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Honor Guard as mobile Melta/FNP bunker?


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Has anyone tried to use Honor Guard as a mobile bunker? Looking over the BA Codex recently, the regular Rhino is not a preferred vehicle of choice for ASM. ASM, although getting 2 meltaguns that could shoot out of top hatch, are kinda of wasted in a Rhino since it is not an assault vehicle. ASM with bolt pistols disembarking are also not a good shooting unit If the Rhino moves 18" and sits there, it will be out front past the usual Razorback/Landraider vehicles.


Tactial marines for BA also suffer like Codex marines in not getting 2 special weapons. The only way to do so is with a combi-melta. The main drawback is that you have to occupy the entire Rhino with 10 men to even take a single Meltagun. If you could take 9 Tac Marines w/MG and stick a Priest in, that would be great, but you can not do so with any special weapons (beside a combi).


I stumbled upon the Honor Guard inside a Rhino w/2 Meltaguns as a nice contained unit that's 185 pts. It pretty much functions like a Sternguard unit (same points as well), but also has a Blood Chalice to provide FNP/Furious to those around it. It would function almost like a command/control tank in real life adding its support and possibly some melta firepower in support of the typical Razorbacks. I suppose you could just stick Priests into 5 man Razorback units, but this is a way to get that melta/top-hatch/bunker into the army without commiting to ASM/Tactical squads.


Has anyone tried this configuration before?

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Has anyone tried this configuration before?


Question is why I would take a short range unit like that as support? You can only move 6" and fire from the hatch anyway. Sounds like an awful lot of points compared to just sticking a priest in one of your transports and buying another razor squad with the points you save.

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The JP Honour Guard w/ melta can be good, but quite situational. For example, if you cant go at it head on, hitting a LR full of juicy targets that all your army's guns are pointing at and you just need that can opening. Admittedly they will probably all die next turn, but not too easily. But if they pop a LR they make not the worst points profit in the world and it could be a move that might win you the game. They are however other things in codex that can do the same thing.


I just love mm Attack Bikes especially with a Priest escort

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Oh lol ...



Anyways, I would not bother with rhino at all, there is no true benefit of that, as RzB is far better. Moreover it gives you the very same options as rhino (drive 18" pop smoke, get out next turn) for a bit more however with more threat range as well (Las/Plas, TLAC, TLLC >>> 2 melta shots). However you are not forcing yourself to rush into 12"range every turn with RzB.


If you want to utilize HG with melta I would go for the JP's as DoA is far more accurate and much easier to get the 2d6 benefit of melta weapon. However if you are using mech army I would stick with RzB with HG (4MG) + Lib (Shield, w.ever). You can still sit back and shoot (move 6", shoot) + the chassis extends your range for SoS + FNP bubble.


Hope it helps,



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My honour guard with jump pack and meltas have never let me down, I dont run troop mech so have no experience other than to say with practise I am getting some awesome mileage out of the Meltaguard JP, Attack Bike, RAS JP combo's they are really good at dealing with deathstars in land raiders just make sure you have redundancy of melta shooting. Redundancy and backup melta would be equally valid if you were running them in some sort of vehicle, have more backup melta nearby so you need to look at how you can use and support your mobile bunker with other units as well. I really like the multimelta priest bike squad idea in conjunction with your melta bunker.

I got a good line up on Arjac and his terminators in a LR and hit them with melta from 3 different units a few days ago it went well, even better with the Sanguinor and a VV squad around to beatstick the survivors. Point is have an assault unit to finish up or shepherd the meltaguards target off the board if they break, work that in to your plan as well.

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