ultramarine forces their existence has become warily accepted, their aid never unwelcome during the heat of particularly devastating battles.


Knight-Brother ranks

1) Initiate (Do not take part in combat operations until the rank of Brother)

2) Brother (Standard squad member; makes up the majority of the Order. Serve as tactical squads, assault squads and devastator squads)

3) Master (Serve as squad leaders)

4) Knight-Errant (Some are grouped together into Bands of Knights and are sent on important quests for relics etc. while others become Forge-Brothers and Apothecaries. More still accompany battlegroups as Veteran squads. All share the rank of Knight-Errant)

5) Guardians (serve in the company and chapter command squads. May serve as chapter and battlegroup champions or as standard bearers)

6) High Master (serve as Captains of battlegroups)

7) Knight Commander (serves as the Chapter Master, position currently held by Knight-Brother Ulric)

Navigator Ranks

1) Sub-Navigator (aids Navigators in the warp-navigation of small vessels; trains under them to become a Navigator)

2) Navigator (Serves on board small, warp-capable scout ships along with a small number of other Navigators guiding them through the warp)

3) Chief Navigator (Most senior Navigator upon smaller ships, guides other Navigators in warp travel)

4) Sub-Helmsman (Higher than Chief Navigators, but the lowest rank of Helmsman. Helmsman serve on board much larger ships, and are expected to take part in any combat action their assigned battlegroup takes part in.)

5) Helmsman (The most commonly seen Navigator in battle. As well as guiding the battlegroup's ships through the warp, their highly-developed, Astartes augmented powers are used in battle to support the Knight-Brothers)

6) Senior Helmsman (The highest rank a Navigator can attain, notwithstanding the rank of Ancient. These Navigators are chiefly deployed either guiding the Sword of Remembrance through the warp, or taking part in particularly vicious battles.

7) Ancient (The chief advisor to the Knight Commander, and most powerful Navigator in the Chapter. Position currently held by Solomon Thaine)


Brother and Master colours


Knight-Errant and Guardian colours

Beyond these ranks, and within the ranks of the Navigators, the armour is generally personalised and less standard.

Note; the standard piloting and operating of all vehicles (dropships, tanks etc.) is done by standard humans, so that more Astartes may serve on the frontlines.

Sorry about the wall of text. Criticisms, problems with fluff and any other improvements to be made are welcome ^_^

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Just read through this. First off welcome to the B&C Liber!


I like your ideas a lot. They make a lot of sense given the situations. My only issues are 1) how are they getting new astartes if they have no direct link with Terra for geneseed or other resources needed. it has been 10000 years since the HH. Even with extended lives the chapter would be hard pressed to have many astartes in the 41st millenium. 2) how did they make the number of ships used if they only had one strike cruiser from the HH time?


As I was reading through this I was thinking how after the HH maybe the Order tried to appeal to the High Lords of Terra to be inducted as a chapter. I dont really know how that would go but it was a thought. Though after reading your relations with the Imperium it does not sound like you want to do something like that.


I also get the vibe that you want to have a certain renegade quality to the chapter but at the same time make the loyal and seem more human that most other chapters.


I look forward to hearing back what you think.


EDIT: Like the color schemes a lot.

Haha thanks :angry: I didnt really think too hard about the geneseed issue - what are the specifics of how geneseed is stored and maintained? Could a small chapter keep stocks locally on a large ship? As for the issue of craft, if you take another read through you'll notice they have a not a strike cruiser but a battle barge, which is a hell of a lot larger and capable of carrying smaller craft :cuss I thought it made a decent gap between being split between a series of smaller ships (Eagle Warriors style) and being bound to something relatively immobile like a space-fortress or space hulk a-la Blood Gorgons/Fire Hawks.


Thanks for the input :P



My favorite part is that you start the thing competently. My second favorite part is that an eldar player from a declining forum breaks all the conventions and still schools everyone on how to write a basic background article. See, all you have to do to write well is be smarter than other people.


Mistrust of the ecclesiarchy is sort of boring and had might as well be left out. It's very usual for space marines, it's way usual for DiY space marine articles, and I don't know how bothered exiled Iron Warriors would be by it. If their identity isn't primarily hating the Ecclesiarchy, and they aren't actively at war with the ecclesiarchy, you don't need to ever use the term and should use that portion of the word count for more central topics.


Single battle-barge is sort of classic.

Thanks for the input :tu: as per your comment I had another look through a bunch of the DIY chapters here on the liber and noticed that bashing on the Eccliasarchy was indeed a rather consistent theme - best if I leave out or minimise that then, it seems unlikely I would meet them anyway. And yeah, the battle barge may be a classic - but I love the idea of the asteroid base anyway :P And who's the Eldar player?

