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A B&C Eye of Terror Gazetteer

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In the Eye of Terror are countless Daemon Worlds, all formed by the impulse of powerful beings who laugh at the physics and logic of the mortal world. Anything is possible, and the variations of these worlds are as endless as the legions of infernal creatures who rule over them and make war on one another. The Traitor Legions disappeared into the Eye of Terror and their captains and champions carved their own domains from its flesh. The Chaos Marines who raid the Imperium are but a fraction of the whole, and within its bounds the Eye is a cauldron seething with personalized realms of the bizarre and grotesque.


The Black Library offers glimpses of some of the possibilities, but there are so many more sights to see, so many more sensations that await the intrepid explorer. Here in the Chaos Ascendant forum we are all fellow travelers in the corridors of damnation and pain, of glory and excess. Why not share where we have indulged our darkest desires, or of what fevered visions torment us? Let us catalog the sins of the Warp together!


Daemon World:




Legion/Chapter of Origin:


Chaos God Allegiance:


Points of Interest:


Short Description:


I think this could be a fun exercise, a creative outlet for the B&C to share our collected visions of the Realm of Chaos. Bonus points for reading through the thread and managing not to repeat a distinctive idea or theme posted so far in your own post. Even more internet bonus points if you create a Daemon World that has nothing to do with any warband or IA you've created previously or currently play with. Let's see if this takes off...

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Daemon World: Tarisus


Ruler: Contested between Cain Shadowscar and Abel Firebrand


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Both are formerly of the Sons of Vengeance.


Chaos God Allegiance: Undivided/Individual


Points of Interest: Random warp anomalies will appear across the planet. Known as the "Devourers", these anomalies will appear all over the surface of Tarisus and whatever is engulfed will simply disappear. It has been rumored that since they appear near large battlefields that it might a large, invisible daemon simply satisfying its hunger with chunks of the "material" realm. Also, Tarisus is known as the Hollow Planet due it lacking a proper core. It is simply a spherical, empty shell. No one has ever traveled to the inside of the planet. Or at least no one who returned to tell of it. The Twin Cities were built on the opposite poles over massive holes that lead straight to the empty core. At night, the inhabitants can hear te mournful wailing of the damned.


Short Description: Information is scarce but what is known that whne Cain and Abel came to Tarisus, they came as allies at they head of an army of murders and zealots and they had even ruled together. It is unknown if they had divergent philosophies or if the Gods themselves set them against each other, but both champions have embroiled the planet in constant warfare. The inhabitants are equally split between the two forces and are constantly killing each other, resultin in very short and brutal lifespans. This part of why noone knows what started the fighting between the two former Battle-Brothers.




Is this good? :D

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Daemon world:

Balbator, located on the edge of the eye's major influrence



Balbator is ruled by a large number of counts and lords, none higher than the other, all claiming to recieve their orders directly from the emperor via supernatural messengers. occationally theese lords and counts will challange eachother for terrotory


legion/chapter of origin:

no chaos space marines have any direct political influrence on Balbator, however a group of fallen Raven guard marines secretly to the imperium initiate from here


Chaos god

allegience: subtly influrated by Tzeentch


Points of interests:

the vast cave networks hidden away under the rainy deep green plains and forests of the small world. the caves mostly go unused, but some of those located close to the various towns and settlements are used as places of worship for the "bird men", winged humanoids said to be messengers of the emperors will


Short desription:

Balbator is small world in a state that lies between feudal and backwater technology and socioty. it is covored in a dense and moist atmosphere, its skies allways clouded and rainy. under the fog and rain one finds many large woods, housing an exclusively (even if largely varied) black feathered, blue eyed avian originated fauna.

scattered across the surface is small towns build by the worlds "primitive" inhabitants, most of which are farmers, craftsmen, or hunters, sporting a reletively low technological prowess, with the occational lasgun or electrical aperatus. reports from inquisitorial acolytes however explain that the reneisance-like technology might be caused by convensional electronics tending to quickly fail due to high moisture and strange magnetic activities, not to mention the total absence of the cult mechanicus.

