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Sanguinius WIP


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Hi all!


Thought I'd re-post this here as it was where a lot of the inspiration came from...


I just wanted to throw up some pictures before I start painting the model that has kept me busy the last few nights. I've been planning/grappleing with the concept of this model for some time, but never quite saw the right model or combination of parts etc that fitted me ideal. Following a very generous xmas present from my housemate I had an excuse to get started. Here is the current result - Primarch Sanguinius:




(The image above had a blue tint (before I set the white balance) - couldn't be having that! :) )


Finished assembly and green stuff, ready for priming;








And with a black, then white, undercoat;









Any and all critiques, criticisms and comments welcome, or suggestions on where I could take it. I am currently planning white wings, gold armour, red or white cape (probably red, with white trim) and, controversially, black hair!


Cheers all,


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I think that it is the best conversion of any Primarch that I have ever seen. I even think that the base is amazing. I look forward to seeing this piece painted. That being said. Sanguinius...Black Hair. Yes it is controversial and not for me. Love the white wings...would add a little grey and I think gold armour will look amazing.
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You're far to kind Redo, but thank you! The base is not the standard one that comes with the Scibor figure - it didn't really fit thematically for me. The replacement used is a Scibor Ancient Ruin base.


I agree the black hair is tricky - I may still go for blonde, its not set in stone. But the discussions from the HH books (ADB and Mr Abnett like black, James Swallow and Graham McNeill prefer the blonde version, I believe) have made me indecissive on the issue. That, and Colrouphobia's image (also my avatar) is pretty convincing..! :)

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Thanks for all the comments! I knew the hair thing was going to be tricky...! :)




Seriously though, that is an AMAZING mini. Probably the best representation we'll ever get of our Primarch in model form.

Heh, you're also far to kind igotsmeakabob!! - I have too say I'm being swayed by the shared opinions on here about hair colour. It seems like a strange thing to be discussing! I was torn between the two options, but I am leaning towards blonde now.



Suggest a greenstuff blood drop on the chestpiece and blonde for the hair.

And I know it's not exactly the ideal representation but what about giving him red armour? Not sure why I do but always had pictured the primarch in the legion/chapter colours but then maybe that's just me...

No you see, you've opened up a whole new discussion there! :) I have/am seriously considering that too - my Sang Guard are all in red too as I wasn't a fan of too many gold clad chaps running around. The argument for red (and this model in fact) is in no small way influenced by this truely epic artwork by David Sondered (studio colrouphobia):



As with the argument for blonde hair though, the classic image is of gold armour. I may do some photoshop pre-visuals to test them out.


Are...are we basically saying I need to make a second model and paint both versions...! :(


As for the chest blood drop idea, I did consider that as I was doing the knee pads, but having looked at the art work a recurring image is the blood drop encased within a large round gem/ruby, hence the right shoulder pad detail too. That's probably what I'll go with there.




I'm with the blonde hair. All the chapter artwork has always showed him in blond.


Yeah, one Horus Heresy novel miff shouldn't wreck years of fluff.

^See above. ;) The reason I was even considering black follows a discussion on this board where, apparently the HH team is split on the issue - as mentioned, ADB and Mr Abnett like black, James Swallow and Graham McNeill prefer the blonde version (see edit below). I would have previously just gone blonde, but the discussion and some new artwork made me at least consider it. You're guiding opinions are most useful! :D




EDIT: Actually, I have remembered incorrectly on the above mentioned HH discussion - 'The Primarchs' book thread, 2/3 of the way down A D-B's post:


Nor did I claim that. Why is hair-dyeing a step further than wearing make-up? If he wants to be blonde for parade X, but black haired for ceremony Y, it takes only insignificantly more time to dye your hair than to paint tears in your face. Hair dyeing in M2 is not rocket science, so I assume hair-dyeing in M31 is not rocket science as well.

Now seriously, we have explicit fluff pieces describing him as blonde, and explicit fluff pieces describing him as black haired. Yet people fight the thought tooth and nail that he could simply dye them, which is clearly the most obvious answer and I simply do not understand why they do. In what way does it run counter to his characterization in the fluff or the mental image of him in our minds when he dyes his hair?


Because altering one's appearance for cosmetic purposes is usually seen - at the most basic level - as effeminate, pointless, or a compensation for some flaw. A lot of people complain that it's "weak" or "uncharacterful" for a primarch to care about (or even notice) such things. Yet more examples of why the 40K fandom (thankfully, with no examples in this thread) can come across as relatively immature. Some readers will complain and mock any emotion shown, or any sensitivity, or any behaviour less than stereotypically "manly". Usually younger readers, admittedly.