As far as I know geneseed is stored at Terra by the High lords. The lexicanum has a nice article here talking about it in much more depth.


I dont really know if there is a way an apothecary could continue the recruiting process or not. That might be an option.


You sir are correct about me missing the battle barge thingy. Totally missed that. I am to understand that battle barges are essentially small fortresses with armories and the ability to construct wargear. So it would make sense that they could make smaller craft. I dont really know too much about the eagle warriors history - will look that up. Also really love the idea of an asteroid fortress. That is what I did for my chapter.

Hmm... I can't find any specifics on how gene-seed is stored, so I'm going to assume that the chapter apothecaries would be capable of maintaining it on-site. Although I might say that they keep it on the asteroid cluster rather than on the battle barge - that way even if the battle barge gets blow'd up they can still rebuild :P and yeah, asteroid bases are always awesome. They're not just for 80s sci fi villains any more ;)

Hmmm... I wanted to stay out of this, but it seems like it will continue if I don't say anything.




The origin of the Order is known only to the Astartes themselves, a terrible secret bestowed upon them after initiation. In the darkening days of the Horus Heresy, one Iron Warrior Battle Barge, Perturabo’s Might, stayed its hand during the sacking of Olympia; their hands and souls were guided from darkness by the presence of a lowly psyker within the ship, and so the crew and their loyalist Iron Warrior counterparts attempted a solitary rescue mission.


They made landfall ahead of the traitor advance and began the evacuation of as many civilians as they could manage, filling their holds with terrified Olympians. Upon realising their intent, traitor flak batteries began firing upon the dropships when they returned, and after almost a hundred small landing craft were lost, it became evident that no more could be done. Under heavy fire from the rest of the Iron Warrior fleet, Perturabo’s Might fled the system, making course for the Eastern Fringe.

Do you realize, the Iron Warriors are at this moment still loyal to Emperor's cause and the Olympia is rebelling against His rule? Sooo... The supposed traitors in your article are loyal subjects, these innocent civilians are recidivists and what the Perturabo's Might did here is act of treason. ;)


I think, you are confusing the sacking of Olympia with the destruction of Nostramo.




Do you realize, the Iron Warriors are at this moment still loyal to Emperor's cause and the Olympia is rebelling against His rule? Sooo... The supposed traitors in your article are loyal subjects, these innocent civilians are recidivists and what the Perturabo's Might did here is act of treason. :)


I think, you are confusing the sacking of Olympia with the destruction of Nostramo.


I thought it was implied that the Iron Warriors had already sided with Horus & the they used their actions in supressing the rebellion as the "reason" they joined Horus?


Onto your valid point; The Order of Olympia's psyker could have forseen that these loyalist civlians who where holed up in a misc city state were going to get massacred by the rest of the legion, and that the rest of the Iron Warriors opened fire on the Order because they believed they were rescuing the traitorous populace of Olympia & were traitors themselves. A tidy solution but, there are probably other ways around the issue though aswel.



Do you realize, the Iron Warriors are at this moment still loyal to Emperor's cause and the Olympia is rebelling against His rule? Sooo... The supposed traitors in your article are loyal subjects, these innocent civilians are recidivists and what the Perturabo's Might did here is act of treason. :tu:


I think, you are confusing the sacking of Olympia with the destruction of Nostramo.


I thought it was implied that the Iron Warriors had already sided with Horus & the they used their actions in supressing the rebellion as the "reason" they joined Horus?


Onto your valid point; The Order of Olympia's psyker could have forseen that these loyalist civlians who where holed up in a misc city state were going to get massacred by the rest of the legion, and that the rest of the Iron Warriors opened fire on the Order because they believed they were rescuing the traitorous populace of Olympia & were traitors themselves. A tidy solution but, there are probably other ways around the issue though aswel.




I thought the same as Exander. It seems to me that the slaughter at Olympia was the "tipping point" at which the Iron Warriors - knowingly or no - turned to chaos, but I suppose that part of the official fluff is so ambiguous that it could be read into either way. And yeah, both sides believing the other to be traitorous would be a great way to explain why the transports came under immediate fire upon their return - I think an edit is needed :P

The Prosperines rebelled against Iron Warrior rule. Even if they were loyal at the time, the Legion could still be bad guys. It's a boring issue.


Dizz is some notable from some other semi-sizable forum. You made a fluent post, it was plausible you might be an internet celebrity. I even had to look it up to see which site was the relevant one. *40konline

The Prosperines rebelled against Iron Warrior rule. Even if they were loyal at the time, the Legion could still be bad guys. It's a boring issue.


Dizz is some notable from some other semi-sizable forum. You made a fluent post, it was plausible you might be an internet celebrity. I even had to look it up to see which site was the relevant one. *40konline


Ha! I'm not that Dizz :)


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