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Grey Knights vs Blood Angels (a summary)


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True but I have yet to see that type of list, and I'm not sure how one would build an effective list that was heavy in both those things (I've tried, but both units are very expensive), but yeah it would be an issue. The one thing DOA would have going for it in that matchup is more bodies and feel no pain against the shooting.
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DoA, or jumpers heavy list in my opinion is a one very nice and fun to play, but suffers with too many bad match ups with too many popular armies now.


As this topic concerns GK, I would say DoA have a hard time facing them. They have few nice CC units (Terminators, DCA and to some extent Purifiers) backed up by a lot of s8 shooting and rending shooting. Add to that the possibility of warpquake, lack of juicy targets for those meltas on DS turn and we have a classic bad match up.

Also, it's not limited to DoA lists. Today I we was testing with my friend a necron list designed to counter mech lists. something like that

Traveler on a command barge

Necron lord on a command barge

3 x 3 Heavy Destroyers

About 7 crypteks ( i don't recall exactly, but they was having that solar pulse rule? awful) with lances

2 x min warriors

2 x min immortals

3 x anihilation barge


I was playing


4 x 5 assault squads in las/plas razors

dc with chappy in LR

3 x autolas predators


it was a massacre. I could do virtually nothing to him. Grey Knight builds aren't that dominating, but some of them are a tough games. Which in my opinion is good, because it force you to outsmart your opponent and make you a better player, which is in some way essential if you wan't to be a competitve player :sweat:



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@ Dropsik - That's a really good post and you make some great points about match ups. As loads of the guys in this thread have. Bad luck with the battle, am sure you'll get him next time. My friend and I returned to the game at the same time and one of his armies is the Necrons and they do cause my BAs some problems, though I had a little more luck than you did. He used an army very similar to the one you faced, but he also adds tremorstaves and a C'Tan with the writhing worldscape power, a nasty combination. He doesn't use Command Barges yet, though once he reads your post am sure he'll be straight down the shop to get a couple. I guess you could call my list a bit of a hybrid. Anyway I won the game with a mixture of outflanking Baals and Scout bikers dealing with his Annihilation Barges combined with a deep striking SR full of goodies including a dread + claws, which I landed well away from his army but could still snipe. Once the barges where dealt with and the rest of my army was in position I hit him with a kinda hammer and anvil move. Even then, it was very close. I played his same army again, this time with my Gks and by turn 4 or 5 he didn't have anything left.


I don't write this in anyway to brag about my victories, but in context of this thread. In addition to alot of the points made in this thread about different army types etc. To me these two battles show the relevance of the match up argument. Also using units that maybe not be fashionable can still be effective, with a little bit of thought and army co-ordination. It's the tough battles that make me think, make me a better player. Winning with BAs is sometimes hard but always great fun!

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Then I found that little, tiny entry hidden in Army Builder, the one that unlocks 15 point Stormshields, 15 points for WS5, I6 S4 3 power weapon attacks, 12 points for a scoring troops choice unit. 10 point Multi-Meltas and 20 point Plasma Cannons. I could not fething believe it. Every weakness I had discovered in the GK just went out the window. 24 points to fill your troops choices? Start stacking Purifiers, Rifledreads and Paladins. Even in small games. Don't like Paladins? 5 Death Cult Assassins with 7 Acolytes set's you back 105 points and kills 9 marines on the charge.


Now I'm sorry if I come across a bit dense, but what the heck is this "entry" you're on about?

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Then I found that little, tiny entry hidden in Army Builder, the one that unlocks 15 point Stormshields, 15 points for WS5, I6 S4 3 power weapon attacks, 12 points for a scoring troops choice unit. 10 point Multi-Meltas and 20 point Plasma Cannons. I could not fething believe it. Every weakness I had discovered in the GK just went out the window. 24 points to fill your troops choices? Start stacking Purifiers, Rifledreads and Paladins. Even in small games. Don't like Paladins? 5 Death Cult Assassins with 7 Acolytes set's you back 105 points and kills 9 marines on the charge.


Now I'm sorry if I come across a bit dense, but what the heck is this "entry" you're on about?


He is refering to Grey Knight henchmen in the GK codex, Crusader= WS4 with storm shield for 15 points, Deathcult assassins = WS5, I6, S4 and the rest of the cheap stuff can be found there, they are troops if you take Cotaeaz .

I have faced these GK lineups with my jumpers and its a bad matchup they are tough but can be beaten. I loose more than I win but I scrapped out a win and a draw against 2 such lists in my last games. One tri storm raven Inquisitor list, one Coteaez spam list. If you face something like this the chances are you will face up to 11 razorbacks and dreads each with a troop in it, it is a nightmare to block luckily priests negate a lot of their shooting.

Heaps of jump pack marines with LOS blocking packing melta is essential. Pick a flank and start rolling only once you have all your marines on the ground. If you are not cracking the cans and assaulting everything as soon as it falls out your in trouble. The contents are squishy and can often be pinned (think scouts sniping from range too). I had the Sanguinor to deal to the assassins and the Inquisitor with his demon weapons but a high initiative high WS character or something with lots of storm shields is essential. Librarian with Fear of the Darkness is also a must have, by all means take 2 if you want to tailor your list but look out mind strike missiles from the GK storm ravens will destroy your psykers quickly if you are careless.

This is what I took I did not tailor the list maybe I just got lucky. If I played 10 games against Inquisitor spam I would count myself very fortunate to win or draw even half of them with this list.



The Sanguinor: 275

Librarian: Jump Pack, Sanguine Sword, FoTD 125


Honour Guard: Jump packs

4 Meltaguns

1 Sanguinary Novitiate, chain sword, bolt pistol 205



Sanguinary Priest: JP Power sword 90

Sanguinary Priest: JP Power sword 90



2nd Company The Blooded 10x RAS: 2x meltaguns,

Sgt thunder hammer storm shield 260

3rd Company Ironhelms 10x RAS: 2x meltaguns,

Sgt Power fist storm shield 255

8th Company Bloodblades 10x RAS: 2x meltaguns,

Sgt Power fist storm shield 255


Fast Attack

6 Vanguard veterans 1st Company The Archangels

Sgt Thunder hammer storm shield

VV#1 Lightning claw storm shield

VV#2 Lightning claw MB’s

VV#3 bolt pistol chain sword MB’s

VV#4 bolt pistol chain sword MB’s

VV#5 bolt pistol chain sword 295


Total 1850

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