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Word Bearer vs Ultras official storewide event


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I don't know how many people have seen this, but I thought it may be interesting for you Word Bearer laddies & lassies. I don't know if it is worldwide or not.


Attention defenders of the Imperium - the God-Emperor needs you to fight against the Ruinous Powers! On 18th February, all across the world, the forces of Chaos, spearheaded by the Word Bearers Legion, will attempt to destroy the Ultramarines Chapter once and for all.


Ten millennia ago, the Word Bearers struck and Calth burned. At great cost, the Ultramarines drove their enemies from the world and into the darkness. Now they have returned. In the ruins of Calth and across the worlds of Ultramar, Chaos forces led by the Word Bearers take their revenge on the defenders of the Imperium. The Ultramarines are hard-pressed to see off the threat, and they need allies. Build your forces and take part in this day of devastation. Field your Space Marines and Imperial Guard in defence of Ultramar, or bring Daemons and Chaos Space Marines and finish what was started ten thousand years ago.


Hobby Centres around the world will be running massive games of Warhammer 40,000 to celebrate the eagerly anticipated Horus Heresy novel by Dan Abnett, Know No Fear. (Extract here.) The story in the book takes place around the invasion of the Ultramar sector and the battle for Calth. To commemorate the events during the Heresy and the ripples of effect this had in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, many of our stores will be fighting huge battles in the never-ending war on various planets across the sector.


We've already heard tale of battles taking place on space stations, moons and even underground, from Cities of Death battles to massive, shop-sized Apocalypse games. Sounds like things could get pretty messy on the gaming table, if you ask me. Make sure to drop by your local Hobby Centre or check out their Facebook page, where you can find out more about the day's events.


Don't forget, if you've got any great Word Bearers or Ultramarines hobby, we'd love to see it...




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well considering chaos scales bad in higher point games and there is fewer chaos players then marines players , then I hope the clubs have enough chaos WB painted and ready to play with [with enough oblits].


hahaha...you guys made my day.....jeske you are die-hard to a tee.


We have been trying for the last 10 000 years...

But, chaos (and hope) are the last to die...the ultramarines aren't as nasty as the grey knights and blood angels and barbarian marines running around...

we ought to kick their behinds in apocalypse. Monday is my gaming night...i'll get my 1000p of black legion versus my mates 1000p of Marines and consecrate my battle to help the word bearers cause.


Death to the false emperor!

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depands what ultramarine means . If it means huge power armor on power armor battle then it aint so bad[as in till they start playing more then 3k pts] . if its ultramarines as in ultramarines planetary guard[iG] , the anti demon force that always shows up because they know when and why demons pop up even before demons know it [GK] , then it is going to be a lot harder to play against. I mean NDK or hvy tanks are a problem [for chaos] sometimes in even normal sized games . imagine what 12 of those do . specialy as our support is stuff like dreads[the more you take the bigger chance of one going crazy] .


there just isnt enough cool stuff to do with chaos . Imagine the ultramarines with stuff that never gets used in normal games[like venguard or even a full reserv company or full first company] . some wow factor for those who like it [specialy and calgar makes all those units crazy] . and we get what crazy dreads , demons dieing because of cover [no frags] . I hope someone drops 100possessed and roll 6 ten times .

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Seems to me they could be preparing what rumors announced, 6th ed. with chaos VS. loyal marines, by launching a world wide campaign. The days of struggle could be over, and be replaced by an era of glory, bloodshed and divine power.

Or not at all.


I think its to tie in with the Release of "Know No Fear", hence Word Bearers vs Ultramarines.

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Hobby Centres around the world will be running massive games of Warhammer 40,000 to celebrate the eagerly anticipated Horus Heresy novel by Dan Abnett, Know No Fear. (Extract here.) The story in the book takes place around the invasion of the Ultramar sector and the battle for Calth. To commemorate the events during the Heresy and the ripples of effect this had in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, many of our stores will be fighting huge battles in the never-ending war on various planets across the sector.


Seems to me they could be preparing what rumors announced, 6th ed. with chaos VS. loyal marines, by launching a world wide campaign. The days of struggle could be over, and be replaced by an era of glory, bloodshed and divine power.

Or not at all.


Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Great. My Word Bearers are in storage, too.... :D


I curse the fact that my two primary armies are too large for me to justify bringing overseas to training, when it appears that simply awesome things are in store for both of them this year... and I get to miss it.


...Tables hurt when you hit them with your head.... :pinch:

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I wonder if anyone will be using Counts-As with Space Wolves, Space Marines, or Grey Knights...


Only as sacrifices.


:( <_<



They have to count as Sororitas in that case. Don't forget to bring your bathtub if you want any army wide bonus...

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