the psykers joining theese expeditions have also reported a strange property of the planets clouds, somehow blocking their psychic powers from the outside of the atmosphere.

there are no seas found on Balbator, it appears that most water is distributed in the form of large lakes, in underground resovours, and in the atmosphere. there are no polar ice or significant heat-differences in different locations, this is speculated being thanks to the thick cloud layer blocking out much of the sunlight, being distributing the heat equally across the surface


(sorry about the long "short description" xP ... i like details)

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Daemon World: Thresh


Ruler: None


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Alpha Legion


Chaos God Allegiance: Undivided/None


Points of Interest: Proving ground for initiates.


Short Description: The world is a series of 'glasslands' where the surface and all that had once remained of it's population had been melted down into a layer of glass. There is little geothermic activity. It exists as a base for an Alpha Legion warband, to enter and test their new recruits. Alpha Legionaries prize teamwork over individual heroism, so the aspirants are put into teams, and are run through simulation after simulation.


The 'recruits' are promising children who are renditioned from Imperial Space, or children of pre-existing Non-Astartes assets. The final training exercise for a Aspirant team, is to attack and defeat enemy Astartes Tactical squad (Ultramarines and their offspring are favored game) and claim their armor as their own. The Aspirant team is only armed with semi-powered, rebreather equipped Carapace armor and combat blades initially and procure weapons and equipment on sight.

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Daemon World: Collosintium


Ruler: The Brazen Council, a collection of Chaos Warlords and Sorcerers.


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Brazen Warriors (Iron Warriors warband)


Chaos God of Allegiance: Undivided


Points of Interest: The Dead Quarter, where the buildings are made of the dead bodies of the Brazen Warrior's foes, and their tormented ghosts wander, shackled forever to the whim of the Wraith Sorcerors. The main fortress and barracks of the Brazen Warriors is located here.


Short Description: The planet operates as a mockery of a living planet, save everything, down to the smallest insect, is a daemonically possessed brass and iron construct. The populace eke out a living in continually building greater and more warped fortifications, in a vain attempt to gain favour with the ruling Chaos Space Marines. Those who survive the gruelling challenges are eligible to be considered for a place amongst the Brazen Warriors themselves.


EDIT: name change as kindly pointed out by @Excessus and provided by Kol_Saresk ;)

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Since I started this I should also add my own, I reckon.


Daemon World: The Grand Monstrance


Ruler: The Dark Apostle Linus Histanai, Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Word Bearers


Chaos God of Allegiance: Chaos Undivided


Points of Interest: The Crystal Cathedral, a large glass sphere at the center of the Grand Monstrance where the Daemon Prince Linus exists as an amorphous spirit writhing in ecstasy. The Weights of Glory, four enormous carvings of solid material hanging from gold chains, each a different figure to represent one of the four major Chaos Gods (Brass for Khorne, Marble for Slaanesh, Ice for Tzeentch, Bone for Nurgle), that rise and fall according to the ascendancy of their respective gods in the Great Game. The Pit of Pendulums, a region where the chains and armatures of thousands of razor sharp pendulums swing forever, tormenting the bodies and souls of captive unbelievers and the host of Furies who lord their mutual imprisonment over them.


Short Description: The Grand Monstrance is a region of the Eye of Terror given over to a mind staggeringly vast array of clockwork machines, chains, weights, and levers, forged from iron, brass, and silver by the will of Linus Histanai. These incredible automata, many far larger than the largest Imperial ship, all connect to form the infernal array that both protects the Daemon Linus and allows him to sing his praises for the Ruinous Powers and all that is Chaos. The remains of his Word Bearers warband exist to provide the non-stop blood sacrifices that lubricate the chains and gears of the Grand Monstrance, making raids into the Materium for slaves and sacrificial victims as the constant need dictates. Linus has no allies nor any enemies he recognizes, only existing to sing of the glories of all that is Chaos, supported by his followers and gifting those who work most efficiently and devotedly to keep the diabolical clockwork machine turning.

