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Word Bearers


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howdy fellas.

i have a few questions regarding the WBs.

first of all they are led by dark apostles, which IIRc are basically the first type of chaplains right?

do they have black armour like modern chaplains or do they have the same colour as thier legion?


also what type of units does a WB army have, is it just basic CSM, termies and the like, no cult troops im guessing?


they also use lots of daemons, thecodex has generic lesser daemons but what do people use model wise?


final Q, how do people reprisent them codex wise, if it werent for the daemons IMO theyd be better off using C:SM, C:BT or C:SW

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Hey. If I remember right, I've never seen a Dark Apostle wearing anything but red. Not sure if the WBs started the chaplain thing.


I know someone who uses the BT codex to represent his Word Bearers and one of my regular gaming pals has a C:CSM army that consists of


Chaos Lord with Demon Weapon

5 Terminators

50 Chaos Marines



10 Summoned Demons


He uses Bloodletters as his demons, because they are the most vicious looking (and they're already supposed to be red!)

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In order:

1. Yes, Dark Apostles were chaplains who turned. They were the only legion not to massacre their own chaplains.

2. There's never been an official color description, most people tend to paint them in the legion colors. That being said, there's no reason you couldn't do black, and it might actually look kind of neat.

3. Right now, there's no special codex requirements for the different Chaos Legions. So you can feel free to use whatever you want. If you want a particularly Word Bearer-y feel for your cult troops, try modelling something special, ie. Plague Marines as regular marines with an outrageous number of seals or parchment, or what have you.

4. Any model is fine. If you've got a theme going, use those. I use the old metal bloodletters from the last codex, because I see no need to replace them.


Good luck.

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I've done my Dark Apostle in Black armour like a Chaplain, and gone with a Skull helm too. I've continued this theme to the Acolytes that lead my squads, although they only sport black breastplates and bone coloured helmets. I'm not quite sure what to do with a squad of Chosen, I may just use the bone helmets.


As for generic daemons, I'm really taking to the concept and have built some cybernetic enhanced daemons from the Ampire Counts Crypt Ghouls, I'm also planning on using Wood Elf Dryads and possibly some Beastmen. Generic Greater Daemon wise I'm trying to work out how to utilise the plastic Daemon Prince kit to best effect, although I think the new Vargheist kit may be the source of the solution.


I only started this army as i felt it was best represented by the new codex, the generic daemon thing just made sense to me for Word Bearers. I also found that the flexibility offered by the list allows for combinations that are perfectly justifiable according to the key piece of Word Bearers fluff that matters: Their tactics are directly sourced from the often deranged visions of their Dark Apostles. Prophetic though these visions are they do open all kinds of handwavium when it comes to fielding cult troops. eg. Long had their master meditated, gazing into the depths of the Empyrean, allowing the essence of chaos to wash over him, around him, through him; just as the cleansing fire of battle brought the word of Lorgar to the war-torn Galaxy. After an Aeon had passed their master descended from his reverie and began to issue his edicts; many thoughts his words to be mere fantasy, each brother of the host was to dedicate himself wholly to one of the four Gods of the Warp, completely and utterly swron to one master. This, to the Word Bearers accustomed to the doctrine of pantheonic worship seemed unnatural but as their Apostle proclaimed, even as the individual dedicated himself utterly the host itself continued in it's dedication to the whole. Not beyond the realms of acceptability by any means, at least not in fourty k! With Icons it's even easier: "just pop down the quarter master's for your Icon of Khorne, look after it mind because if you drop it khorne won't like it! Oh, and bring it back in one piece eh? the 17th coterie have got it booked out for a raid on the segmentum tempestus next week!"


Plenty of wiggle room for just about anything, that's the whole point, the way i look at it is the more options there are, the more options you can ignore! pick and choose what you want to apply to your army; instead of rigidly sticking to a concept of: here is one example of how a legion operates, now all armies of this legion must operate the same.


Anyway here's a picture of my apsotle in black armour to decorate your thread with B)


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"just pop down the quarter master's for your Icon of Khorne, look after it mind because if you drop it khorne won't like it! Oh, and bring it back in one piece eh? the 17th coterie have got it booked out for a raid on the segmentum tempestus next week!"


This is how my Dark Apostle will speak forever.

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Anyway here's a picture of my apsotle in black armour to decorate your thread with :D



that mini looks great, almost 'ghostly'


some more Q's ( im new to the word of lorgar)

  • do WB's use sorcerors?
  • do they use individual marks, as chaos undivided surely they would have to use the chaos glory icons?
  • will scab red over black give the right colour for thier armour?
  • in horus rising erebus is described as having stone grey armour, is this the legion colour at that time?

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Heresy era armor was grey, it gets changed later on.


WB can use sorcerers but like most marines, there seems to be a general lack of respect for them. Then again, there are multiple examples in the Word Bearers series of powers that may/may not be attributed to being a sorcerer, so the whole thing is kinda grey.


Standard theory is that WB only get IoCG. An arguement can be made for god-marked units requesting specific protection for that engagement but that would not be the norm.


I'm a terrible painter, so I'll refrain from saying anything about that.


From your previous questions, I'm a fan of some of the fantasy units for generic daemons. Vampire ghouls work, as do the elf dryad things. Even the beastmen could be doable I think. I tend to want to use something not from one of the 4 powers since it is only a generic daemon.

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some more Q's ( im new to the word of lorgar)

  • do WB's use sorcerors?
  • do they use individual marks, as chaos undivided surely they would have to use the chaos glory icons?
  • will scab red over black give the right colour for thier armour?
  • in horus rising erebus is described as having stone grey armour, is this the legion colour at that time?


