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Battles the Deathguard took part in?


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Hey everyone after reading the Grey Knight codex in which Mortarion gets some dead Grey Knight name carved into him by some Draigo after he beat the :tu: out of our beloved Primarch (I still refuse to believe this), not only did this get me annoyed but it also got me thinking are there any battles in which the Death Guard fought in and actually won. As hard as I have tried to find evidence of them winning I cannot find a single codex or novel which has a battle in which we win, if any one knows where I can find a battle that the forces of Nurgle win then I would be extremely grateful as it is a bit annoying that the only examples of the Death Guard fighting are when they get the :cuss beaten out of them by.


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Typhus took a strategically vital planet (an agriworld, as far as I recall) during the 13th Black Crusade and transformed it into a daemonworld (beaten to the punch by Lord Caerolion, I see).


I've also heard something about a war between the DG and the Thousand Sons; not aware of any battles in that, but if it's true that inter-legion conflicts will be expanded upon in the next codex, I wouldn't be surprised if the DG got some tasty victories there.


Are you a pre-heresy DG fan as well? If so, think about how the legion was chosen to fight its battles in the :cusstiest of environments. That alone makes me respect them more than, well, pretty much every other legion out there.


Also, don't the DG kick major ass in the Siege of Vraks? And there's some damn scary DG in ADB's first book, and also in one of Henry Zhou's Blood Gorgons novels - the Gorgons can't handle them, AFAIK.

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I remember reading about three - the Apostles of Contagion, The Tainted and the Lords of Decay. (I don't think The Purge counts as a DG warband).


I must reiterate how awesome the original DG must have been. The worlds they took must have been no less of a fortress than the ones taken by the Iron Warriors - a corrosive atmosphere is at least, if not more effective than the tallest battlements! And if you bother to conquer such a world in the first place, then it must be strategically important.

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Typhus took a strategically vital planet (an agriworld, as far as I recall) during the 13th Black Crusade and transformed it into a daemonworld (beaten to the punch by Lord Caerolion, I see).


I've also heard something about a war between the DG and the Thousand Sons; not aware of any battles in that, but if it's true that inter-legion conflicts will be expanded upon in the next codex, I wouldn't be surprised if the DG got some tasty victories there.


Are you a pre-heresy DG fan as well? If so, think about how the legion was chosen to fight its battles in the :cusstiest of environments. That alone makes me respect them more than, well, pretty much every other legion out there.


Also, don't the DG kick major ass in the Siege of Vraks? And there's some damn scary DG in ADB's first book, and also in one of Henry Zhou's Blood Gorgons novels - the Gorgons can't handle them, AFAIK.


Really where can I find more about this Typhus creating a Daemon world it sounds interesting, I am a huge Pre heresy Death Guard fan it was what made me like Nurgle in the first place I just thought the were coolest out of all the Legions. I have read both Blood Gorgons and Cadian Blood and whilst it was cool how the Death Guard owned up in both books I did not really like the endings. I have not read the siege of Vraks books yet though whilst I would like to get all three they are a bit too expensive for me at the moment.

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Except those that serve under Typhus, the majority of the XIV Legion splintered into smaller forces after Mortarion ascended to Daemonhood. Once in a while, they'll gather into a larger warband capable of taking a planet or two, but for the most part, the Death Guard as a Legion has ceased to exist. They just don't conquer Sub-Sectors like they used to, man.
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There's a short story that has the Death Guard kicking the Imperial Fist in the teeth good.



Would you happen to know what that story was called, and where I would find it?


I don't know if this is the one you're talking about, but, the Death Guard kicking the crap out of the Imperial Fists is in the Index Astartes article for the Death Guard.


EDIT: Found the snippet.

Corpses bloated with noxious gases spewed excremental fluids as the filth encrusted Land Raider crushed them beneath its rusted iron tracks, grinding their jellied bones to pulp. Explosions burst around the massive vehicle, filling the air with lethal fragments and scoring the necrotic surface of its armoured hide. Hulking and deformed warriors kept pace with the plague tank, firing mucus covered bolters through the yellow fog as they advanced. The Imperial Fists defensive line was less than fifty metres away, the ground before it littered with the twisted, plague ridden carcasses of those unfortunate enough to have been touched by the dark powers.


The fog coiled about the Land Raider like a living thing, as though it moved on some vile business of its own. The white heat of lascannon fire speared through the sickly haze and struck the hull of the tank, blasting a deep wound in its fleshy exterior. The massive vehicle slewed around, but kept moving, spinning tracks churning scraps of rotten flesh and decayed limbs as it rumbled over the pathetic barricade their foes had erected. The ground shook as the vehicle crashed back to earth. The front ramp dropped and pestilential fumes gusted from within, like the breath of some vast, infected beast. Vomited from the belly of the armoured beast, warriors spawned in a festering nightmare charged from the Land Raider, a foul miasma of contagion wreathing their helmets in smoky darkness. Almost three metres tall, the huge figures wore filth-ridden suits of Terminator armour, splashed with clusters of weeping boils and sores. Diseased lesions and foul organic matter oozed from cracks in the armour.


