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A B&C Eye of Terror Gazetteer

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Aye, if you didn't notice I used the term biographies lightly, not really quite sure what to call what these things are :P


Fleet name - The Untouched


Legion/Chapter of Origin - The Emperor's Wraiths


Chaos God allegiance - none


Points of interest (3)


The Silent Truth - this infamous battle barge is the last part of the fleet that originally fled from the Imperium under the banner of the Emperor's Wraiths. It has since become the nexus point for the warband known as the Wraiths of Darkness, housing at first the Chapter Master and the First Company for a thousand years before the leadership changed and the title of Phantom Lord was adopted. Its bridge has heard the commands of all the rulers of the Wraiths of Darkness, and its former Reclusiam has become the home of the masters of the psychic network that unifies the dispersed fleet to this day. It is considered priceless by the Wraiths, and from it they make their forays into the Eye for whatever contract demands the Wraiths's attentions.


The Final Hope - a powerless, floating Space Hulk that has long been cleansed by the Wraiths. In it the recruits that bear Sanguinus's geneseed are exiled, so that they might find brotherhood and help the few former Sanguinary Priests research a cure to the Black Rage and Red Thirst. They are provided with supplies in that area by regular shipments from the Silent Truth. It is also where all geneseed of Blood Angel descent that the Wraiths have claimed is located, in case the apothecaries somehow do find a cure to the enigma and can utilise it. Many have gone made from the restriction in the Hope, despite it being extremely large, and to remedy this somewhat the Phantom Lords have allowed the exiled to work on crafting armour and the like for the Wraiths of Darkness. They fear this backfiring, however, and that the exiled might make themselves weapons instead and as such not much materiel is given for that purpose. The Hope itself was scoured of anything that could help the Wraiths when they first cleared it.


The Price of the Gods - when the Emperor's Wraiths were new to the Eye of Terror, this strike cruiser was the first they captured from traitor astartes. It was, at the time, extremely corrupted from its former inhabitants Chaotic worship, which had also led them to name the vessel Gift of the Gods. The captain who was given charge immediately ordered any tainted parts of it to be cut from it and cast out its own airlocks, while fresh metals were brought in to repair the damages. Its machine spirit was also cleansed via a joint effort of the techmarines and librarians, and a new one formed itself, pure of Chaos. It was renamed for the truth it brought - the price of service to the Dark Gods was death. It accepted this name eagerly, according the logs, and has since served as second only to the Silent Truth itself. The Price of the Gods now holds the rebuilding Second Summoning.

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@DAT: And you say I have too much time on my hands... :lol:

Hey, I never said it was a bad thing :P


EDIT: Any CnC on it? I thought yours was quite excellent before you ask, nice and grimdark, not overpowered in any way - the fact that they're too crazy to really do anything besides experiment was a nice touch - and the storyline of the chapter and its home was very fitting of the cruelty of Chaos. Only slight thing that bothers me is that any of their experiments, assuming that they're human, would not be able to live after being under any of their attentions, unless they actually managed to complete the experiment

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@DAT: And you say I have too much time on my hands... :P


Hey Max, How about the Eye's little brother? Plenty of psychotic, rule-defying places in the Maelstrom.


Eye of Terror, the Maelstrom, anything that's a Warp anomaly intruding in on the Materium where Chaos Marines and their ilk make homes. Here's a list of warp storms from Lexicanum for inspiration, or one could invent their own pocket dimension to rule over so long as it fits in with the "shared reality" of 40k of B&C'ers (to use a Liber Astartes idea).


Corrupted locations in the Webway are also game, since enough Warp essence will have poured in at several places for powerful Daemons to shape a realm.

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@DAT: Well, let's see...the Emperor's Wraith's places seem a touch...odd, but that may be because I don't completley understand the Wraiths themselves. Are they Renegades, Loyal, rebels? The Word Bearers one is pretty cool, almost like an evil, hell-spawned Antiques Roadshow, lol


As for the poor souls being experimented on my Daemon Forge-World, I don't imagine all of them survive (despite a large minority of them not being human). Those that wake up mid-surgery are probably done for, but I'm thinking more along the lines of 'Dead Sky, Black Sun' -like Unfleshed. The half finished rejects waking up on the surgery table, in pain but alive. Suddenly, they realize their eye is a cluster of lenses, but was never connected to their optical nerves. Their arm are a cluster of mechandrites and bone-thorns that get caught on each other, and seem to serve no purpose. And of course, no painkillers, lol. How the hell these critters are alive defy reason, but they are. One of the pluses of owning a planet in hell, is a complete lack of reason and physicis, lol.


@Max: Gnarly. Thanks, man!

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@DAT: Well, let's see...the Emperor's Wraith's places seem a touch...odd, but that may be because I don't completley understand the Wraiths themselves. Are they Renegades, Loyal, rebels? The Word Bearers one is pretty cool, almost like an evil, hell-spawned Antiques Roadshow, lol

Well, if you want to understand the Wraiths of Darkness, check here, it's my IT for them. Short answer, no, they don't worship Chaos, they once came from the Emperor's Wraiths but when they decided not to go with the Imperial system they renamed themselves the Wraiths of Darkness.


