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Need Ideas!


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Okay, this is going to be part of an idea I have for a buddy of mine; he's currently in the middle of an Afghanistan tour, comes back in June/July and he's putting together a World Eaters force with a couple of Land Raiders in it.

I plan to make him another one as a welcome back pressie.

Now, there used to be an upgrade in a previous Chaos 'dex for a Khornate vehicle upgrade known as the Destroyer; people used to bolt one on Dreads but I'm thinking one on the front of this 'Raider would look as mean as all get-out. ;)

It was generally described as a wicked collection of drills, saw blades and other whirly/cutty things. Dreads used to use Fabius Bile's Chirugeon arms, for example.

Snag is that I don't really want to foul the assault ramp but a pair of big rock grinders a la this beastiegallery_34078_2164_4476.jpg from Tiberian Sun excite my appetite for all things spiky - especially since the bulk of the vehicle will be a stripped down no-nonsense FW Pre-heresy kit.

Anyone got any other ideas? If not, what can I use for this roller? Ork Deff-rollas seem way too big.

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Hail there my friend.


You dont have to worry about the rollers blocking the assault ramp if you are using a FW pre heresy raider, as it dosent have an assault ramp on the front like a normal land raider does.


I say go for the rollers. It could be tedious but if it were me, i'd chop loads of basic hook shapes from styrene strip then glue them around a styrene tube ( similar to the pattern on the image you supplied) to create a horrific mangling device. Could take a while but would look pretty darn knarly if you ask me.

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You dont have to worry about the rollers blocking the assault ramp if you are using a FW pre heresy raider, as it dosent have an assault ramp on the front like a normal land raider does.

Sorry, not quite clear; this is the Mk 2b, so it does have a ramp, hence the snag....

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Talking about this?




Hades Breaching Drill


You could use one of those or make one yourself and use the kind of systeme Bobpanda used for the dozerblades on his Crusader LR





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Ah sorry, I didnt realise you meant the mk 2B, i thought you meant the proteus so i can see the issue now.

I think slayer le boucher has hit the nail on the head there, that lifting doser blade idea is very nicely done and i think you could adapt it quite easily to have a pair of rollers on it. (provided you want to of course).

Nice stuff

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