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Razorback? not good?


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That's why the mech armies I typically see don't appeal to me - they are too min|maxed. It'll be interesting to see if sixth edition changes things.


G :tu:


I think we can start right now. Every new codex (that doesn't suck) shakes up the meta somehow. I'm not going to just stop playing 5th for half a year until 6th arrives anyway.


Something I have thought about lately is dropping the usual upgrades in favor of the TL-HF on assault razors and put these points towards tri-las predators. I love my preds but the autocannon is very lackluster in the back field support role. The TL-LC razor can perform, but armor 11 means it's very much in need of cover and should it be taken out chances are the embarked squad will be far from where it needs to be.



4*RAS, melta, TL-HF RB

DC*8 PF, Rhino

3*Baal pred

3*Tri-las predator


a 1750 with 10 pts of wiggle room that would play at least bit differently to the usual AC or Las-Plas razors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just thinking of starting a topic on hf razorbacks here. I recently played against 4 x hf rbs and at 20 pts each I must admit they were annoying and effective. I think I may like facing lc/tlpg rbs more simply because their worth killing. fyi the contents were all full of ras with melta and plas pistols + pw. Anyway have any BAs players tried this config out and if so what do you think? The immediate benefits I saw were single minded purpose moving flat out more often, and horribly cheap transports that still roast armor 4+.


Edit- pw optional but will be included next time I face that army.

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Its extremely good for killing infantry and as you pointed out, its dirt cheap. However you have to design the rest of your list with this approach in mind, or else you're really going to lack sufficient anti-tank. Assault Cannons and Las/plas both offer duality in terms of being able to kill tanks in addition to hurting infantry, but heavy flamers are ineffective against all but the lowest AV. The other potential problem is that with all your vehicles driving forward, you block your own sight lines to fire support units in the back, which compounds the anti-tank issue because it makes it problematic for natural choices like dreadnoughts and Auto-Las Predators to be able to see to shoot.


Infernus Pistols would be the better choice over plasma pistols, as you basically have to count on your up-close Assault Marines to carry the melta burden. Or go with Attack Bikes/Speeders.

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