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Bloods Crazy units!


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Ok so Blood Angels are awesome, we all know that.


What are some of the craziest units you can come up with that you would actually field?

Try and refrain from Death Company. We all know how crazy! they can get.


I'll start.



JP Librarian with smite/blood lance

JP Chaplain with infernus pistol

JP Honour Guard with four plasma guns and one Thunder hammer.


Unit cost: 730


No scatter, FNP bubble, 2 invulnerable save models.

Smite + 8 plasma shots or Blood lance plus 2 melta shots.

Hit and Run

Lituriges of Blood


Aim of the unit would be to drop in on someones HQ and shoot them with smite and plasma rapid fire


Drop in behind a high priority mech target and shoot it with blood lance and 2 infernus pistols.

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What are some of the craziest units you can come up with strictly for the lols?


The proper internet phrase is 'for teh lulz'. It is, after all, the only reason anyone does anything.


There I fixed it.

And by some of the lists I've come across there would be more yawns than laughs in the game.

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Kill team of nothing but DEath Company models. Rage gets hilarious in that situation.


I came 3rd in a local Kill Team tournament with 5 bolter DC and 2 MM attack bikes. Lots of fun.

Didn't play the winner though. He was using a GK Venerable Dreadnought with psycannon or something.

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Once I took a Reclusiarch, and gave him a nicely decked out Honor Guard (chapter banner, Blood Champ, etc).

Then, for no better reason than to do it, I kept tacking on additional ICs (A chaplain, a Sang Priest, a Librarian, a Techmarine or two)

I threw the entire group in a Land Raider and went crazy.

Expensive? Extremely

But the look on my opponents face when that 'unit' got out of the LandRaider and got to work was priceless

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Commander Dante

Librarian w/ JP & IP, Might & Sword

3 Sanguinary Priests w/ JP, LC, & IP

Sanguinary Guard w/ Chpt Banner, PF, Death Masks & 5 IP

2 Chaplains w/ JP, PF & Melta Bombs


You could technically take all that as one unit legally. It clocks in at a cool 1310 points and at 12 models exactly you can load it all into a single storm raven. That's probably the most crazy single unit I can think of without using death company. Although you could have a lot of fun with terminator armor as well...


Gabriel Seth

Captain Tycho

Brother Corbulo

2 Sanguinary Priests w/ TDA

10 Terminator Assault Marines w/ SS + TH x10

Chaplain w/ TDA & Combi-Melta


That checks in at a much more reasonable... 1195. ;p It would be quite hillarious to try to watch someone kill the second unit with 10 of the models having a 3++, 3 models with a 4++, and 2 with a 5++. Only poor brother Corbulo doesn't have an invulnerable save. But the 2+ FNP makes him still annoying. I'm actually tempted to run both of those units just for laughs one game.

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Commander Dante

Librarian w/ JP & IP, Might & Sword

3 Sanguinary Priests w/ JP, LC, & IP

Sanguinary Guard w/ Chpt Banner, PF, Death Masks & 5 IP

2 Chaplains w/ JP, PF & Melta Bombs


You could technically take all that as one unit legally. It clocks in at a cool 1310 points and at 12 models exactly you can load it all into a single storm raven. That's probably the most crazy single unit I can think of without using death company. Although you could have a lot of fun with terminator armor as well...


Gabriel Seth

Captain Tycho

Brother Corbulo

2 Sanguinary Priests w/ TDA

10 Terminator Assault Marines w/ SS + TH x10

Chaplain w/ TDA & Combi-Melta


That checks in at a much more reasonable... 1195. ;p It would be quite hillarious to try to watch someone kill the second unit with 10 of the models having a 3++, 3 models with a 4++, and 2 with a 5++. Only poor brother Corbulo doesn't have an invulnerable save. But the 2+ FNP makes him still annoying. I'm actually tempted to run both of those units just for laughs one game.


Now these are crazy! Except 12 models with JP's don't fit in one Stormraven. Only 6. But hey, with Dante, who needs a Stormraven when you can deepstrike without scattering?

And would you actually field the unit?

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I used this in Apoc games, as it is way too expensive for normal ones.



Libby Jp, IP ( rage, shielp)

5 Sang Guards (5 IP, fist, banner )

Sang Priest Pw Ip Jp

Chappy Jp, IP, fist


totals up around 900p but the look on my opponents faces when they erased their titan turn they come, priceless.


ps. Sorry for typos ... i wrote this on phone

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Drachnon rediculous unit recipe:

Step 1: Get 30 Jump pack DC + Lemartes

Step 2: Add Dante + JP Librarian

Step 3: Add power weapons, fist, hammers to taste


TIP: Trying serving you insane DC unit with some plasma or inferno pistols for extra pwn!


Yes it is a massive waste of points but who cares :D


2nd Recipe:

Step 1: Take Mephiston

Step 2: ????

Step 3: Profit

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Dante, Librarian, 6 priests, 3 chaplains, 5 tooled up sanguinary guard. Jump packs, Power weapons and shields all around.

And very illegal. Sanguinary Guard don't get access to shields (So I assume you meant Honor guard or Vanguard instead instead). 6 priests and 3 chaplains is 5 Elite slots.