1) Yes, yes indeed! Good for summoning daemons and other warp trickery.


2) Yes. I see them using the marks to attract the attention of the gods for their mission goal. For eg. I have an assault unit with IoK. they know they're going to be fighting at close range, so they are gettting a little extra boost from Khorne.


3) It should work. I basecoat black, then paint the armour Mechrite red and give it a Badab Black wash, it works a treat.


4) This is the pre-betrayal WB scheme. They change to red when they turn traitor.


Also, if you haven't read it yet I'd reccommend picking up The First Heretic by A D-B its a great resource on the WB's.

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Also, if you haven't read it yet I'd reccommend picking up The First Heretic by A D-B its a great resource on the WB's.


ah yes, a great read, by a great author, sadly i havent brought any books from BL in a while so i havent read his follow on books

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In an old WD around the time (give or take a couple of months) of The release of C:CSM 3.5, There was a word bearer army with a dark apostle painted black with red pads and a power maul-crozius. I think it was by Matt Hutson.
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thank you all for your help my friends. You have given me enough to start work on my WBs.


Welcome to the long war Brother!


The quetion is, are you fighting on Feb 18th, and if so, who for?

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are you fighting on Feb 18th, and if so, who for?


no, i dont want to sully myself by entering my local GW :P, too many kids, neckbeards and disorganised pandemonium for my liking.

as im the only ultramarines player at my LGC, i doubt i can arrange something there either

i will however try to create my own battle on june 2nd/3rd at GW nottingham.



as for which side i fight on, i dunno, i collect both ultramarines and word bearers (starting yesterdday) so all i know is im gauranteed to play ;)

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Regarding the colour of Dark Apostle armour. Back in 2:ed, when they got their fluff established, they had black armour like their imperial counterparts. During 3:ed, when they got their fluff fleshed out, the WB army showcased had a black Apostle with red trim. The picture in the IA article had a red apostle with black trim if I remember correctly, and now they are shown as just being in the same colours as the rest of the WBs.


I use the black with red trim paint scheme, it makes em stand out, but not too much. :lol:

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"just pop down the quarter master's for your Icon of Khorne, look after it mind because if you drop it khorne won't like it! Oh, and bring it back in one piece eh? the 17th coterie have got it booked out for a raid on the segmentum tempestus next week!"


This is how my Dark Apostle will speak forever.


Glad I inspired you I saw it more as a coryphaus type charater saying it but hey all good.

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thanks again for your help fellas, i played my first game as word bearers last night.

i have for a while been running either nurgle or khorne armies, but undivided generic CSM are a different animal altogether.

the weaknesses of CSM are glaringly noticeable.


it was a 2k list, my generic undivided army vs a cult troop based semi-competative list


my list:

chaos lord (dark apostle)

-plasma pistol, daemon weapon, icon

9 possessed in rhino


10 CSM

-2 plasmagun

-icon glory



10 CSM

-2 plasmagun

-icon glory






4 chaos termies

-2 champs with dual claws

-heavy flamer, chainfist


termy sorceror

-wind of chaos


10 lesser daemons


20 CSM

-fist champ

-2 meltagun

-icon of chaos glory


my opponents list was


9 Khorne Berserkers with Champion with Power Fist

Land Raider with Extra Armour


Daemon Prince with Wings, Mark of Tzeentch, Wind of chaos and Bolt of Tzeentch


4 Chaos Terminators:

2 with Combi Plasma and Power Weapon.

1 with Combi Plasma and Chainfist.

1 with Heavy Flamer and Power Fist.


7 Plague Marines with 2 Melta Guns, Champion, Personal Icon and Rhino

7 Plague Marines with 2 Melta Guns, Champion and Rhino


2 Obliterators

3 Obliterators

Summoned Greater Daemon


im not going to write a full batrep, but it was abvious i didnt have enough high strength long range weapons.

my CSM died quickly and were sent running, without ATSKNF they dont come back, my termies too ended up running.

the one positive was my 20 man CSM unit took a charge from typhus and 9 berserkers and over 4 assaults killed them all (i did lose 18 men though)


my next move is to make a 1750 list that i can work on, i think i might need to add some heavy weapons, maybe fill my third HS slot.. given im using WBs oblits seem like the obvious choice.

i would like any advice from people familar with vanilla CSM, they seem tough to use right.

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For me, the big break came when I started using Obliterators, and I stopped using Possessed.


I also strangely enough have started including a CSM unit with a plasma and missile launcher/lascannon almost all the time.


The big problem with most CSM lists is their lack of long range anti-tank, meaning they have a hard time controlling the battlefield. When playing an undivided theme, you actually have access to heavy weapons for all your basic squads, but 2xspecial seems so much better. And then we complain about a lack of long range guns.


Anyway, when I made just two Obliterators, I went from losing every game to winning about half. When I made my 'Assault Veterans', count-as Berzerkers, I started winning slightly more than losing.


The codex really is based on the premise that you will include cult units, and as said, Obliterators are really what keeps the codex floating at all.

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heres my test mini for my WB host..

let me know what you think about the colour, sorry about the blurriness, camera isnt behaving at the moment




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Looks awesome, GC08. Welcome to the Red Team.


Also, you've got the colour down perfect. Absolutely love it.


thanks man.

i danced around with my own DIY chaos hosts, but with me playing UMs too, it makes sense to play WBs.. plus having a set (and cool) paint scheme is saving me headaches, i chose a colour scheme for my old chaos and when i painted my test mini id realised id made a luna wolf!

i like this colour scheme, i expect good things from the bearers of the word


oh and congrats on the personal front, how long to go?

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