Antiques Roadshow, ahhhh :P The only major thing that I'm worried about is having cool names for these guys at this point, because a bad name can kill an idea just as much as a good one can spur it on

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Daemon World: Z'vdi K'jot


Ruler: Tu'Kang D'Uhgnn


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Consuls of the Wyrm (renegades from the Salamanders Chapter)


Chaos God Allegiance: Khorne


Points of Interest: The Gates of the Wyrm, corrupt Webway Portals through which the Consuls sally forth and march back prisoners who are forced to fight for their survival on this brutal world. These are numerous and spread evenly across the planet. Tu'Kang's Forge, a large caldera where the serpentine Daemon Prince labors ceaselessly to create implements of war. These he flings across the sky with his many arms, a bizarre rain of weapons that constantly fall across the planet for the hapless residents to either be impaled by or to use to fight one another for survival. The Mount of Banners, a long slope of black ashes and sand where hopeful Chaos Champions plant the banners of defeated warbands as tribute to Tu'Kang in the hopes he will gift them with a powerful Daemon Weapon of his own making. The Apothecarion of the Blood, the only modern building on the entire planet, where those driven mad by an eternity of butchery for their survival and chosen by the Consuls are given brutal brain surgery and indoctrinated into the warband.


Short Description: Z'vdi K'jot is an oceanic world, and highly volcanic. The seas are shallow, though their high chemical content has transformed what was once a vibrant and alive ocean into something more akin to formaldehyde. Grotesque fields of living strips of flayed flesh float like seaweed or kelp, and the jagged floor is covered in the broken bones of countless fallen warriors. Blood tides move through the waters as if intelligent, trailed by zombified sea creatures and the revenants of dishonored warriors and cowards who feed off the detritus of gore and offal left in its wake. The deeper crevices of the ocean floor roiling magma, itself moving as it were a monstrous creature instead of an unstable fault line. The inhabitants of the planet live on the numerous volcanic islands that dot the shallow seas.


(seeing Kol's thread about warband names revived made me think of the Gazetteer again...)

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See that's funny cause I mentioned that people could put the warband bio on my thread and then post the fun facts about their lair on yours. :lol:


Between the warband name thread, the gazetteer thread, and the one about Chaos ships, we've got our own miniature Liber Chaotica going on here...

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See that's funny cause I mentioned that people could put the warband bio on my thread and then post the fun facts about their lair on yours. :lol:


Between the warband name thread, the gazetteer thread, and the one about Chaos ships, we've got our own miniature Liber Chaotica going on here...

maybe we should collect all of it and make some sort of IA article or something. To help spread the love for Chaos.

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Daemon World: Rehcse, Eye of Terror


Ruler: Heretek Lord Ma'klich


Legion/Chapter of Origin: Thousand Sons funded Dark Mechanicus splinter group known as "Black Harvest"


Chaos God Allegiance: No specific worship noted, obvious XVth Legion Traitoris Extremis detected


Points of Interest: Manufactorum Primus


Description: Black ships litter the stars, carrying their cargo of psykers and artifacts back to Holy Terra. Some of these artifacts are meant to be destroyed or even harnessed by the Ordos Holy. One example of such artifacts are null fetus specimens. These people have no presence in the warp and are death incarnate to psykers. Even normal humans with no psychic ability exposed to these "Untouchables" would feel a sudden sickening urge to curl into a ball and die on the ground, though no physical pain assails them. Thousand Sons sorcerers have learned that to make full use of their powers in the presence of enemy psykers, they must unleash these null fetus specimens so that they can focus 100% on their rituals. To assist with this, they fund the Dark Mechanicus to create statis containers for these creatures, so that the sorcerers may operate near them until they are revealed to the enemy in the flesh.


Using slaves or cultists to deliver and subsequently expose a null specimen into the middle of living enemy troops is akin to launching a suicide bomb attack (as the bearer will likely die a terrible death due to an effect known as "soul fire", but the demonic metal stasis cage constructed by the Dark Mechanicus ensures that the Thousand Sons sorcerers are not exposed to the sickening presence of the fetus.


The stasis containers allow maximum destruction to enemies in an immediate area with minimal expendature of resources. Even the rumor of possible null fetus possession will give a fleet of Grey Knights pause before entering a system.


After Prospero, the Thousand Sons' encounter with Sisters of Silence taught them that it is necessary to use more extreme weapons against modern enemies who will often outnumber them.

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Daemon World: Ijirashii (Storm of the Emperor's Wrath) Barren moon.


Ruler: An'Cr`ydenen the Negotiator (Daemon prince with no known alliance)


Legion/Chapter of Origin: None.


