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Sanguinius WIP


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Outstanding work! I've been tempted by this model for a while, but always felt like the wings were kinda off. However seeing him come together with Blood Angels regalia really ties the whole thing together.


One humble request: Could we get a couple of pictures of him with some other 40k models side-by-side? A power armored Marine and a Terminator would be great, as I'd like to get a real sense of his scale before investing in the model. I know the scenic base will make it slightly trickier, but I'm up for a little detective work if you could be so kind as to indulge my curiosity.

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Sokhar - Thanks for the kind words! No problem at all on the scale shot, I'll try and get that tonight or tomorrow latest, I'm out tonight but might be able to get a sneaky scale photo in...! :D


Bit more work last night - ended up spending more time than I wanted in Photoshop looking at colour options for the robes, still not 100%. Its down to black or an off-white/stone colour for the pennant now.


The wings (the intimidating, intimidating wings...) were started to with a grey wash focused on the different layers of feathers. They will need to be brought back up to white but I'm not really sure how to do this yet! I have a suspision that drybushing will end up looking chalky and thick, but I dont thing painting each strand is on either....hmmm.


Any, better photos at least this time - different lens makes all the difference! ;)











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Damnit. Damn, damn, damnit. Now I'm going to have to buy that model. And pay someone to paint it, because I suck. Somebody take my money! :cry:


Spectacular work, man. The wings look really impressive. No doubt in my mind, that's the best depiction of Sanguinius on the tabletop that I've ever seen, and I think he's probably had more attempts at him than any other primarch.

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  • 1 month later...
Concerning the big red ruby at the centre of his chest, i believe it should be the Eye of Terra (not terror...)

Kinda of like what Horus has on his chest; Red cat's eye.


Do correct me if I'm wrong


The one with Sanguinius is actually a Red Circle with a Blood Drop in the middle.

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Hello again all - sorry its been so long on an update, work has had me flying all over the place recently so finding hobby time has been tricky. That said, I have now invested in an airbrush which should hopefully help with those wings...


Anywho, enough of that - onto the (minor) update piccies:












The lighting here in central london was a bit harsh this morning so the images aren't ideal. The main effort was on the gems and adding a bit of contrast here and there.


Grey Knight Purifier: it's nice to get such a compliment from a brother chapter! ;) thank you! After this amount of effort though, I'm not sure I could be tempted to let this one go.


Midnight Runner: you're far too kind sir, thank you!


Dunnaeph34rn473: the wings are from Heresy Miniatures Arch Angel model. I simply couldn't stand the Scibor ones (they looked like tropical leaves to me!) so suitable replacements had to be found...


VAGABOND: I do know what you mean about the sculpt and in an ideal world I'd have liked a MUCH more dynamic pose, but the trade effort was the amount of effort and risk with working up a model from near scratch or working with this model as a base. I chose the latter. ;) Several bits had to be swapped out and extras sculpted to get it this far, so this one will do for now. I already have ideas on an update though...


Cheers for looking all!

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