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Daemon World: Dressan Secundus


Ruler: Disputed (Warlord Skar, Lord Leon Enaek and Witch-Prophet Llythiar)


Chapter/Legion of Origin: Skar is from the World Eaters Legion, Llythiar is a 'mortal' psyker and Enaek is a renegade from the Angels Rampant.


Chaos God of Allegiance: Skar and Enaek worship Khorne, whilst Llythiar is a servant of The Lord if Change.


Points of Interest: Centuries of war have rendered the surface of Dressan little more than than cratered no-man's land broken by the occasional fortress, mountain range or sentinent lake. However, above Dressan is the moon known as Port Rhetor- an urban sprawl of barraks, traders, harems and docks. Ruled by the upstart Lotd Leon Enaek and his warband- the Brass Legion- the Port is the source of through which all supplies, trade and reinforcements must pass to reach Dressan. At the very heart of the Port lies a fortress made from the crashed wreckage of the cruiser "Bloodfeuds"- a veritable fortress manned by a detatchment of the Brass Legion and their thrall heretic guardsmen.


Short Description: Since being 'founded' by the Traitor Legions 10,000 years ago Dressan has since been a much-coveted location and has been fought over by endless warbands and factions. Once rich in seams of ore and fuel, Dressan has since been stripped by the clamour of war until nothing remains but dry and barren expanses and a near constant stream of daemons drawn by the slaughter. On the surface the current warlords struggling for dominance are Skar of the World Eaters Legion and Llythiar- a Sorceress of Tzeentch. Having welded together an alliance of not only his own Berserkers, but also members of a dozen warbands dedicated to all four of the Gods, Skar boasts a force made up of exclusively Astartes forces and now holds sway over the mountainous regions within the western hemisphere. Meanwhile the forces of Llythiar are more numerous and varied; the majority are rogue psykers and cultist mobs, but also sworn to the Sorceress are the so-called Templars of Change (an Astartes warband) and Llythiar's own Puppets (steel suits animated by the psychic will of Llythiar and her psykers). Her forces occupy the more barren eastern hemisphere and the few cities that stud the plains.

Whilst these two warlords have fought for dominance of the planet for almost three centuries now, in the past few years the moon has been claimed by the renegade Leon Enaek. Once in the employ of Lord Skar, Enaek left the wartorn realm to wreak revenge against his former Chapter, the Angels Rampant, and has now returned with his mottley (but now reequipped) warband with the aim of capturing a base from which to launch his raids.

The current situation is much unchanged- on the surface war wages on, whilst Enaek has secured conditions for trade with both- although neither is comfortable with the situation and only time will tell if the two will allow the upstart's conditions to go unchecked.

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They really need a smiley that whistles.


What, you mean this one? ^_^


Or this one? :)




More like one that says " :cuss " or "Bloody awesome!"


I think :cuss or :P conveys those sentiments nicely. I'd be up for a clapping emoticon, personally. I have for a while...

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They really need a smiley that whistles.


What, you mean this one? ^_^


Or this one? :)




More like one that says " :cuss " or "Bloody awesome!"


I think :cuss or :P conveys those sentiments nicely. I'd be up for a clapping emoticon, personally. I have for a while...

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Daemon World: Ghronstangrad

That name is awfully close to the "Emperor's Swords" homeplanet of Ghorstangrad, which is really far away from the eye...


