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I use four sizes of brush and an airbrush; GW's old Large flat Drybrush, 20/0, 0, 2, mini majestic range from Royal Langnickel (all round point).


I almost always spray prime GW black, but for metal models I'll use grey enamel primer (the cheep stuff). Then I'll use a grey airbrush primer for the really detailed stuff for competitions.


I'll mostly base coat units with the airbrush or one off models with the old GW large flat drybrush.


I block in large colour base coats with the size 2 brush and then do the majority of the paint with this brush including washes.


The size 0 brush gets used for final hight lighting and most tiny detail work and awkward to reach areas as it has a longish slender bristles.


My final brush is 20/0 it's not as small as you'd think it's very sort in bristle length and narrows quickly I use this for eyes mainly and occasionally small optics. I use this size of brush so rarely I can still read the information on the side of the brush!


I'm still using a cheep airbrush that came with my compressor. I'll eventually upgrade and start to use it more in my painting, but that will come with time.


The Royal Langnickel brushes I use are fantastic in both value and feel. They hold paint well and flow brilliantly. I get them from a local art supply store call Jarrods they are 3 for 2 and about £3 per brush.

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I use Italieri brushes with the sizes 1, 0, 00 and for highlights and detailing a davinci kolinsky sable brush in 0000.

But I have to say, the italieri brushes aren't that good, they loose their tip realy fast and loose bristles from time to time, so I'm looking for good replacements at the moment. But I have yet to decide which brand...

Then various old brushes for drybrushing, mostly bought cheap at a crafts store. I have a H&S Evolution Airbrush for all my tanks and bigger models and I use the airbrush for priming the bigger models with vallejo primers. Gives me a better control and I can do a fairly good preshading in the priming process.

For my Marines, I use good'ol GW Chaos Black primer.

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