This came up in a Heresy meeting once, actually. Even we didn't agree on it. Me, Dan and Graham said it was cooler if Sanguinius had black hair, for various reasons. Jim preferred Sanguinius with blond hair. Ultimately, I think Jim's preference won out, as he'd reserved the Blood Angels at Signus Prime novel, and the older art showed the primarch as blond, too.

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Well, you could always give him black hair and it wouldn't be too far off.


The Blood Angels are known for being very artistic, and have ceremonial items like death masks, etc. So, you could give him black hair, and say he dyed it for some reason. Maybe he was in mourning for his lost brothers?


I mean, I am still for blond hair, because if you look at the chapter banners, etc. you will find they are all blonde.


OR, you could figure out how to make a sweet helmet like in that awesome artwork (one of my favorites), and not have to worry about hair at all!

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You're far to kind Redo, but thank you! The base is not the standard one that comes with the Scibor figure - it didn't really fit thematically for me. The replacement used is a Scibor Ancient Ruin base.


I agree the black hair is tricky - I may still go for blonde, its not set in stone. But the discussions from the HH books (ADB and Mr Abnett like black, James Swallow and Graham McNeill prefer the blonde version, I believe) have made me indecissive on the issue. That, and Colrouphobia's image (also my avatar) is pretty convincing..! :tu:



The model is amazing. I can't wait to see it painted.


As to the hair, I kind of see how it can be tripped up either way it goes. If he's blonde, then it's the 'typical' Christian Angel. If he has black hair, then it's another step into Vampire Counts...In Space!


Personally, I can totally see Sang dying hair (especially mourning blacks), wearing finery, etc... as he always seemed to be one of the more refined Primarchs. If people want to go that way with it, well, that's an issue they should tackle with themselves eventually.


And I say again, amazing model.

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I have seen this model a bunch of times and never really thought much of it. Something never sat right with me about it, I think mainly the proportions on the shoulders and the wings that usually come with the model aren't so hot.


That said, the extra work you have put into this really make it look much much better! Kudos sir! I also await it's painting progress with gusto :to:

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A quick update this morning - got the first base coat of the gold done, without actually using any gold paint! :unsure: That stage will be this evening after the gym hopefully - its a little too copper/brass for me at the moment, needs the richness and yellow's of gold brought into it. Shining Gold and Tin Bitz, I'm looking at you...


Sorry about the photo's angles - they were taken quickly before heading to work. I'll try and improve on them tonight.












Next decisions to make are regarding the colours of the various cloaks, tabards and pennants - all the various material draped over him basically. I thought it should be a red cloak, but the two other items I'm not so sure. Red, white or black I'd guess?

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Gah, I'm agreeing with James Swallow's fluff points now? Wow. Do I need to rethink this?


His Description of Sanguinius' tomb is also quite excellent. Swallow isnt a bad writer, he just causes himself some issues with us fan boys. ;)

Yeah, it isn't his style or his descriptions. He's good at setting the tone, I even stole some of his descriptions for the inside of a Tyranid bio-ship for a Deathwatch RPG game of mine. I guess he just makes a few story choices I feel I must criticize :(


On topic, Sang is coming along wonderfully!

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Thanks for the nice words all, I need to keep the focus on this one! ;)


Here are some quick test images I did for the various cloak parts I was talking about before:


Both White:





Black Tabbard only:





Black Pennant only:





Both Black:





What looks good here do you think? I considered using another colour, a turquoise or a purple perhaps, but none sat well for me. Having just flicked through them, I'm still not sure which I like most...

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I'm in favor of Red or turquoise. Black wasn't a part of the BA's while Sang was alive, after all :P but it'd be my third choice.

White would be my last choice.


This. I would say white, but as it is right now, there is too much white. Also, while white is pure, it would get too dirty too fast, and I don't think he is the kind to show off how bloody he is. I've always seen him as clean and perfect, and for some reason without ever getting blood on him.


But white might look good if there isn't too much.

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Another quick update after last nights painting - photos actually worse than last time(!) as I was once again rushing out the door when I took them. I'll use my other lens tonight and try and get some better close-ups etc at this stage.


Gold has had a few more layers with Shining Gold, Burnished Gold and Mithril Silver. I'm fairly happy with where it is now, may well do another pass with Tamiya Titanium gold to get it to really sparkle, but we'll see as other colours get filled in.









Regarding the cloth colours, I am feeling maybe a darker red on the tabbard and a white/off-white on the pennant perhaps? I think turquoise will just be too strong on such a large area or sat directly on the red. I do get the point about black not being significant in the pre-heresy colours, but certain details could be black - equivalent to how squad markings and shoulder pad trims are with the 'regular' colour schemes. I agree too much black is unwise though as that gets a bit close to the 'mourning' colours as worn in Horus Rising (on One-Forty-Twenty/Murder).


There should be some more painting time tonight so I might try and get some colour on his wings and head. And maybe some of the gems too.

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