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A little help/advice

Claws of Corax

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Some background: --


I have been play testing and building my army in preparation for attending this weekends Throne of Skulls Tournement at Warhammer World. In the course of my playtesting I have been using part built/painted models while I work on certain parts.. Last night I pull out my army to work on again and I find I have lost the servitor controled turret for my second Storm Raven. (I think the Daemon kittens of Khorne have attacked them)


The issue is that I cant now paint the turret and the model cant be finished for the weekend..


How should I resolve this issue?

1) Rewrite my army so that I dont use the second Storm Raven,

2) Buy a third Storm Raven just for the Turret (and build it after the GT)

3) Scratch build a turret


Any other suggestions?


Thanks in advance?



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Ouch.. having several cats myself I know that situation all to well.


I couldn't imagine playing without 2 Stormravens, so option #1 is straight out the window.


If you have decent bits to make a presentable placeholder, then do #3, however if you don't and you have the funds a 3rd Stormraven is never a bad thing.

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Thanks guys for your replies.


I am going to buy a third storm raven and make the turret for my second Storm Raven, then buy from a bits site to replace it.


Just have to get it done.. Feel like I'll have to do an all nighter to finish everything.. just like writing essays at university..


The list I'll be using (unless something bad happens)




Furioso Dreadnaught (Blood Talons)

Sanguinary Priest (JP, Powerweapon)


Assault Squad (Powerfist, 2 meltaguns)

Assault Squad (Powerweapon, 2 flamers)

Assault Squad 5 man in second Storm Raven with the Sang Priest


Storm Raven (Las Cannon & Multi Melta)

Storm Raven (Assault Cannon & Typhoon)


That is off the top of my head..



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