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Damn GC! Awesome as always...gotta say I am really liking the size of that Scibor Lord model next to the others. Gives the impression of being on his way to daemonhood. That Rhino is sick...honestly jealous of the way you have done that. I'm scared to try and cut plasticard that way with my neuropathy issues. I'd either cut myself or have erratic lines. And that crozius... did you piece that together or did it come that way?


Always look forward to seeing your work!



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The Cthulhu Prince is adorable. I mean this without a hint of sarcasm, I'm serious.


Your trooper paint is nice.


thanks man, the cthulhu theme was a DIY project i started a long while back, after i fell in love with WBs everything was repainted or re-modelled, but i couldnt bring myself to change him, tbh it was my first big greenstuff project so i was loathe to get rid of it.

but i like him, hes very gnarly and since WBs are undivided, i figured it would be good to have a non aligned daemon showing his face so to speak


I really like the snow bases. Its not something you see for chaos very often.

yeah i think the contrast with the red is good, but i like to have all my minis/armies based the same.. eventually ill have my table to match, but at the moment its a desert scheme


Damn GC! Awesome as always...gotta say I am really liking the size of that Scibor Lord model next to the others. Gives the impression of being on his way to daemonhood. That Rhino is sick...honestly jealous of the way you have done that. I'm scared to try and cut plasticard that way with my neuropathy issues. I'd either cut myself or have erratic lines. And that crozius... did you piece that together or did it come that way?


Always look forward to seeing your work!




Thanks mate, the daemon-esque quality of the lord is what sold me on him, i decided against using the base though, i honestly didnt realise he was as big as he was until the post lady dropped him off, he practically walked through the door himself.

the base is about 3" tall so i figured id leave it behind, maybe use it for a display piece someday.

the rhino was a new challenge for me too, i had made an imperial guard truck this year from plasticard using a template, so i was growing in confidence.

i guess you just have to take the risk and go for it, i used a ruler knife and chopping board and stapled the template to a sheet of plasticard.. its really quite simple.

unfortunately when i printed off the template it wasnt to scale (despite the sclae box measuring exact) so i had to make a few cuts to make it fit, you can see it on the roof hatch but not so much on the side panels.


the crozius comes in pieces, the hand and shaft comes as one, the corzius head as another and the arm as a third piece.

unfortunately the 'shaft' was a bit warped and whilst trying to coax it into proper shape i snapped it. and it refused to glue, the resin generally glues quite well but i had to pin the hand and shaft into place in the end.. it all turned out ok though


thanks again chaps

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I could be wrong....but from the pics I've seen of yours and the pics I've seen of the new starter set Chosen champion, the crozii look pretty damned much like one another, it's uncanny.


So did you scratchbuild the whole Rhino, or just the Chaos outline embellishments? I have seen some of the embelishment templates on the net and have thought of using them, may have to try your technique and get someone with steadier hands than mine to do the cutting for me.


Now on the other side of things, I am thinking and mulling over some other ideas on some Daemon engines. I love the Decimators. I am sold on the Hellbrute. But thinking on some other ideas that will be interesting if I ever finalize them.


Anyhow, thanks for the answers on my comments and looking forward to some more pics from ya!



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I could be wrong....but from the pics I've seen of yours and the pics I've seen of the new starter set Chosen champion, the crozii look pretty damned much like one another, it's uncanny.


the 'zrozius' for my scratchbuild lord was made from a terminator power maul, perhaps they shortcut and copy existing weapons?


So did you scratchbuild the whole Rhino, or just the Chaos outline embellishments? I have seen some of the embelishment templates on the net and have thought of using them, may have to try your technique and get someone with steadier hands than mine to do the cutting for me.

yeah just plasticard embelishments, if your having troubles you should speak to subtle discord, send him a pm he has other options :tu:


Now on the other side of things, I am thinking and mulling over some other ideas on some Daemon engines. I love the Decimators. I am sold on the Hellbrute. But thinking on some other ideas that will be interesting if I ever finalize them.

yeah i want loads of daemon engines myself, getting a couple of hellbrutes from the new set, have 2 defilers already and am eyeing up a decimator and scorpion thingy for apoc games


Anyhow, thanks for the answers on my comments and looking forward to some more pics from ya!

thanks mate, should get some moe pics up in a day or two

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jedward hanging from his belt :)


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