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Chaos Space Marine Obliterator.


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I want to show one more my work - Obliterators. These are conversion






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Me want....how to make...will steal... :P



Ownestly thought this is how obliterators should look. If only they looked like this I'd already have some for my doom wolves.


The only remotely negative thing I can say is that they look a bit top heavy, but then, that's partially good. These are absolutely gorgeous, you have to show or tell us how you made them. :)

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please do share with us. I'd love to know how you made them and if I'm right and your greenstuff-fu is that awsome.

I badly know English language and it will be difficult to me to explain as I do.


Soon I will begin the new project and I will photograph step by step as I do it. Who нибудь to tell to me idea what exactly it can is necessary to make of Chaos that isn't present available or that doesn't arrange. For example those Obliterators which were me didn't arrange also I has made the new.



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You can explain in your native language. We will use google translate to make it make sense for us. Those are amazing!

Technically incorrect - I think the closest we've had to that working is Ludovic and I colloborating, the poster would type out in his/her own language and then Ludovic would translate that into English and vice versa for the comments.


I would personally allow this scenario (I ran it, after all :lol: ). That, however, is beyond my jurisdiction - you'll have to talk to Nihm or one of the Chaos mods to see if it's ok with them ^_^

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