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Know No Fear


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Ta very much!


I've been researching Roman tribes (which will be providing squad names this time), and the idea of tying the mysterious story of the 9th Roman Legion into the story would be great – after all, a Chapter of Ultramarines advancing into snow-swept northern regions is crying out to be attacked by Word Bearers. :tu:


Brother Sabinon


These new Tartaros-pattern Terminators are lovely! They come on a sprue marked 'Games Workshop', and seem to be in a finecast resin, rather than traditional FW stuff. (I ordered the Minotaurs special characters at the same time, which are in traditional FW resin and style). Comparing the two side-byside, I'm quite happy with the qualities both materials have.








I've got another couple bubbling under, including a standard bearer, who will act as a squad leader. I thought I might do a Signum-style banner, with metal discs and a hand on top, rather than a traditional flag. I'll need to think up a different name, however, to avoid confusion with the Space Marine signum!


+Could a moderator move this topic to the Work In Progress section of the Forum, please?+

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I got a bit overenthusiastic and built another four marines last night, which brings me up to eleven for this squad. Here's a group picture so far:



I'd like this army to have a solid basis of a twenty-man Tactical Squad, including one heavy weapon and one special weapon. On top of that, I'm going to include a Sergeant (with the transverse crest at the back of picture), squad leader, Sigil-bearer (that's the chap with the longitudinal crest here), and possibly some embedded specialists à la Fallen Angels; just for looks and variation – and because I like Apothecaries!


Any ideas for the heavy/special weapon combo? I've got some graviton guns that I thought might be fun, but I'm undecided on the heavy (and whether I'll include on at all).


Given the expanded information we now have on the Ultramarines from Know No Fear (Legion organisation, size of Ultramar), there're a few things I'd like to explore, such as armour mark variation and recruitment. I'd better get painting so I can blither on in the background blurbs :)

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I like the Sigil-Bearer, very much like the standard bearer in a roman century.

Thanks – that was very much the inspiration, so I'm glad it came across. Here's a closer look at him.


Brother Caes

I like how this guy looks – it's nice to have a squad in patrolling poses, rather than action ones. After all, someone has to sit on the home objective :lol:


This view shows the Sigil nicely. It's a good tie-in to the Roman feel (hence the 'high five' hand on the top), and has the advantage over banners of not obscuring the model itself. Having a fairly unobtrusive banner like this means the model can quite happily count as a regular marine if necessary, while breaking up the monotony of a uniform.


I like the strap on the slung bolter, too. :devil:





The helmet uses the crest from the Boarding Marine, but I attached it to a Mk II helmet to keep it consistent with the squad. The longitudinal crests will be used on veterans, ancients, chaplains and so forth (support and inspiration), and the transverse crests for sergeants and officers (leadership).




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Heh heh – it'd certainly be tempting to slap the enemy down with it! One of the nice things about basing your models on items from history (such as the 'Manus' hand symbol on the Signum banner) is the information that you uncover, as it often leads on to further ideas – in this case, the hand symbol was traditionally used to denote the first Cohort's Signum-banner; so it makes sense to make the squad with this chap in an important part of the line. From an aesthetic point of view, the hand is a slightly unusual symbol for an Ultramarines army, but one that fits with the Classical theme. So; unusual, but hopefully fitting.


Here's Sergeant Pharsalis, a grizzled veteran of the Legion. From top to bottom: banner is from the command squad (I think), head is a FW Khorne Berserker; backpack and pistol are Forgeworld (FW). Torso is one of my standard ones, the shoulder pads are 3D prints and his right arm is from the plastic Terminator sprues. The left arm is from a third-party company, and the clutched helmet is from Sicarius, with the front trimmed off and replaced with a Mk III from FW. The legs and base decoration are from the FW Minotaur special character Moloch.


Sergeant Pharsalis










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Great to see new Ultras from you, Apologist. I think if I'd done as many biggerized marines as you have, I'd be tempted to just stop and spend the rest of my days admiring the hard work, but the legion just keeps on recruiting. Pharsalis looks great; good to see you getting some mileage out of the classically-themed Minotaurs models.


I don't post much over at Warseer, but I did read the photo battle report you put up recently - downright inspiring to see the Praetors getting some blood on their hands. Keep going!

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Great to see new Ultras from you, Apologist. I think if I'd done as many biggerized marines as you have, I'd be tempted to just stop and spend the rest of my days admiring the hard work, but the legion just keeps on recruiting.

Thanks very much :teehee:

Actually, having so many is what convinced me to consolidate them. Having three similar Space Marine armies (I like very basic infantry) seemed a bit silly, so I sold off the Sons of Horus (which went to a very good home) and decided to enlarge the Ultramarines. A friend of mine, who posts here as Lucifer216, has a fantastic Word Bearer army (in fact, it's the one in the battle report you mention) and I thought it'd be great to be able to fight big games against them.


Here's Wednesday's marine:

Brother Vinutias









...and another, just because :)

Brother Dyrrach








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