Once I took a Reclusiarch, and gave him a nicely decked out Honor Guard (chapter banner, Blood Champ, etc).

Then, for no better reason than to do it, I kept tacking on additional ICs (A chaplain, a Sang Priest, a Librarian, a Techmarine or two)

I threw the entire group in a Land Raider and went crazy.

Expensive? Extremely

But the look on my opponents face when that 'unit' got out of the LandRaider and got to work was priceless

Techmarines are npt ICs.

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Commander Dante

Librarian w/ JP & IP, Might & Sword

3 Sanguinary Priests w/ JP, LC, & IP

Sanguinary Guard w/ Chpt Banner, PF, Death Masks & 5 IP

2 Chaplains w/ JP, PF & Melta Bombs


You could technically take all that as one unit legally. It clocks in at a cool 1310 points and at 12 models exactly you can load it all into a single storm raven. That's probably the most crazy single unit I can think of without using death company. Although you could have a lot of fun with terminator armor as well...


Gabriel Seth

Captain Tycho

Brother Corbulo

2 Sanguinary Priests w/ TDA

10 Terminator Assault Marines w/ SS + TH x10

Chaplain w/ TDA & Combi-Melta


That checks in at a much more reasonable... 1195. ;p It would be quite hillarious to try to watch someone kill the second unit with 10 of the models having a 3++, 3 models with a 4++, and 2 with a 5++. Only poor brother Corbulo doesn't have an invulnerable save. But the 2+ FNP makes him still annoying. I'm actually tempted to run both of those units just for laughs one game.


Now these are crazy! Except 12 models with JP's don't fit in one Stormraven. Only 6. But hey, with Dante, who needs a Stormraven when you can deepstrike without scattering?

And would you actually field the unit?


Oh yeah. Sorry, wrote that late last night, wasn't even thinking about jump packs taking two slots. So no storm raven, but as you said not really needed with Dante. Would I actually field either of those? Not in any sort of game I wanted to win haha, but I might field that last squad purely for laughs this weekend against a friend, just to see how it goes.

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These are the two craziest units that I might actually field.


Librarian w/ TDA, Sword & Might

Reclusiarch w/ TDA


10 Assault Terminators 5 w/ SS + TH, 5 w/ LC


Still an 805 point unit, but hard as a rock. It would get kited around easily however.


The other crazy unit I might actually consider fielding would be a bike unit.


Librarian w/ Bike, Sword & Lance

Reclusiarch w/ Bike

Priest w/ Bike

Full Bike Squad w/ PF, 2x Plasma Gun + Attack Bike w/ MM


Those are probably the two most crazy units I'd consider running realistically for anything other than laughs. The bike squad has particular appeal in that it has the firepower, CC ability and mobility along with turbo boosting invulnerable saves to handle basically any situation.

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These are two different death stars that I will eventually build for two different but similar lists.



Rec w/ Termi Armor + 15x DC w/ Bolters







Chap: JP + IP

Priest: JP + IP + PW

RAS: 2x Melta


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My titan kill squad:


5 Veteran Vanguard with Jump Packs, Power Fist, 4 Infernus Pistols and 4 Melta Bombs, all have Storm Shields .


That's 355 pts, they jump on from the board edge shoot and then assualt. Most of the time it's a one turn titan roast. With the storm shields they stick around for a secondary target toasting.

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vanguard vets squad tooled up with assorted cc weapons. surrounded by the sanguinor, a priest, and a libby(for sheild). and i tried it at a tourney at the weekend and they did alright in 2/3 games( the third they killed a tact squad then got counter charged by a squad i thought was far too far away....) only way i would get better would be if i could attach characters to the unit...
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dadieau Posted Today, 04:20 AM

My titan kill squad:


5 Veteran Vanguard with Jump Packs, Power Fist, 4 Infernus Pistols and 4 Melta Bombs, all have Storm Shields .


That's 355 pts, they jump on from the board edge shoot and then assualt. Most of the time it's a one turn titan roast. With the storm shields they stick around for a secondary target toasting.


one problem with this ... while using HI you cannot shoot, hitting titan mostly on 4+ with MB's good luck with that ...

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dadieau Posted Today, 04:20 AM

My titan kill squad:


5 Veteran Vanguard with Jump Packs, Power Fist, 4 Infernus Pistols and 4 Melta Bombs, all have Storm Shields .


That's 355 pts, they jump on from the board edge shoot and then assualt. Most of the time it's a one turn titan roast. With the storm shields they stick around for a secondary target toasting.


one problem with this ... while using HI you cannot shoot, hitting titan mostly on 4+ with MB's good luck with that ...

He said he was coming on from the board edge, not deep striking. For this job, I'd prefer Honor Guard for meltaguns versus infernus pistols.

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Most insane, bloody list ever:




Tycho (DC)


30 JP DC

30 JP DC

30 DC with Bolters


18 DC Dreadnoughts....


Well, if you want to go for an insane DC unit I would take


Librarian JP (Might of Heroes/Sanguine Sword)

5 (I like small elite units but others can take more) DC with JP's and power weapons. 1 with a THammer



Lemartes + Fury unbound + d3 attacks + Liturgies of Blood = smash face!

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