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You know you're blessed by chaos when...

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


-Fabius Bile is alone and charged by 30 outflanking hormagaunts, receives 3 wounds, armor saves one, feel no pains the other two, kills one hormagaunt, and nearly sweeping advances them off the board as they flee.

-Your Skull Champion w/ powerfist charges the 3rd ed monolith and wrecks it


Alternatively, you know you're "blessed" by chaos when...


-Your fun fluff-centered Fabius Bile 'roid marines kill over half of themselves before the game actually starts

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These are all things I've had happen.


- In a game of Apoc, you deploy your Dreadnaught next to an allies "Loyalist" tank and he doesn't go insane and attack it. (My ally warned me that the dready better not go nuts and shoot the tank, instead, the enemy took the tank out and the resultant explosion took out 3 of my nearby marines)

- You deepstrike your Raptors into the heart of the enemy, past a disrupter beacon, and every ordnance shot fired at them scatters onto your enemies' own units.

- Your Dreadnaught finds himself in combat with a Guard sentinal and Dante and his retinue and wins combat by destroying only the sentinal's weapon, while suffering no damage in return.

- Your summoned lesser daemons manage to wipe out a unit of Sang Guard on the turn they arrive on the table.

- You manage to fire 14 plasma weapons in one turn without any of them over-heating.

- Your Traitor Guard manage to outshoot your Chaos Marines.

- Your Traitor Guard commander manages to survive 3 units of Marines shooting at him, after his unit is wiped out and is left on a single wound.

- Your Zerker champion with a powerfist, as the sole survivor of his unit, charges, survives the higher initiative attacks and takes out Asteroth.

- Your Traitor Guard master of ordnance manages to immobilize a Storm Raven on the first turn on the game by calling in an artillery strike.


And, owing to the fickle nature of Chaos ...


- Your Lord, armed with a Bloodfeeder, has his deepstrike disrupted, landing in your back corner, survives an Earthshaker round that wipes out his unit, never makes it to combat but manages to wound himself anyway with an over-heating plasma pistol he fired on the last turn of the game.

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I have a story I love to tell, though many of you have lived it I'm sure. :rolleyes:


The first was when I was playing with my friend for the first game she had, and she was using her boyfriend's necrons. I made a list that involved footslogging across the board to her in an open field just to show her the rules rather than have a competitive game. Long story short, I got a couple of berserkers to her of the eight men that were in their squad, and proceeded to wipe the floor with a ten men squad of warriors before dieing, and my chaos lord in terminator armour on his lonesome soaked up a couple of turns of fire before taking a wound. She asked what the die was that I put next to him was for, and the look on her face after I said "he can take two more wounds before he dies" was priceless. I still lost, but I love how much Shizzle my warriors wreck before they lie low in melee, and like even more the terrified expressions that I get as lone berserker carves up a host of firewarriors.

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Opponent had screened his leman Russ set up on his table edge with 2 imperial guard squads. Landraider with a terminator squad tank shocked the guard, making both fail, and then the terminators got out and charged his tanks, destroying 1 and shaking the other, his turn both squads run off the table due to the terminators being so close, fleeing in terror like little children!


That same squad, the first time I used them out of a landraider ever, were truely blessed. They jumped out and ended up out of range of a leman Russ that had been destroying my squads, almost every unit in my opponents army shot at them, and while 3 of them fell to the first salvo, the remaining 2 absorbed everything, including the chainfist. My turn I charged forward and blew up the demolisher, both termiators dying in the explosion, showing the fickle nature of the chaos touch :rolleyes:

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...

...Rumours of a new Chaos Codex is on the way this year! B)



When you can fulfill dream of creating a Chaos Lord who won't get killed by a Cadian with a powerfist. :D

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...

...Rumours of a new Chaos Codex is on the way this year! :lol:



When you can fulfill dream of creating a Chaos Lord who won't get killed by a Cadian with a powerfist. :D

:D ;) ;)



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You know you are blessed by chaos when:


You draw 2 objective games in a row with 1 model left on the field (a plague marine) who survives a whole round of attacks from nobs, one with a power claw, in the first game and then war scythe attacks in the second game.


When your chaos lord in terminator Armour with Bloodfeeder has 45 attacks over 3 rounds of combat. And then proceeds to only be able to kill 10 orks in 3 rounds.

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You are blessed by Chaos when you realize that all the legions with cool colour-schemes betrayed the Emperor.


Also; when you compare the content of a box of Chaos Space Marines with one of a Tactical Squad.



Both the art-guys and the sculptors obviously play Chaos!



Finally, you are blessed by Chaos when you realize that while your codex may not be competitive, it is ten times cooler than any loyalist codex!

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


An allergic reaction to your girlfriends new "allergy-free" face wash leaves three spots in the shape of Nurgle's symbol on your cheek. And your forehead........

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