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OK, so this is what I've got so far:



Termie Lord with dual claws


5 termies with reaper, chainfist, powerfist, 2 combi-meltas


10 possessed


10 CSM with 2 flamers, champ with power weapon


8 Berserkers, champ with power fist


10 CSM with 2 meltas, champ with power weapon


1 Oblit I'm converting from a techmarine with servo harness


1 defiler with auto-cannon and extra ccw


3 Rhinos and a pred turret.


Space Wolves:

15 CSM painted as Space Wolves, champ with combi-bolter & power weapon


Dark Angels or a successor:

Sorcerer on bike (converted Ravenwing)


10 Havocs with 4 plasma guns, icon of tzeentch, champ with plasma pistol & power weapon.(converted Dark Angels)


Silver Skulls:

10 Raptors with 2 flamers, champ with dual claws


Venerable dreadnought.


I have all the weapon arms for the dreads except for the right ccw.


I'm not really looking for help with army lists, I'm just trying to come up with a warband idea for them. Also, I can't afford any more models right now (No matter how much I'd like a Land Raider and 2 more techmarines <_< )


OK, so I have been kicking some ideas around...like painting each unit from 1 of the Loyalist legions & their successors (ex: an Ultra sgt/champ and all others in that squad painted from successor chapters, berserkers painted as BA and their successors, Raptors painted as RG and their successors, etc., etc.) but that was just to many different paint schemes and it didn't look anywhere near cohesive enough.


I also thought about doing a renegade/loyal chapter and converting the Icons to be Banners...so the Icon of Khorne would be "The Emperor's Banner of Hatred", tzeentch would be "The Emperor Protects", and other such foolishness. My problem with that was that I really want to play Chaos, and not a loyalist chapter.


I was thinking Iron Warriors, or Word Bearers, or Alpha Legion...but I have no fluff for them....so I have no idea where to start. Well, OK, I have/had/remember the stuff from IA 1,2,and 3; but I never had volume 4, so the Word Bearer and Alpha Legion fluff I know of came from the 3.5 Chaos 'dex (and those that know it know how sparse the fluff was in there).


So, now that I've run out of ideas and hit the brick wall I'd like (& am dreading :P ) some of your feedback/ideas/suggestions/comments...please!

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Hi Ming. I know how you feel, sucks trying to make up your mind when it comes to picking a theme. Online is the best place to start if you're looking into the Chaos warbands. I'd check out Lexicanum or Warhammer40k.wikia if you want more info on specific warbands. Read up one each of the chaos legions and renegade chapters see if their's a characteristic you like about one. Or use some of the established fluff to make your own warband. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the quick reply Ultraboy.

I've been poking around the Wiki and Lexi...and I just don't know. I think I'm more of an undivided player, because the big four just don't really appeal to me. I was leaning hard toward Iron Warriors what with my techmarine/oblit conversion...I'm just not that big of a fan of metallic color armies.


I think part of my problem is that I used to play Dark Angels gunline and am now trying to be more "In your face".


I guess if I can't think of anything I could just paint them all in Lunar Wolves colors... :lol:


If anyone has a DIY chapter and doesn't mind letting some of them go renegade/traitor I'm all for that too. Mainly I think I need help with the fluff (Oh why couldn't my library have HH books for check-out?!?)


I guess I'll go poke around wiki/lexi for some ideas...

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Well, seeing as I have a squad of Wolves already painted (a buddy gave me about a dozen baby blue Space Wolves 'cause he was going with the grey armor) I think I'll make the Ravenwing Sorcerer and Havok/Chosen squad either Dark Angels or one of their successors.


Might as well let you all vote on which one: Dark Angels, Angels of Absolution, Angels of Redemption, Angels of Vengeance, Guardians of the Covenant, Consecrators, Disciples of Caliban or Angels of Vigilance.


I also think I'll do the Raptors and 1 of the Dreadnoughts as Silver Skulls. After having found and read this http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=126946 I couldn't help it...

This is going to be the Silver skull dread: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod630020a


That just leaves the Termie Lord, Termies, Possessed, a 10 marine squad, the other dread, and the 'zerkers. Any ideas on a Legion that would work with some Space Wolves, Dark Angels, and Silver Skulls?


I'm going to keep trolling through Lexi and the wiki looking for Legions/Warbands... maybe one of them will at least have a good color scheme.


I figure the Oblit and Defiler I'd paint up in Sons of Medusa colors? I dunno yet, I'm still combing Lexi and Wiki...anyone know of a good fit for these besides Iron Warriors?

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My advice would be to pick your favorite legion/chapter as your HQ and some elite units and then focus on starting a backstory on how they came to fight alongside one another. You could have a squad of Iron Warriors and some obliterators concievably along with some Fallen and renegade wolves. It's all up to you really man. Your imagination is your only limit there!


Take a look here at this thread. It's dedicated to a whole warband of piritical renegades from tons of different chapters and warbands. Might give you some ideas how to mix your warband up.

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Ah, yes...It was that thread that actually made me decide to form some kind of warband from the Space Wolves, Dark Angels, and now Silver Skulls. And to ask you all to vote on which Dark Angel successor to use.

I'm currently looking through the list of renegade/traitor chapters listed on wiki to see who my other HQ, rest of elites, other Dread, Techmarine, 'zerkers, and the 10 man CSM squads will be...

I'm kinda liking the Tiger Claws right now... but that will probably change with the next cool paint scheme I find :rolleyes:

If nothing else I might just make them Alpha Legion...

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The Dark Angel successors is mainly about the color, green, bleached bone, bleached bone/green halved, black, silver, black, green/black, or mustard colored.

And I've been doing this: :rolleyes: for about two years now, so I think it's finally time to just pick one and do it! :lol: And you two have been way more help than my wall!

I just want to make sure that it would be even slightly believable to have an oblit and defiler in my core warband, and then traitors from three other chapters working with them...

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OK, after having gone through the lists on wiki and lexi I'm liking these:

Tiger Claws

Extinction Angels

Dragon Warriors


I'm thinking Dragon Warriors, what with all the melta and flamers in my army...but the Extiction Angels look pretty cool as well...

And I'm really digging the black and yellow of the Tiger Claws. Well, I guess narrowing it down to three from no clue is pretty good for a nights work.

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