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You know you're blessed by chaos when...

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


An allergic reaction to your girlfriends new "allergy-free" face wash leaves three spots in the shape of Nurgle's symbol on your cheek. And your forehead........





I'm just thankful I haven't had any slaanesh-esque blessings. Nurgle I can live with. Although the flies are a trifle annoying.

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


An allergic reaction to your girlfriends new "allergy-free" face wash leaves three spots in the shape of Nurgle's symbol on your cheek. And your forehead........





I'm just thankful I haven't had any slaanesh-esque blessings. Nurgle I can live with. Although the flies are a trifle annoying.

:lol: indeed a Slaanesh blessing could be a little worrying depending on what it was!

I recommend you keep a close watch that your eyes dont start to merge together and a single horn doesnt start sprouting from your forehead lol!



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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


An allergic reaction to your girlfriends new "allergy-free" face wash leaves three spots in the shape of Nurgle's symbol on your cheek. And your forehead........





I'm just thankful I haven't had any slaanesh-esque blessings. Nurgle I can live with. Although the flies are a trifle annoying.

:tu: indeed a Slaanesh blessing could be a little worrying depending on what it was!

I recommend you keep a close watch that your eyes dont start to merge together and a single horn doesnt start sprouting from your forehead lol!




My stomach looks a little bloated. Should I be worried?

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


An allergic reaction to your girlfriends new "allergy-free" face wash leaves three spots in the shape of Nurgle's symbol on your cheek. And your forehead........





I'm just thankful I haven't had any slaanesh-esque blessings. Nurgle I can live with. Although the flies are a trifle annoying.

:P indeed a Slaanesh blessing could be a little worrying depending on what it was!

I recommend you keep a close watch that your eyes dont start to merge together and a single horn doesnt start sprouting from your forehead lol!




My stomach looks a little bloated. Should I be worried?

I would definitely get that checked. Let me just refer you to a specialist doctor..... Now let me see...... Dr Bile is available next wednesday? :P



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Trouble is, I already owe bile 200 odd slaves. 60 of which are Astartes. NEVER play drinking games with a Space Marine.

That's a bugger. You weren't drinking against a Space Wolf were you?




Aye, a stinking hairy thin blood. Damn him and his oaths to Bile.


EDIT: I appear to be derailing this thread...

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Trouble is, I already owe bile 200 odd slaves. 60 of which are Astartes. NEVER play drinking games with a Space Marine.

That's a bugger. You weren't drinking against a Space Wolf were you?




Aye, a stinking hairy thin blood. Damn him and his oaths to Bile.

Agghh, indeed the foul spawn of Russ are champions of the drinking games.

You should have played against an Iron Hand Space Marine. We all know that after the 6th bevvie, the Cyborg Astartes would be completely legless and end up spilling his next drink down himself, hopefully short circuiting the electrics of his robotic limbs thus leading to him forfeiting. Ah well theres always next time.


EDIT: I appear to be derailing this thread...

I dont think Im exactly helping to get the thread back on track myself. Whoops :)



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A single rubric marine beats Gazhghull Uruk Thraka in close combat.

Let me guess, it's because he had either 1) been in a massive fight with Ahriman and barely scraped through leaving the one remaining marine to finish him off or 2) admit it, Gazzy was spawn. Or do you control the spawn? Idk.


your flamers of tzeentch take down a reaver titan by themself.

Um, how? B)

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A single rubric marine beats Gazhghull Uruk Thraka in close combat.

Let me guess, it's because he had either 1) been in a massive fight with Ahriman and barely scraped through leaving the one remaining marine to finish him off or 2) admit it, Gazzy was spawn. Or do you control the spawn? Idk.


your flamers of tzeentch take down a reaver titan by themself.

Um, how? B)

Dude, it doesn't matter how or why. That's the whole point of this thread. To post when things actually go right for our Chaos forces in that once in a blue moon moment.

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When a single Defiler saves your force from being wiped out. Without getting a single wound the largest block of Noobs I have ever seen annihilated my bike squad, my Nurgles and my Choosen and their Rhino. The next thing the Noobs was gunning for was my two squads of Black legions... thats when my Defiler had had enough and stepped in B)


You know your're hated by the Chaos gods when all you have to do is to roll two 2+ to save your DP, and he ends up being killed.

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You know you're blessed by chaos when...


You realise you control one of only two methods in the entire game (and the ONLY reliable one) for making sure Saint Celestine doesn't. respawn. ever. again.

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You know your Blessed by Khorne:


-When you don't roll a single 1 for Khârn of the game

-You win by a marging of 8 KP

-You still Win by just having 8 Aspirint Champs as Troops for the Objectives.

-When a whole unit of Assault Veterans die in their Assault turn, against your unit, and you don't loose a man.

-When your CC Defiler goes into combat and kills things, SS TH Termies included.

-When you win against Blood Angels.

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A single rubric marine beats Gazhghull Uruk Thraka in close combat.

Let me guess, it's because he had either 1) been in a massive fight with Ahriman and barely scraped through leaving the one remaining marine to finish him off or 2) admit it, Gazzy was spawn. Or do you control the spawn? Idk.


your flamers of tzeentch take down a reaver titan by themself.

Um, how? :o

Dude, it doesn't matter how or why. That's the whole point of this thread. To post when things actually go right for our Chaos forces in that once in a blue moon moment.

Thank you. After all chaos luck is the fluffiest luck, except maybe for some ork-y luck.

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