My bad. I thought it was too much of a coincidence I came up with it easily. Hmmmm. I need a new name. ^_^

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Daemon World: Tartarus


Ruler: Warsmith Aldric Bane


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Iron Warriors


Chaos God Allegiance: Khorne


Points of Interest: The planet is covered in trenches, barbed wire, and the crumbling remains of a hundred fortresses. There are nearly constant battles on the surface and the soil of Tartarus was long ago stained red with the blood of the fallen. The gravity of Tartarus is not unusual however, the gravitational pull that the planet exerts on ships is so intense that escape from the planet's surface is nearly impossible except once in two decades when the planet aligns with its star perfectly and the pull dies down long enough for ships to escape and make for the Imperium to bring Khorne's wrath upon the servants of the Corpse-God.


Short Description: The Iron Warriors 23rd company came to this world after the Iron Cage campaign, the planets gravity capturing their ships and forcing them to the Iron Warriors to land on the surface. Shortly thereafter infighting began to break out between various factions, each believing that the others were to blame for the Company's current predicament. After nearly 4 years of fierce fighting an Aspiring Champion by the name of Aldric Bane toppled his predecessor and claimed the title of Warsmith. He then proceeded to sacrifice every psyker within the Company to the every hungry Blood God, in order to be granted some secret knowledge of the world they had found themselves on. One of Khorne's messengers gave Bane the secrets of Tartarus, and ever since he has pitted the brothers and recruits of his company against each other as well as prey that he draws from other parts of the galaxy, claiming that only the strongest among them will be given the honor of joining him in his raids against the Imperium. Upon the completion (or failure) of his endeavors Bane returns to Tartarus and the cycle begins anew.

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World: Kerak

Sector: Gothi Wilds, Ibrian Reach

Class: Abandoned World [ref id: Luna Wolves]


Ruler: Hrongar


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Black Legion Warband


Chaos God Allegiance: None


Points of Interest:Abandoned Legion Staging Ground


Short Description:Temperate World. Single Fortress centered over ancient supply depot and manufactory. Extensive Orbital Defense Networks and recently constructed repair facilities for the Warband's Naval Assets. Large slave population performs menial tasks overseen by the more trusted Auxiliaries. Auxilia Legions training and housing facilities are built here and auxilia legions are rotated through to keep them fresh. Multiple None Black Legion Warbands allied with Hrongar's forces for the duration of the 13th Black Crusade also make use of Kerak and its facilities.

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World: Cudere Amentiam


Type: Daemon-Forge (former Chapter Homeworld)


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Ironbound (formerly the Medusan Knights)


Chaos God / Allegiance: Undivided / Dark Mechanicus


Points of Intrests: The Pyriphlegethon


The Medusan Knights chapter, founded in M33 from the Iron Hands gene-seed, was created to fill gaps in the defences around the Eye of Terror's northern borders. They continued to serve the Imperium with honour for 3,000 years, until their forge-monestary was struck by the Dark Mechanicus and 4 full Traitor Titan Legions, and the planet forever cut off from the Imperium by vicious Warp-Storms. Practically annihlated, the survivors were subject to experimintation and torture as their homeworld was enslaved and turned into a new Deamon-Forge. Their bionics were stripped and rebuilt with foul sorceries, their flesh torn and remolded, thier minds shredded of all sanity by constant forcible scrap-code inloads that polluted their souls. Neither the Emperor nor the Machine God heard their screams, or pleas for mercy. Every one of their weaknessess were brought to the fore, and the Knights could no longer hide their fears behind the mechanical modifications wreathing their bodies.


One by one, the surviving Medusan Knights broke their oaths to the Imperium in a fit of madness and self-loathing, and swore themselves to the Dark Gods in an effort to permanently purge the faults inheirent within themselves. With the Titan Legions gone to fight elsewhere, the Knights broke free, and used their new modifications and loyalties to the Gods to shatter the leaders of the Dark Mechanicus who sat within the corrupted former fortress monestary. With the help of the Gods, they counter corrupted the scrapcode pouring across the planet, subsuming the skitarii mortals to their will, and murdered the Overlords. Clinically insane, and Ironbound to their oaths to the Dark Gods to "forcibly purge the failures of the human flesh and soul", they took the world for their own again, casting the entire planet into a home for their diabolical experimentation upon man, machine and daemon.


