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My Spin on Mephiston. (WIP)


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DISCLAIMER: You can skip the first three long-winded paragraphs if you just want pictures. It's just me rambling on about the idea. ;p


I've seen a lot of home grown Mephistons on these boards, mainly because people think the model isn't dynamic enough. That or they don't like his mullet, which is an equally valid concern. I generally side with those that aren't particularly fond of him because he's a rather static figure. I thought about just kit bashing my own variation on Mephiston, however, I have the problem of admittedly being a bit of an original model purist. For some reason I just like playing with the actual models instead of my own counts as models. They feel more... legitimate for some strange reason. Weird, I know, but it left me with the predicament of trying to spice him up in a different way.


Mephiston is my favorite character in the BA codex, so I wanted to make him look as badass as possible. I thought for a while about ways to go about this, and then decided to focus on his psychic powers to kind of give him a bit of flavor. I decided I wanted to try to created a representation of his Wings of Sanguinus psychic ability. I didn't want to go with the standard angel wing representation since that's already represented on many models in the codex. Also I didn't really view his wings as just some sort of big psychic angel wings sprouting from his back. I always imagined that he could probably just channel enough psychic power to just resist gravity and fly without any sort of noticeable effort or aid. That wouldn't aid me much spicing him up however, so I tried to create wings for him straying away from the angelic stereotype. I wanted something more representative, in my eyes at least, of the chaotic, whimsical energies of the warp that he would be channeling. Being a huge Diablo II nerd years ago, I decided to use Tyrael as inspiration. I felt his energy wings kind of portrayed the sort of non-static, more than just wings feeling I was going for. I also wanted them to give the impression that Mephiston could harness that energy any way he pleased, that he could use his wings to cause damage if he wanted.


Anyways, enough rambling. These are obviously WIP photos. I'm still working on him, but I've never posted any sort of photos of my models before so I thought I'd give it a go. Mainly because my painting skills are sub-par at best (Though I'm slowly improving!). I'm rather embarrassed to post anything having seen some of the gorgeous models other players have posted on these forums. This is also my first time ever using green-stuff, or any color-stuff for that matter. I've never tried to actually create any models or pieces of my own from scratch. My first attempt was an absolutely failure, but I learned from my mistakes and came up with a better attempt my second try.


The beginning of my second attempt. I wire-framed the wings this time to give them support. The chicken-scratch above is my feeble attempt at concept art, haha.





Making sure they looked appropriately sized. I wanted them to be realistically(because that matters so much in a fantasy game) large.



Side view. I tried to make the wings seem chaotic, and sporadic. I also tried to make them look a tad threatening, hence why a couple of them are actually spearing out infront of him.



The rest of the pictures are just WIP pictures of the man himself. I'm saving the wings for last.











Here's the stand alone wings as well.






A couple of questions. Anyone have any preferred methods for sanding green-stuff? It's quite...flexible, and my modelling files don't really work that well. Is regular sand-paper effective? Also, I imagine his wings taking up that much space would be illegal in tournament play, am I right in thinking that?


EDIT: Sorry for the picture quality, their just cell phone pictures.

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They appear a bit thick, don't you think?. All in all it's a great model. I allways loved the figure of Tyrael because of this style of wings, and it totally works with Mephiston.

Concerning the use in tournaments. I wouldn't say it's not accepted in general. If the TO and your opponent agrees, than why shouldn't you use him?

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