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Crusader Host?


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I just finished the Outcast Dead and I'm still a little confused on what the Crusader Host actually was. Maybe I missed a page or two (I was half asleep while reading it this week) that explained it, but I usually can piece things together. Any enlightenment whatsoever on the issue would be appreciated.
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The custodes imply that there where astartes from non-traitor legions locked up wih them, just the thousand son chose to leave them there.


My thinking is that the crusader host was some kind of honour guard, representing all the legions on terra.

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The custodes imply that there where astartes from non-traitor legions locked up wih them, just the thousand son chose to leave them there.


My thinking is that the crusader host was some kind of honour guard, representing all the legions on terra.

That was my thought too especially when they referenced

Gythua's battle honors at the Chirurgeon's house (tagged just in case)

. I missed the bit about loyalist Astartes still being locked up, though.

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I missed the bit about loyalist Astartes still being locked up, though.


Yeah, it's a blink and you'll miss it statement. The stat5ement itself isn't 100% clearcut iirc, though. It's just a heavy implication, I think. (I could be wrong.)



Did the book say they where loyal or did the Thousand Son just see that they would be of little use to him?

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Also why is the TS locked up before magnus's message?


I believe the Crusader Host was made up of many differing Legions, possibly all of them, and so when Isstvan V occurs and casts doubt on whom is friend or foe, they all get chucked in the slammer together, regardless of legion. Or that's my take on it at least.

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Also why is the TS locked up before magnus's message?


I believe the Crusader Host was made up of many differing Legions, possibly all of them, and so when Isstvan V occurs and casts doubt on whom is friend or foe, they all get chucked in the slammer together, regardless of legion. Or that's my take on it at least.


Yeah when you consider Dorn's feelings on the matter, he was really paranoid and misyrutsful of any astartes not an Imperial Fist. Can't blame him for it at that stage.

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Haven\'t finished the book but two things that relate to this conversation are pretty fresh in my mind...



First, Atharva (the Thousand Son) tells one of the mortal guards to open only specific cells in the prison


Second, he notes the Crusader Host as being a representatives of the conquering Legions



They never mention "loyalists" or even if those in the other cells are actually Space Marines - perhaps other non-Marine types could be considered just as lethal and locked away there too. But, considering my second bitt about the crusader host it is possible other they could be there. There is of course very little to go by.


EDIT: I just saw Brother Captain Kezef's comment about the Custodes mentioning loyalists... I'll have to keep an eye out for that as I read.

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I missed the bit about loyalist Astartes still being locked up, though.


Yeah, it's a blink and you'll miss it statement. The stat5ement itself isn't 100% clearcut iirc, though. It's just a heavy implication, I think. (I could be wrong.)



Did the book say they where loyal or did the Thousand Son just see that they would be of little use to him?


They did not actually say they are Space Marines at all, let alone what side they were on. I think you make a good point - little use to him or even that they may potentially get in his way.


EDIT - getting a little further in the book it the Custodian did reference that the 7 were form traitor Legions but again did not specifically make reference to loyalist Legions being held as well, though he did elude to as much. Later another comment by one of the 7 however mentioned they were incarcerated simply of the colors on their shoulders (or something along those lines) which eludes to the traitor Legions and would seem an odd thing to say if the entire Crusader Host was locked up (loyalist and all). I may be wrong but I think the hunters also question why the Thousand Son would be running with the Traitors. All these bits seem contradictory.

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