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You have 100 points left over and must pick a Troops choice


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As the topic suggests.


Option 1: Tactical Squad with a Combi-Weapon on the Sergeant

Option 2: Scout Squad with 3 Bolters, 1 Missile Launcher, 1 Sniper Rifle on the Sergeant, Camo Cloaks

Option 3: Assault Squad with Jump Packs or Drop Pod


(Not sure if relevant but I'm in the process of finishing painting a Techmarine and as piss awful as he is, I want him on the board, so whichever unit you pick will get +1 better cover save in a ruin)

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I love Scouts. They've never done me much good (probably my own fault for running them as 4 shotguns and a Power Fist), but I love the little buggers. And with sniper rifles and a missile launcher, they sound like the best choice for sitting in those ruins and blasting the enemy. They'll get the most benefit from it, too, going up to a... what, a 2+ cover save? Does not suck....

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I've never had scouts make their points back. All they do is get killed and u just threw away 100 points. 2+ invulnerable sounds great if they are on an objective but how long will that last when the enemy crushes them in close combat?

Besides it all depends on your armies composition. Can we see a list or is this theoretical?

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What I take all the time is 4 snipers with cloaks and a ml. They are my objective grabbers. Never tried bolsters since they don't have the same range?


They don't do much legion but I have found that they become very low priority target if the rest of your guys are rampaging through there lines. I only tend to take them when I have fast hard hitting lists with nobody to sit on objectives. Personally I hate tax squads. I wish I didn't buti do. Most of the timei just go to ground if anybody bothers to shoot at me. They seem to last a good while.

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What I take all the time is 4 snipers with cloaks and a ml. They are my objective grabbers. Never tried bolsters since they don't have the same range?


They don't do much legion but I have found that they become very low priority target if the rest of your guys are rampaging through there lines. I only tend to take them when I have fast hard hitting lists with nobody to sit on objectives. Personally I hate tax squads. I wish I didn't buti do. Most of the timei just go to ground if anybody bothers to shoot at me. They seem to last a good while.



This exactly. My scouts are usually very quite on the bettle field, but I don't care - they may not be getting their points back, but they are camping a backfield objective and absolutely NO ONE is paying attention to them because they have to choose between my lowly scouts or the black armored shock troops about to hit their lines in a storm raven - or the melta RAS in their backfield popping their armor or the drop pod dread in 2D6 pen and charge range.


They work well when there are so many other threats that the enemy won't waste shots on the buggers because I've screwed with his target priority. And having that extra objective padding all game let's me be that much more aggressive with my main force.


They rarely draw much in the way of fire, and usually provide valuable insurance in objective games.


In annihilation I usually infiltrate into some nice cover and try for side and rare armor.

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The dark eldar player will send a venom to take out my home objective or sometimes a land raider with people on board. Scouts just die. To be fair i do the same thing. Nothing like forcing to split the opponents army by going for the home objective.

But if people ignore ur scouts then yeah by all means they're a good choice.

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I feel this option is overlooked all the time.


-Scout squad x 5

-Sgt with combi-melta, sniper rifle, and melta bombs

-3 scouts with sniper rifles

-1 scout with missile launcher


This unit is 100 pts even.


Soooo many times people just let me infiltrate 18 inches; I then scout move my 6 inches, move another 6 in my movement, and there is my 2d6 melta roll. If I don't wreck the vehicle, I can assault with the melta-bombs, getting another 6 inches, and into their deployment zone with a missile launcher and 4 sniper rifles. I have just held onto my melta shot, and let people drive right by for a rear armour shot.


Either way, I have found them to be really disruptive to people plans. If you can free up the points, you can put a locater beacon on the sgt as well for some DoA behind enemy lines.


food for thought

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My vote would go to the scouts.


5 scouts + ML + Cloaks = 100 points.


Combine that with the tech-priest you're running and you've just turned a regular 4++ piece of terrain into a 2++ for your scouts. As long as you're fairly strategic with which piece you boost, you can be sure you're scouts will almost definitely make their points back. I'd take all sniper-rifles except for the ML btw. The chance at a rending shot is really nice because it allows the whole squad to have a shot at destroying light armored vehicles, instead of just the ML. Also at 36" range you can easily knock a few wounds off a MC or other high toughness model with sniper rifles.

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The dark eldar player will send a venom to take out my home objective or sometimes a land raider with people on board. Scouts just die. To be fair i do the same thing. Nothing like forcing to split the opponents army by going for the home objective.