Cudere Amentiam itself burns day and night, covered in an ocean of boiling, liquid soulfire called The Pyriphlegethon by it's screaming, tortured inhabitants. Reaching out from the churning hell like broken steel fingers are the Forge-Hives themselves, twisted spires of bloodstained iron; crucified, writhing screeching innocents; and thick, rancid, oil-gore; pumping out millions of howling human experiments and lethal daemon-machines from the depths of their hellish factories and labratories. No two creatures that leave these Forge-Hives are alike, in appearance or purpose. The masters of this planet, the Ironbound themselves, are cruel, absent-minded scientisits with multiple-personalities, incapable of reproducing the same experiment twice, or even at times, finishing the experiment in the first place. Due to this, billions of forgotten or released mortals, partially dissected and put together with daemonic flesh and bionic parts, prowl the blood-stained Forge-Hives and the corpse-bridges connecting them, shrieking their pain and hatred into the scalding air, and hunting each other for flesh-food, reserve power sources, or just to release their suffering. These screams blend with the roaring of the city-sized furnaces, the buzzing of saws cutting into blood-wet bone, and the numberless daemonic servo-skulls flitting between gore-stained girders blaring corrupt scrapcode from their vox-casters at eardrum shattering volumes.






Jeez, I think I need a therapist.....

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I think you need less spare time :P


Can we do fleets, or multiple... biographies...? Here's DAT's -


World - Broken Blade


Legion/Chapter of Origin - Word Bearers


Chaos God allegiance - Undivided


Points of Interest (2)


Shattered Heart - When the Dark Apostle Thirst crippled the battle barge Heart of a Warrior and slaughtered the Burning Scythes inside, he ordered its husk to be dragged to this nameless world within the Eye of Terror. Upon claiming the world as his own and setting the ruined Heart on the planet's surface, he christened the world Broken Blade after the downed vessel. On his quests to claim the objects that the Dark Gods demanded of him, he always returned and stored them in the Heart, along with any other objects of interest that he came across. The 68th Host, which was under the command of the Dark Apostle, soon nicknamed the location Shattered Heart. It has since been refered as such by all who see the former glory of the Heart. Since the departure of Dark Apostle Thirst, it has remained untouched as the Host's gesture of respect to their former master.


The Beginning, The End - This citadel and base of operations was constructed soon after the 68th's arrival to Broken Blade. Why the Shattered Heart was not chosen is unknown, but this construction was made after several deals with Iron Warrior warbands and as a result is a towering edifice, nigh impregnable except to the most destructive and powerful forces. Then began the drilling and growing of the fortress underground, where it serves in a similar function to the 68th's Host as a fortress monastery does to a loyalist scum. Recruits are brought here, and for them it is the Beginning, and so are the fallen and the prisoners of war, for them it is the End. So it was named by the Dark Apostle Thirst, and because of that it remains so named even though he has long ascended as Daemon Prince and Dark Apostle Vikath has since reigned for three millenium.

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Can we do fleets, or multiple... biographies...?


I think anything that can be justified as a location in a Warp anomaly would fit here, not necessarily planets or even confined to the Eye of Terror, and since Daemon Worlds are tied to the Daemon who creates it then a biography of sorts could be integral. This should be different than an IA style article because it's main focus is the world and then its individual creator rather than a warband or faction. For instance, you can't really mention Medrengaard without saying something about Perturabo and the Iron Warriors, but it shouldn't be about Perturabo or the Iron Warriors, but rather locations on Medrengaard and the physical features (the white sky and black star, the fields full of razor wire and trenches, the huge mountains and outcasts in the wastes, the impossible stairway that allowed Honsou to simply walk up to anchorage orbit and get on his ship, that sort of thing.)

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