Chaos God Allegiance: None


Points of Interest: (2)


Masoko: A huge trading area, which is the hub of Ijirashi, in this place anything that a Chaos lord would to have can be bought, to a price of course. The main goods that are sold are Slaves (all known races may be found), consumer goods (fuel, oxygen, ammunition, drugs, food), war material (armour, vehicles, weapons and sometimes even ships), Sorcery materials (scrolls, relics, daemon weapons). A chaos lord may also negotiate with other warbands, cults, renegades, Dark Heretiks, and champions to join his warband. An'Cr`yrdene has its fingers in almost every transaction done in the Masoko, overseeing that they are followed. If anyone would not full fill their end of the bargain, An'Cr`ydene will send his special negotiator Earl HaNos to make the bargain happen. Masoko is an extremely dangerous place with murderers, psychopaths, daemons (both lesser and greater) moving around in the dark and winding maze that Masoko has turned into. There are establishments for relaxation, like gladiator pits, drug dens, brothels or even combined, any kind of vice can be bought. It is not uncommon to see Chaos marines from different legions to greet each other after millennia or renegades with large egos boasting about their latest battle. At any given time the population of Masoko exceeds Hundred of million souls, both damned, sold and even pure.


Peace fleet: Several cruisers and frigates, orbiting Iijarashii, many of them are broken down and are unmovable by their own accord. Homebase of the Brotherhood of Innocence and their Slaanesh Princess Cate. How and why An'Cr`ydene allow them to set up a permanent base is unknown, but several times in history the Brotherhood have helped out negotiate when a transaction has gone bad. Sometimes the Peace fleet have been seen outside in Imperial space, raiding worlds and space lanes in the Ultima segmentum. The Peace fleet are rumoured to have had a loose alliance with other Chaos marine warbands.

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So we've got 1k Sons cultivating nulls for stealth purposes and a Daemon Prince obsessed with trading and contracts. This is why I started the gazetteer! Lots of cool ideas I never would have thought of! The realms of chaos need the minds of many chaos lords (and princesses) to demonstrate the infinite possibilities.
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As I suck at naming characters, the two named characters witch are named in the first paragraph are anagrams of two of my favourite tv-series characters. :) Cate is a name that have followed me since the EoT campaign. Masoko is Swahili and Ijirashii is Japanese, probably misspelled and probably the meaning has been lost in the translation. :)
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I will sometimes use google translator, write in something like, say, "Field of Meat", scroll through the different languages until I find one with enough potential, in this case the Icelandic sviði kjöt, then change the spelling to make it sound cool (in this case like a Salamanders type name) and -bang- I've got a planet name: Z'vdi K'jot


I've already forgotten what language Tu'Kang's name came from, but I'm pretty sure I started with translating "butcher".


A lot of other times I'll use historical or literary references, like when I named my model Arminius the Butcher (for Maverick Prime's conversion challenge) based on the German warlord who won the Battle of Teutoburg Forest by slaughter an entire Roman legion.


For my DIY warband I use a list of different by-names of Odin from Wikipedia to name all (well, most) my characters.


There's lots of different things you can do.

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I was looking at that heirarchy stuff for daemons when I was thinking of a name for my Renegade Black Dragons Apothecary and I came across Amaimon who was supposed to have poison breath which was perfect since the Black Dragons were supposed to have poison saliva.
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Not a Daemon world, but important to my Tau (and my Nightblades-who make use of "the Anomaly")


Iilos: A Tau colony on the far North western side of the galaxy, connected to Tau space with a stable space anomaly that allows instantaneous travel across the galaxy.


System Layout: Single star, 3 main bodies and an asteroid belt between the "Life zone" and "Frost Zone". Iilos I is barren rock, closest to the star, and has bountiful mineral resources. Iilos II and III are a "binary planet" where one world orbits the other. Through extensive terraforming, both worlds have been made habitable. The system is relatively isolated and is situated in a pocket of "dead" space, with no star systems for several light years around it. Because of this, current Tau FTL technology is insufficient to allow them to exploit this "frontier sept" for further exploration (it takes several months for them to reach the closest star system-which is full of barren inhospitable planets with few resources.)


The main reason the Tau have maintained the outpost in the Iilos system is to study the anomaly, and export of exotic materials from the planets back to the home Empire.



Sybari: Former Fortress world, and home base of the Death Shadows.


A dead world, stripped bare by the Tyranids that the Death Shadows hoped to use in their plans to destabilize the Ultramar sector. Some survivors of the Death Shadows, split and left it behind, becoming the Nightblades, and seek to continue their original mission, while others have fallen more deeply to the influence of Chaos. The Nightblades discarded their robes and cloaks upon the surface of Sybari, abandoning the guise of the Death Shadows, but not being the Alpha Legion who had replaced them either. Many of the "old guard" were long dead, those who hadn't passed in battle died in the Scouring; the Nightblades sought a new way forward. They have not returned to Sybari's barren surface since leaving their former Death Shadow brothers.

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