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LPC Vow 2012 - COMPLETED 30/03/12


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Greetings Brothers!


In my vow, I pledged to complete a 5-man Command Squad, as well as 3 Rhino Transports for the 3rd Company of the Ultramarines. This is the first WIP update.


While waiting for my Rhino bits to arrive from the WarStore, I got busy with the Command Squad. In the decade or so it's taken me to get this far with my army, I've been trying out new things with each set, both painting and modelling. Being a Command Squad, I've given them full belts of equipment with frag/krak grenades, knives, pouches and pistol holsters. I got the Company Standard done, which took most of the time! The Sergeant's storm bolter arrived with the WarStore stuff, and is currently awaiting painting.


The Rhinos have had their interiors painted, been assembled and will be airbrushed when I get back to Uni in a weeks' time. In the meantime, I am handpainting all the equipment accessories.


Piccies below:


Veteran Sergeant:





Brother Veteran:






Third Company Standard:









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I know it's cutting it close to the deadline, but that's what happens when you're fighting a dissertation at the same time! :) I'm afraid there are no pictures with this one as I'm currently sitting with paintbrush in hand, getting the heck on with it!



The Command Squad have now been finished, just a little basing and the odd decal/equipment strap to finish. The roof for my third Rhino arrived this morning, so I've got the airbrush out and am giving them a quick coat. I had all the accessories painted about a month ago, so they just need to be glued onto the completed vehicles.


Await completed challenge pics this time tomorrow! :o



Good evening!


It is my proud duty to announce that I have completed my vow for the LPC 2012, and can display the Command Squad and 3 Rhinos of the 3rd Company Ultramarines.



My apologies for the picture quality - I had to do them in a rush to pack for the Easter holidays, and I will be travelling all of tomorrow, but will be able to post more pics on Sunday!


I wanted some semi-action-style shots, hence the convoy angle of the Rhinos :D














Thank you all,


EoC out


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