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Typhus deathstar?


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So there's a tourney coming up at my local GW. I was wondering how well the following Typhus deathstar might work:





Termie Armor

Wind of Chaos

5 Terminator Champs


Lightning Claws


Total cost comes up to a whopping 680 pts out of 2500. However, thats 27-32 attacks base (depending on daemon weapon rolls), two WoC templates, and T 5 all around. Worth the pts? You tell me :)




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i think typhus is underused, but he does lack eternal warrior and with only a 5+inv means bad things in protracted assaults (even a single powerfist hit is likely to mangle him)

in terms of chaos uber units, you really need to go fearless otherwise youll run after the first lost combat.


how about using berserkers or posessed?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Relative to what other books can do for far cheaper I would say that no this is not a particularly effective deathstar unit. You still have to factor in a transport if you plan to be mobile so there is another 220 points plus the 30 for demonic possession if you so chose. Meanwhile in other books the LR plus the troops inside come out to being under 700, have PoTMS, TH/SS, and furious charge in the case of BT and sometimes BA. It would no doubt be a devestating unit to run against IG, possibly Orks, and maybe standard Eldar depending on the enemy army type. Frankly, despite that it would be fun as heck to play with though. :D
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