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Greetings from Edinburgh


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Hey all,


been a browser but non poster for the last month or so, so figured i should actually sign up for an account :)


Im a 27 year old web designer from edinburgh, after nearly a whole decade out from playing 40k, I took a look on ebay for a cheap restart army last year after finiding some folks to pay with. Ended up buying a space wolves army, as back in the day, id always really liked the models and background.


I then bought the new codex, and found that they are also pretty kickass in teh 5th Edition :)


so yeah, I play space wolves,

I dont play competitively (usually my games are organised very last minute and are done over many a beer), and i try not to be spammy with my lists


In my spare time i also like to play guitar, have a cider or twelve, and listen to horrifically fast music..or hip hop...or a bit of folk...im up for all sorts really ha.....

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Ah excellent,

looks pretty interesting that


cant make it down this week im afraid as ive got far too much work on (currently setting up my own web design/marketing agency ey..so at the moment im working 9-5.30 at my current job, then going home, and most nights working til past midnight on various things)


but i might try get down in future for a game or two once ive finished painting up my current army :blink:

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