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Apoc 2

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its not a question of size . a contemptor is not one of the units listed as ones that can be transported by a claw , that is why it cant ride in it .


I agree, but I recall the logic for wanting a Contemptor to be able to ride with a Storm Raven was that since Storm Raven's carry Dreadnoughts, and the Contemptor is a type of Dreadnought, there were those players who didn't want to make the distinction, as may be the case with the Dread Claw for some here. And I don't remember while you might, was it FAQed or clarified by GW?

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Aren't Dreadclaws also a Fast Attack choice now, instead of just being a transport option?


A Dreadclaw is a Fast Attack option for a Chaos Space Marines army.


Someone also mentioned dropping a Contemptor with it. I remember a discussion where someone had said that Contemptors were too large to be carried by Storm Ravens, there may have been a rules clarification or this might have been speculation, but it brings up whether or not a Contemptor would fit inside a Dreadclaw based on the same logic.


This here alone is an issue for me. The Dreadclaw takes up a Fast Attack slot, which means A) you can only take 3, and :rolleyes: takes a slot I otherwise need for my Blight Drones. FW really screwed the pooch on these new rules, IMO...

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I may be able to get a bit more involved in this thread in a few days and actually half some clue as to the benefits and weaknesses of the dreadclaw and contemptor (and the actual points costs), without just speculating. Im just waiting for my copy of Apoc 2 to arrive from the nice men at FW!
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In the latest rules, the Dreadclaw "has a transport capacity of 10 or can be used to transport a single dreadnought". That means havocs are no longer barred from entering it, and it could be argued that since the Contemptor is a Dreadnought of the Contemptor Pattern, it can be transported as well as the "Chaos Dreadnought" from the CSM codex.
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This here alone is an issue for me. The Dreadclaw takes up a Fast Attack slot, which means A) you can only take 3, and ;) takes a slot I otherwise need for my Blight Drones. FW really screwed the pooch on these new rules, IMO...


That's true, but I never thought the day would come that people complained about filling up the CSM Fast Attack choices, at least not before a codex change. If you have points left, remember that you can always take the horde of spawns. :D

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Okay, so ive got some kind of unofficial confirmation right here, as well as telephone calls to my local GW and the larger gaming club in Sydney.



http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry2983602 - Contemptors are dreadnoughts and therefore have there transport options.



So, once again its GAME ON!!!!!

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Oh man, I'd love for the Contemptor to be in the actual codex... but GW / FW has said before that they probably won't be porting anymore FW units over to the main line anymore. Kind of sad, I'd love to see my Blight Drones made "official" for all those uber-tourney players to accept.
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Max is right, there is no official FoC designation yet - he is however usually played as an elite choice.


Also, the effects for the reactor are cumulative with cover saves and it CAN ride in a dreadclaw.


It was stated on Forge World's facebook page that the Chaos Contemptors are an elite choice. Not sure if a facebook post would pass muster for most who want official declaration though.

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