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Tzeentch Marines


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I just got myself back into the glory of Chaos and I've decided on playing the Black Legion. I want to field a few Tzeentch marked squads but Im having a little trouble figuring out ways to represent their alignment besides the Tzeentch icon supplied in the box. My question is what kind of mutations, paint schemes, or other little techniques do you use to set apart your non-rubric but still Tzeentch loving marines?


Cheers ;)


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You could do some eyes on the bare armor pauldrons by making tiny greenstuff spheres with 2 lines of greenstuff around them, then use a pointy sword bit from a foul xenos to smooth them out and make it seem like they're coming out of the armor.


The same technique could be done on just the helmets of your Tzeentch Marines.


Alternatively, you could paint galaxy themes on your marines' armor. Look up Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos to get an idea of what I mean.

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Take a look at some of the earliest Chaos/Tzeentch Wh40k models and you'll see some inspiring icons and mutations, for example marines with Flamer(the demon not the weapon)-like lower bodies, extra arms and the like.

Some of the old minis can be viewed:Here

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If you want to do something that is both really easy and (in my opinion) horribly effective:


Get your hands on some greenstuff and a flat-headed clayshaper.

Roll up some GS.

Assemble and pose your marines so that they are walking, slowly, not running.

Grab your marines.

Fill in the eyes (yes, the EYES mwahahahaa!, ahem, sorry) so that the front plate of the helmet is flat and now resembles a full visor. Wait for it to dry.

Paint/freehand/decal a Tzeencthian rune on the middle of the faceplate.


I've always wanted to do the above myself. (as well as scream AUTOMATATATA! during games) but I've never gotten around to either.

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I was thinking of painting glowing runes over the armour, kinda like the Brotherhood of Darkness p18 C: CSM. Another idea is to get a Possessed kit and spread some of the bits around to represent the Great Change coming down on the Marines (though I use Possessed bits for Chosen)
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  • 3 weeks later...
On GW site before all the information's been deleted, there were tips

Blargh. Yeah, they have really gone all-out to make those articles impossible to get!

  • Google can find the articles, but clicking the link to GW's site simply redirects you
  • The Google Cache version is blocked because of the 'select your country' screen :-/
  • They don't appear in the CSM Articles or Modeling Articles sections
  • They don't appear in the Site Map section
  • The GW 'product search' box only searches models, not articles :-/
  • I can't hack the URL to get the correct category because it keeps redirecting me also

Drat. I have emailed them to ask if they'd consider restoring the article.

In the meantime: one thing I remember from the Tzeentch article is adding lots of horns to your army. I cut some horns off a spare CSM helmet, drilled a hole through a shoulderpad, cut some slices around the hole to make it look like the horn is bursting out, and then push the horn up through the pad before you glue it on to the shoulder. Maybe you want to try something like that?

You can *sort of* see the result in this picture here


I'll post back if I hear anything about the Lost and Damned articles...

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My best advice would be to look at WFB Tzeentch. I'd use the old mutation sprue, possessed bits and any random horns, spikes and other gubbins you can get your hands on.
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It's easier :ermm: On GW site before all the information's been deleted, there were tips - runes, eyes, horns through the armour, tabards, books and the like.

Yeah that was brilliant. Let's see what I can remember

Horns- Pretty obvious, you can get horns in almost every CSM kit, so moving on.

Runes- Also obvious, paint 'em on

Tortured Faces- Cover the part you want tzeenched-up with greenstuff, then get a sculpting tool and let your imagination go wild!

And some other general tips-

Books- there are loads in Grey Knight and Grey Knight terminator kits, so find a GK player and get swapping

Mutations- as shown in culix's post, Nid parts are great for this, though I would stick to Warrior parts if I were you, scalewise.

Scrolls- There's a lot of useful parts on WFB Flagellants, and loyalist SM kits

Discs-There are two main styles-UFO and Screamer. It's up to you, and which one fits the style of your force.


Hope I have been of help!

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