But if people ignore ur scouts then yeah by all means they're a good choice.


But most people will ignore the scouts. After all, why bother with five models that you don't have much chance of killing, when you could kill off the stuff that's threatening you? And if they do concentrate all their long ranged fire on the scouts, which they'll have to to kill them, them so much the better. It means everything else in your army now has free passage for the cost of those five scouts. When you have the points, especially if you're running a major assault army with some sort of hammer unit, they're quite nice to throw in there.

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I'd like to thank everyone who defended the use of the scouts. :woot: You've convinced me to field some in my otherwise, very CC army. I'm planning on mostly playing objective games, so it'd work great. Get the scouts on the objective, and then I push forward and keep them off the scouts. Failing that, I push forward, and just roll through their army while they focus on taking me off the objective.
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The reason I went with 3 Bolters and 1 Sniper Rifle on the Sergeant was, well, basically because I wanted this unit to be especially threatening to would be assaulters (so 12" double tap is good) but be able to force pinning tests with a WS4 shot at 36" range when necessary.


In hindsight I'd make it 2 Sniper Rifles for more reliable pinning (1 on the sergeant), 2 Bolters and 1 ML, all with camo cloaks, 100 pts.


I think I'll go with this and give it a try.

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After all, why bother with five models that you don't have much chance of killing, when you could kill off the stuff that's threatening you?

if you cant kill 5 scouts your not going to be killing +3 sv meq with possible FnP. people will kill scouts if possible because A if kill points the scouts are one B if it is objectives they are close and contesting .


The question which should be asked here is , what kind of a BA build ends up with 100pts that have to be spent on troops . because am having problems with imagining what kind of a build ends up like that. it aint razor spam , not doa , not a dant army . so what does the rest of the list look like ?

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Scouts for me, with 4 sniper rifles, cloaks and a missile launcher. Park them in cover on an objective and hope that nothing gets close enough to assault.


I wouldn't rely on them actually hurting anything though. In fact, in all the games I've played with them I can't actually recall them killing more than one model per battle. Crap BS combined with AP 6 means very few hits and almost no unsaved wounds unless you're lucky enough to get a rend (which I'm not).

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I'm in the boat with scouts. People can try to kill them in shooting, but they get a 2+ save (bolster or not with cloaks they get 2+ if they go to ground). I usually would opt for the Missile and every one else with Close combat weapons. While it is a nice thought that the bolters will help as units come to assault you, and that you might pin a unit, the issue is that often those weapons don't want to shoot at the same thing (the missile would want to shoot at a vehicle a lot of the time). Giving them combat blades, means as units come close to assault you, you can keep shooting other stuff and still hold your own as each scout now has 2 attacks base.
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After all, why bother with five models that you don't have much chance of killing, when you could kill off the stuff that's threatening you?

if you cant kill 5 scouts your not going to be killing +3 sv meq with possible FnP. people will kill scouts if possible because A if kill points the scouts are one B if it is objectives they are close and contesting .


The question which should be asked here is , what kind of a BA build ends up with 100pts that have to be spent on troops . because am having problems with imagining what kind of a build ends up like that. it aint razor spam , not doa , not a dant army . so what does the rest of the list look like ?


But the scouts are going to be sitting in cover with a 2+ cover save. There are a lot more juicy and more threatening targets that you can hit.

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  • 4 weeks later...
For my local meta I push my scouts up to a central objective with sniper rifles. I support with two flamestorm Baal Preds that are screened behind cover. Basically whoever comes to push the snipers gets templates in the face. in higher point games I pie plate with a vindicator. the snipers work great for pinning so the mop up armor can take its time. needless to say my scouts don't survive too often but the points they make as bait more than make up for it to me. The key is to make the scouts a pain by targeting key units, no one likes their killers to get pinned.
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5 to 10 Scouts: Shotguns and a Combi-melta and locator beacon.


Cheap enough to sit objectives and cheap enough to play boldly and create a 12" wide no scatter DS zone near important objectives and enemy board edges which is especially handy with Vanguard and heroic intervention. Leave the scouts a bit exposed, enemy move in to kill them in CC, Vanguard fall from the sky and provide the beatdown. I've also lost count of the number of times the squad has paid for itself in terms of killing armor with a lucky melta or borking an opponents battle plan with expendable scout shenanigans.

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