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You have 100 points left over and must pick a Troops choice


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I feel this option is overlooked all the time.


-Scout squad x 5

-Sgt with combi-melta, sniper rifle, and melta bombs

-3 scouts with sniper rifles

-1 scout with missile launcher


This unit is 100 pts even.


Soooo many times people just let me infiltrate 18 inches; I then scout move my 6 inches, move another 6 in my movement, and there is my 2d6 melta roll. If I don't wreck the vehicle, I can assault with the melta-bombs, getting another 6 inches, and into their deployment zone with a missile launcher and 4 sniper rifles. I have just held onto my melta shot, and let people drive right by for a rear armour shot.


Either way, I have found them to be really disruptive to people plans. If you can free up the points, you can put a locater beacon on the sgt as well for some DoA behind enemy lines.


food for thought

uh...correct me if im wrong but scouts dont got the scout rule? so they cant make that 6 inch scout move....


as for the OP's question it would have to depend on the rest of the list. just saying you have 100 pts to spend and have to choose an troop choice is somewhat....vague

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They do indeed have Scouts and Infiltrate so this plan works a treat.


I would also vote for 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks. Deploy them straight on to an objective and snipe away without fear thanks to your 2+ cover save provided by the Techmarine and the Camo Cloaks.

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They do indeed have Scouts and Infiltrate so this plan works a treat.


I would also vote for 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks. Deploy them straight on to an objective and snipe away without fear thanks to your 2+ cover save provided by the Techmarine and the Camo Cloaks.


If you only have 100 points then you can't afford the techmarine. It's also fairly low on my list of elite choices.

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Never underestimate the power of five Assault Troopers with jump packs. I'd try and dig up 10 points from somewhere and give them a special weapon.


It also depends on whats in the rest of the list. Is it a DoA list? Then I'd go with more Assault Troops. Mech? Then maybe Scouts would work- park 'em on an objective, or act as a speed bump, etc. Already running Death Company? There is that old adage "The more the merrier!"- unless they are in a transport.


100 points is a fair chunk of points, and you really can buy a lot with it. The OP did specify a Troops Choice, which means he/she might need an extra scoring unit? If you already have 2-3 scoring units (or the capability for it via Combat Squads), I'd look at a Land Speeder, Attack Bike, or Predator.

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They do indeed have Scouts and Infiltrate so this plan works a treat.


I would also vote for 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks. Deploy them straight on to an objective and snipe away without fear thanks to your 2+ cover save provided by the Techmarine and the Camo Cloaks.

ah ok. couldnt check as i dont have my codex handy :P


when people suggest scouts all seem to favour snipers. have any of you tried close combat scouts? they may be ws3 but if they can get a priest nearby (which isent so hard to achieve) they become suprisingly hard hitting for their low cost ;)

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when people suggest scouts all seem to favour snipers. have any of you tried close combat scouts? they may be ws3 but if they can get a priest nearby (which isent so hard to achieve) they become suprisingly hard hitting for their low cost :P


But for 100 points you could pick up a 5-man assault squad or even 5 DC, who would be considerably more hard hitting.

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They do indeed have Scouts and Infiltrate so this plan works a treat.


I would also vote for 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks. Deploy them straight on to an objective and snipe away without fear thanks to your 2+ cover save provided by the Techmarine and the Camo Cloaks.

ah ok. couldnt check as i dont have my codex handy <_<


when people suggest scouts all seem to favour snipers. have any of you tried close combat scouts? they may be ws3 but if they can get a priest nearby (which isent so hard to achieve) they become suprisingly hard hitting for their low cost :D

For me its because most of my lists provide hard hitting stuff naturally. A unit that can sit in cover with some shooting and hold an objective is rarer for me.

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Well, OK, I didn't want to turn this into a discussion about my list specifically and keep it about low cost troop choices for BA instead, but if you really ask, here's the list I have:



130 1 Reclusiarch

100 1 Librarian

235 5 Honor Guard (Chapter Banner, Blood Champion, Power Fist, Meltagun, Drop Pod)



265 10 Tactical Squad (Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Plasmagun, Multi-Melta, Rhino)

240 10 Tactical Squad (Combi-Plasma, Plasmagun, Missile Launcher, Rhino)

255 9 Death Company (1 Power Fist/Bolter, 1 Power Weapon/Bolt Pistol, 4 Bolters, 3 Chainswords/Bolt Pistols, Drop Pod)

140 5 Assault Squad (Power Fist, Meltagun, Drop Pod)

100 5 Scout Squad (Camo Cloaks, 2 Bolters, 2 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missile Launcher)



155 1 Baal Predator (TL Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Storm Bolter)



145 1 Dreadnought (TL Lascannon, Missile Launcher)

105 1 Dreadnought (Multi-Melta)

130 5 Devastator Squad (4 Missile Launchers)


Librarian with Honor Guard (DP Assault)

Recusiarch with Death Company (DP Assault)

Assault Squad reserved for late game objective grabbing.

Baal Predator infiltrate scout move

The rest move forward and shoot 24".


My dilemma is this:


I can take 2 out of the following 4


Assault Squad (in the list, but beefed up a bit)

Scouts (in the list)

Another Tactical Squad (5, with a Combi-Weapon)

Scout Bikers (3-4, with Meltabombs and astartes launchers)

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