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Building an Army

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I am currently trying to decide how I want to run my Chaos Space Marines army list, and I thought I would ask for some suggestions on the Basic Chaos Space Marines squad. Is it better to equip the squad with 2 assault weapons, 1 assault and 1 Heavy, or just 1 assault to save a few points?


I don't know if it helps or not, but I am not planning on dedicating any squad in the army to any one specific Chaos God and I am planning on running them in a Rhino/Land Raider.

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As one fellow rookie/noob to another, the suggestions I have been given is no matter what, give each squad two of the same weapon. Preferably assualt weapons since they allow the squads to not set up. I was also suggested to only use Icons of Chaos Glory, your basic/naked rhino and a champ with a powerfist.
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I might consider that for the next squad, thanks!


So far the list is small and I am still trying to decide on future plans:


Daemon Prince w/ Wings and Doombolt


Chaos Space Marine Squad (10 Strong) Aspiring Champion w/ Powerfist 2 Plasma Guns



Chaos Space Marine Squad (10 Strong) Aspiring Champion w/ Powerfist 2 Melta Guns



The Daemon Prince and first squad are built and I am working on painting them. However, I only have 1 Plasma Gun in that squad and I have to wait till I build the next squad to give the first one another Plasma Gun.


I am considering one more Chaos Marine Squad, a Terminator Squad, Possessed Marines, Chaos Bikers, a Defiler, and a couple of Tanks.

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I have some tips though:


Since possessed don't know which ability they will have, it's imperative that they be deployed in either a Rhino or a Land Raider. This way, if you get an ability that sucks in your current game/match-up, they are at least in a transport to get them closer to the enemy. If you take a Land Raider, give it Demonic Possession (ours are more delivery vehicles than gun platforms)


Doombolt on a Demon Prince is nice because he is BS5 so would hit on a 2+, but remember that he is mostly Combat-oriented, so those few wounds he would do with doombolt could allow the enemy to:


1. Remove models in a unit that are just outside of cover to make the demon prince roll a Difficult Terrain test and strike last since he has no frag grenades

2. Remove models to ensure that the demon prince cannot even reach his target in the assault phase


Not saying Doombolt is worthless, of course. How about Mark of Khorne for that extra attack on the demon prince?

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Daemon Prince w/ Wings and Doombolt


Chaos Space Marine Squad (10 Strong) Aspiring Champion w/ Powerfist 2 Plasma Guns



Chaos Space Marine Squad (10 Strong) Aspiring Champion w/ Powerfist 2 Melta Guns



Thats a great start to your army. Doombolt isn't very powerful but its also cheap enough to take it just in case.


CSM squads look very solid, only addition would be IoCG and even that isn't mandatory.


For expanding your army, I'd look towards the heavy support section, obliterators are the standard but I'm a big fan of the defiler personally. Autocannon havocs are also viable.


For special weapons, I would say the right answer is to double up 95% of the time. The 5% of the time is due to special/heavy combos or the flamer/meltagun combo in very small games.

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Thanks for the transport tip Ah-a-nothepsis, I'll definitely remember that. As far as the Mark of Khorne goes, I might consider it but I kinda wanted to go for a force with no specific deity dedication in it. However, I might change my mind in the future, at which point there will be plenty of Blood for the Blood God, as ol' Kharnath is my personal favorite of the Chaos Gods. :)


Heheh, I knew I forgot to write something on that list. I have a Chaos Glory Icon in the first squad and was planning on one for the second.


On the topic of Havocs minigun, would you say it is better to do one 10 man squad w/ 4 weapons, or two 5 man squads with the maximum number of weapons? (ie 8)

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On the topic of Havocs minigun, would you say it is better to do one 10 man squad w/ 4 weapons, or two 5 man squads with the maximum number of weapons? (ie 8)


I'm a more conservative player, so I like to abide by the rule of 2 bodies per gun, so my preference is actually the 6/3 squad.


But between your two choices, I would go with 2 x 5/4 mostly because you want to be able to shoot at more than one target per turn.


As for weapons, I always take autocannons for havocs, its a Chaos-unique weapon (as far as marine portable) and it excels at busting open transports. Missile launchers are almost equally good and while there isn't anything wrong with them, I just see them spammed by loyalists and so I want to do something different.

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