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That mini looks great GC08! May I ask how it was painted?


yeah sure, its pretty simple albeit time consuming.


  • basecoat in black
  • scab red on the armour surfaces, using several watered down layers
  • boltgun metal on the trim
  • using chaos black go over the 'gaps between armour and trim to catch any slippages
  • use badab black over the trim and just inside the armour surfaces, creates shadows and fills in around lumps and bumps
  • highlight armour with blood red
  • highlight trim with mithril silver


heres my first draft army list

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heres my kitbashed dark apostle for your viewing pleasure (criticism accepted).

ill continue to post pics on my WIP thread linked in my sig





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indeed, ill have to keep an eye out for how to make your own parchment and scrolls etc, a visit to the tutorial section for me i think.

Cool. Be sure to post more pics of your Dark Apostle once the scrolls and parchment have been added :cry:



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Thats looking great GC08! If i could make one suggestion it would be to shorten the neck a little bit. He is looking just like a WB should. I can't wait to see some paint on him!


good point, i had the head leaning back a bit, it shows more of the neck.. ill shave it down and re position it

tbh im not sure he will get painted until the weather clears up and i can get the spray out.. i have twenty odd troopers that are basecoated though.


i have currently got 3 x 10 word bearers CSM and 5 chosen done ready for basecoating/painting

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as a quick question, im looking for some resin bases for my new word bearers force.

i normally use back2bas-ix and my ultramarines have the snow bases.

which do you think would make a good backdrop for my dark red word bearers?


personally im leaning towards ruins

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Ruins and industrial look best in my opinion. Winter could also look good but i assume you want to try something else after your Ultramarines? It could be cool to tie the two armies together with the same bases.


Ps. The WB marine in your WIP thread looks awesome! His dark colours would really suit a lighter coloured base for contrast. Great painting!

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i had some snow bases left over so i thought id try one on my test mini.. let me know your honest impressions



The brightness of the snow bases contrast really well with the striking red, but I still think ruins would be better, simpley because it seems more Chaosy.



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tis what i would go for. on your dark apostal, what are you planning fro the cape? atm for a chaos cape, in my opinion it looks too, new, too whole, too complete. dosent look like hes been wearing it for much of the long war. then again that could change when you paint it... maby consider some cuts and tears like the one on the termy lord kits cloak? not that its nessiary just something to think about
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  • 2 weeks later...

i thought id post this here too, its on my WIP post, but not everyone goes that way.






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  • 1 month later...

for some reason my WIP thread fell through the cracks, so ill go straight to the source and get feedback fom you word bearer chaps






ive started to add depth around the feet by mixing colours, ill post individual pics when ive made more progress



Khârn painted by alloyslayer, ive got a troupe of word bearer berserkers to accompany him

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Lookin' really good!!


Only things I'd have done differently would have been to go with a bone colour for the Dark Apostles' helm, and I would have painted the trophy helm in Ultramarine colours, but that's just personal preference, hehe. But nothing wrong with being different, it adds character to our vaunted legion... :unsure:


Anyhow, keep up the great work, look forward to seeing more of it...



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That's a very smexy red you have got going there. I do echo Bearingtheword's sentiments about the Dark Apostle's helmet being a bone colour and the trophy. I'm thinking simply from the stand point of making the Dark Apostle really stand out. The only concern is that as your Host grows mighty, the Dark Apostle may sort of blend in with the Host, and the Gods might not be too pleased about that :)
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  • 4 months later...

hello fellow evil doers and bearers of the word.

ive resurected my WB army and my WIP thread.. CLICK HERE


ive joined the dark side in a club campaign run by the famous firestrom40k, my WBs will stand shoulder to shoulder with the legion of taurus, i just hope i can get them done in time (not a chance but we can all dream)


please leave C+C, much obliged.

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