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Land Raider Crusader instructions?


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I've used two of the Crusader/Redeemer upgrade packs in making magnetic multi raiders and I'm not sure the instructions would be much help and I haven't really even see the plastic raider instructions. The only difference between the variants is external so most of the assembly is the same as a standard one till you get to the weapons.


THe Assault cannons assemble just like the Heavy bolters. I didn't magnetize the guns it was just easier to have two seperate turrets. You'll have the parts for both a complete HB and a complete AC turret starting with a standard raider and the upgrade pack and not have to worry about magnetizing


The Hurricane bolters are 4 pieces per sponson, 2 halfs that are left/right side specific and a piece that goes on the rear of the guns, and a targeter that goes in board of the pivot shaft opposite of the guns. Flame cannons are 4 pieces, 2 Right left specific halves each, and end cap piece that ties to the fuel canisters and the fule canisters that I can't remember if they were one or two pieces. the Fule tanks can only be attached to around the sponson pivot shaft, look at the weapon and you'll see the holes where the pivot points are it goes from there.


Everything else is just gluing the frag launchers to the front over the tracks it you want them and assembling the multi melta which goes together just like a storm bolter akthough the shield can be a pain to get in place.


The sponson its self assembles just like a lascannon one with the top and bootom plates attaching to the door piece with the pivot running verticaly and the gunb sheild attaches to the out board side of the weapons.


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