Brother Colathrax stalked through the fog of sweet corruption and hail of bolter shells, his plague sword licking out left and right. He cut and slabbed, slicing skin and pricking organs, but never killing outright, no, never that. For who was he to deprive his foes of the agonising bliss of Father Nurgles Rot? How sweet it was to watch those whom the false Emperor had made mighty descend into madness and decay, their once powerful bodies turning on them as plague reduced them to mindless, gibbering horrors of mutated flesh. They had set themselves up as gods and would now pay the price for that arrogance. A Space Marine Captain in blazing yellow armour stood before him. his sword raised in challenge and Colathrax smiled.


Colathrax batted aside the sword with his power fist, stabbing his suppurating weapon through his opponents belly. The blade of the plague sword skewered the Space Marine in an upward arc, lifting him from his feet and hammering through the building behind. Blood pooled beneath the Space Marine's twitching body. The wound refused to close and he coughed bloody phlegm as he felt the meat of his body rotting at a terrifying rate, internal organs flooding with dead fluids and the flesh of his limbs sloughing from his bones inside his armour. His breath rasped as his lungs dissolved and his vision faded as his eyeballs liquefied, sliding down his face like glutinous tears. He tried to curse his killer, but his throat had ruptured and seconds later his brain was a foetid grey ooze dribbling from his sagging head.


Brother Colathrax inhaled the intoxicating aroma of his masters putrescent benediction and offered a short prayer to Father Nurgle. He wrenched his sword from the wall, allowing the sloshing suit of power armour to topple to the stinking ground. The disintegration of this world was almost complete and Colathrax could taste their victory on the foul wind that swept the battlefield. He pictured oceans of decaying flesh. infection rampant and plagues unnumbered. That would be their gift to the denizens of this mortal realm. Colathrax laughed at the thought as the fog closed in.



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Don't you just lurve a sloppy romantic hunk of prose such as that!


:tu: :P :sick: :yuck: :sick: :blink: :tu:


I totally agree with the gist of this thread: that all that Papa Nurgle needs now are some happy little yarns such as this.

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Well...to be fair - the book "Blood Gorgons"...





...does not really end well for the Death Guard, as they get sucker punched by unarmed and unarmoured, captive Blood Gorgons...so, that is not really a moment of glory for us.




Master Ciaphas

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Well, to be fair to the Death Guard,

the Blood Gorgons took a hell of a beating from the Death Guard's much smaller force (poor buggers would be lucky to still have half their Chapter left), the Gorgons lost the majority of their most experienced officers, and Gammadin beat the Crow by sheer luck, not skill.



Lady Luck suckerpunched the Death Guard, not the Blood Gorgons.

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Still a loss is a loss no mater the way you look at it after all the Death Guard

went from capturing a renegade chapter inflicting severe casualties on the Blood Gorgons including most of their senior leader to being utterly annihilated by their own captives who were mostly unarmed with the Crow being defeated by Gammadin who obviously only won due to luck but still Gammadin should of been killed as soon as he was captured instead of keeping him as a personal trophy, the character in the book who I really felt sorry for was the Plague Marine who was killed by a horde of slaves (I bet Pappa Nurgle would not of been too happy with him)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I remember reading about three - the Apostles of Contagion, The Tainted and the Lords of Decay. (I don't think The Purge counts as a DG warband).


The Purge are Nurgle associated, but they're not DG. The Purge has only been around for 3K years, not 10K+, like DG.


Well, technically they could still be. If they only split from the DG, naming themselves the Purge, 3K years ago, then the Purge has only existed for 3K years, but they're still Death Guard. Unlikely, but still a possibility.

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  • 3 months later...
As far as I understand, the Treacheries of the Space Marines anthology has Typhus wreck an imperial world with total impunity and another Death Guard leader giving Marduk's Word Bearers a serious run for their money. Obviously, Marduk will come out on top eventually, but still.
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I think part of the difficulty is that when we are dealt with in the fluff, the Death Guard are almost always in the role of the adversary; this is normative with Chaos, but even amongst the followers of the Dark Gods stories are almost never told from the Death Guard perspective. Not sure why that is- perhaps the plague marine point of view is too monstrous and gross, too alien for common consumption. Plague marines are amongst the most warped of the followers of chaos, every single one a hideous mutant completely given over to corruption, despair, and hate. Personally, I really like strength born of insane desperation, but, meh, apparently most BL writers disagree with me.


tl;dr we are basically presented as fearsome bad guys and little more because ick.

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