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Returning to the Temple of Dark Gods


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Hello fellow 40kers!


For a long time I had shelved my 40k army, partially in disgust of the Chaos Dex (ye, I know, how unoriginal).


Now that I see my friends playing, I finally decided to return with a repainted army ( Red Corsairs this time).


A lot of time has passed, tho, so I wanted to know what has changed in tactics and strategies of Chaos... Is the old Duolash Oblits Plague the only setup working? Because I would like to play something else, and maybe (gasp!) even choose a lord for HQ (frowned upon in my time).


Basically I would be facing Nids, lots of IG and Dark Eldar. Others are also present in our store, but rarer.


Any suggestions would be welcome, as well as other tips!

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A lot of time has passed, tho, so I wanted to know what has changed in tactics and strategies of Chaos

nothing . if anything our stuff only got nerfed with each FAQ. warpt ime got worse , lash has to hit even when other non wounding powers dont have to , oblits are demons[so re-rolls for GKs] etc.

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As it was with the last book you could always play a warband. You just dont take any legion rules. For instance last edition, you simply had other rules that goverened what you could or couldn't take and legion rules went on top of that to make it legion specific. However at the core of the book you could do a warband.
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As it was with the last book you could always play a warband. You just dont take any legion rules. For instance last edition, you simply had other rules that goverened what you could or couldn't take and legion rules went on top of that to make it legion specific. However at the core of the book you could do a warband.

We are all playing warbands, either legion warbands or renegade warbands...please use the word like it's meant to be used...

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Last I checked we all played armies. Splitting hairs with what is legion warbands and renegade warbands is a little much in my book. We all play a chaos army. Either renegade or legion. This book we have now allows us to do both without the bonus of being any specific army.
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In order to see any bonus from this codex (bare with me here....I know this codex isn't the greatest) you have to look at what happened in the last codex. The last codex had restrictions on what you could or couldn't take. This codex doesn't have those restrictions on what you can or cannot take. Therefore in the philisophical world it is a bonus. However there is nothing to support rules for anyone specific army you are doing.


Do I agree with the way our codex works now? Nope. Am I happy that we have another brother returning to the ways of chaos? Hells yeah!

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The reason that you should really look into a legion is that you can then get cult terminators. Some of the rules are limiting, yes, but if you're just going to be running berzerkers anyway, you get bonuses.


In the last codex if you went World Eaters legion, you got khornate chainaxes, they limited your opponents armor saves to 4+... power armor? 4+ save. terminator armor? 4+ save. special magical wizard armor? 4+ save. See? huge bonus. So what if you don't get heavy weapons, just make up for it with anger and chain weapons. And you got special angry terminators with furious charge. So yes, there were restrictions. But at the same time there were game breaking advantages to using a legion instead of some renegades that somehow manage to lose half their stuff on the way to the Eye of Terror.

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Therefore in the philisophical world it is a bonus.

that would only be true , if options from the 3.5 dex were in the 4th dex . but they arent . I cant get cheap minimax or 6-8man plasma or melta squads. I dont have infiltration on units[that is one whole build out of the window] , there are no demons in the dex [second build out of the window]. There is also the edition change . while the 3.5 dex could have used less optimal options like raptors/terminators/possessed , because there were still scoring . under the 5th rules all units like are no longer scoring[and 2/3 games being about scoring doesnt help them] . the only people that gained something with the gav dex are BL khorn dudes[2 DPs instead of one uber one , 9 oblits instead of 3] and that is it , even IW lost some realy important units[auto cannon tank hunter havocks].

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I came after the 4th ed codex came into play so the 3.5 is like the "Golden Age" that died before I born. But there should be a tradeoff like how I understand the 3.5 worked. What I think Gav and GW tried to do with 4th was they tried to make a "one to rule them all" where you could build your list anyway you want but they put too many restrictions on it and it feel flat on its face and died. They then use this screwup and "perfected" (I hate that word) on the SM dex and made it a cross between our 3.5 and our 4th with every SM dex including the BA and the SW but they went a step further and made two whole new armies out of it. Three if you want to count the GK and the removal of the Daemonhunters.
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Last I checked we all played armies. Splitting hairs with what is legion warbands and renegade warbands is a little much in my book. We all play a chaos army. Either renegade or legion. This book we have now allows us to do both without the bonus of being any specific army.

What you call "armies" is called "warbands". Yes, we all play warbands, but the way you used the word in your last post indicated that you thought legions and warbands were exclusive to one another, which they aren't...


If the phrase "a warband" would be replaced by "renegades" in that post, it would be correct...

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