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Who are the Death Guard's rival chapter


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Hey everyone I was just wondering how the other Chaos Legions have their major rivals/ enemy chapters (e.g Ultramarines and Word Bearers, Space Wolves and Thousand Sons, Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors) does the Death Guard have a loyalist first founding chapter they hate or that hates them as hearing about every other Chaos Legions enemy makes you wonder especially with this upcoming Ultramarines VS Word Bearers event.


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A lot of Chapters don't have just one rival. Like the "Mirror Legion" idea, it isn't as simple as "X hates Y". The Death Guard never really had any true rivalries with any loyalist Legion, although Mortarion utterly hated Magnus, and their patrons are complete opposites, so the closest you could come to a Nemesis would be the Thousand Sons.


Come to think of it, most Legions don't have a major rival Chapter, as you put it, or they double up. Both the Word Bearers and Alpha Legion hate the Ultramarines, and the Iron Warriors hate the Imperial Fists. The Black Legion, Night Lords, Emperors Children, World Eaters and Death Guard don't really have one though. I mean, they've had big battles against particular Chapters, or their Primarchs have held grudges, but the vast majority don't extend as far as the loathing the Thousand Sons have for the Space Wolves, for example.

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One could argue that,


The Black Legion's potential rival (more like hated enemy) could be -> Emperor's Children for the whole cloning of Horus thing.

Emperor's Children -> World Eaters - "Remember Skalathrax!"

Night Lords -> Dark Angels - for the HH's genocidal rampage/control of the Eastern Fringes + the Gothic War

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True, there's the World Eaters/Emperors Children, but the Night Lords/Dark Angels doesn't really work. Yeah, they fought a campaign against them during the Horus Heresy, but they haven't really done anything to each other since, and the Dark Angels aren't going "damn those Night Lords! We need to make them pay for what they did during the Heresy!" or vice versa. Similarly, I get the feeling that the Black Legion don't really care about the Emperors Children any more. Sure, they stole Horus' body and tried to clone it, but the Black Legion didn't give a damn about Horus at that point, and they apparently satisfied themselves with simply beating the crud out of the Emperors Children while destroying the body.

We're talking "don't let a chance to attack them, even if it's bad for you" levels of hatred here. Most Legions/Chapters simply don't have that sort of thing. They may have fought extensive wars against them, but they're almost all simply because of the tactical situation, not because of an underlying grudge.

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There was an IG book that mentioned that the Raven Guard had a grudge against the Death Guard due to the latter's destruction of a RG battleship/battle barge during the Heresy.


I can't for the life of me remember the books name though, but it dealt with the zombie plague.

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There was an IG book that mentioned that the Raven Guard had a grudge against the Death Guard due to the latter's destruction of a RG battleship/battle barge during the Heresy.


I can't for the life of me remember the books name though, but it dealt with the zombie plague.


I think it was Cadian Blood or something

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If you look up "Nurgle" over on Lexicanum.com, then you'll see that he and Tzeentch don't seem to get along.



From this, a natural enemy that springs to my mind would be the Thousand Sons.


There's also the new fluff from Codex: Grey Knights (love it or hate it), regarding Kaldor Draigo supposedly whooping our Primarch's bodyguard, and carving his mentor's name onto Mortarion's heart (whom I believe, the story says Mortarion killed in the first place).


I can't find anything else on them. Death Guard seem to be very under-written. There was the whole thing with the 13th Crusade, what with Typhus making billions of Imperial zombies and all, and the Heresy novel Flight of the Eisenstein - but that obviously focusses far more on the Death Guard who remain loyal.

I really hope that Death Guard get some love in the new Codex...

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I'm not saying that each faction in the galaxy needs a binary opposite, but it would be nice to finally see some new back story for them.

All we really have to go on at the moment are what they were like when the Heresy began, and that in the 41st Millenium, they like to make zombies.

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I would definitely say that the Death Guard and Thousand Sons are main rivals. Nurgle and Tzeentch hate each other, so it makes perfect sense.

Theres also passages of text in the previous Chaos Codex that states the relationship (or should that be rivalry) between Nurgle and Tzeentch: "The main rival of the Lord of Sorcery is Nurgle" and "The two Gods' servents clash as often with each other as with their mutual enemies" and finally "The two Gods are engaged in a galaxy wide struggle of opposing forces".



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That was in the 2nd ed Codex Chaos - Abbadon and a cohort of World Eaters Bezerkers managed to assault a position held by the BA 9th Company, killing them all. Despite the best efforts of the BA assault company, they couldnt recover theri bodies or geneseed from the Traitors...
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In Flight of the Eisenstein and Fulgrim, there's a bunch of Death Guard vs. Emperor's Children hatred. It's mostly based off of the elegance and unnecessary actions of the Emperor's Children and the practical and precise methods of the Death Guard.
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