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Scorpio pattern brass scorpion


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Right, so I ordered a lesser brass scorpion off ebay, and while it's decent at that, it's not actually that well converted, but thats ok, because it cost me less then a defiler, and I wanted to mod it anyway.



I've always liked the idea of the defiler, however I was rather disappointed with the model, I dislike it greatly. Thought it sounded more like a crab/scorpion and it turns out to be a weird centaur machine thing.


Then I came across this conversion awhile back, I thought it looked awesome, my brass scorpion arrived from ebay, and a plan was formed in my mind...



I had just bought a tau piranha a few days ago, surgery shall start as soon as I prep the patient...


Not sure how I will fit the demolisher cannon on, but I do want a nice tail made out of a few reaper autocannons :tu:

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quick update. the body will sit a bit more forward so the demolisher will be a bit lower, that was the only pose he would hold without me having to find the blue tac.



Got the majority of the body together, one of the front claws needs to be reattached due to having to break it to reset it (arm had been glued out stretched, but the joining limb/digit was on back to front. I swapped the battlecannon mount for a demolisher from a baneblade, I think it looks ok. I need to cover up the pilot compartment, I'd love a smooth feel to it but I think thats beyond my current skills (probably just use armour plates to cover it up). I also wanna add some mandible type things near the demolisher


The tail is in pieces, going to attach it to it between the back of the piranha and the top back of the defiler/scorpion, but it needs a bit of work, to give it a bend in the middle.


scorpio pattern defiler is where I got the inspiration, randomly clicking through blog links can find you some interesting stuff.


That will be it for a few days, but I shall come back to this one, at very least making it game worthy as a defiler :P

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Looking good mate (Hopefully by our next apoc game you'll have it all done and I can crush it and maybe just maybe it'll do a nice big bang for us) I really like the tau piranha model, which reminds me I need to strip the paint of that warped project of mine that was cruely ruined ;)
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I had just bought a tau piranha a few days ago, surgery shall start as soon as I prep the patient...


That's a very Khornate approach to surgery: cut it up and only then put it back together. The scorpion looks nicely done, if a little clean. Can you chaos it up a bit?

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I found a little blue tac, so attached a few mandible type things under the cannon, but not totally happy with it.


I was aiming to make a slightly nurgley scorpion, got a plan for the tailgun but If that doesn't work i'll just use 2-4 reapers :D

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battle cannon needs to be flanked by mandibles [we are spikes for the spike god anyway] . old buldozers or the DE stuff works perfect for that .



Modeling advice from the Jeske....wow that never happens!


Looking good so far although it's already painted as a khornate so if it's slightly nurglish that'd be a bit difficult.

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I found a little blue tac, so attached a few mandible type things under the cannon, but not totally happy with it.


Maybe if you turned them like feeding claws, positioned to cram things into a maw? Angled like they are they look like little baby legs that just can't reach the ground, but if you turned them inward and made them into a semi-circle based on the Battle Cannon it would look more horrifically mouth-like.

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Modeling advice from the Jeske....wow that never happens!

I dont paint stuff , but I do convert and resculpt models . not that this is a first time giving advice from me .


I know why you arent happy with mandibles you made . you know that they are there . your opponent may know that they are there if he flips the model . But in any other situation they may as well note xist.


there is free space between the piranha engines exhaust and the battle cannon put them there . not too close and not on the cannon fix them under it [actualy plasticard would work best for this can be made longer then GW spikes] . look at pics of warrior ants . it looks good.

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Right, had an evening off work so instead of playing skyrim, I watched a dvd and did a little bit more work on this little guy.




here is the current mock up, though I've done a little bit of work on the tail (where it joins the piranha). I had to reattach his front right claw, and his back legs/chasis (I was a bit rough removing his old tail). I also added a little bit of detail to the piranha cockpit and have tried out some mandibles attached to the front air intake thingys, which I like the look of.




I am thinking to make this a nurgle scorpio, as opposed to a brass scorpion. I don't go over the top with my nurgle vehicles, so it will be a bit muted compared to most other nurgle vehicles.


I am thinking of using http://puppetswar.eu/img/p/38-117-large.jpg

as his tail weapon, or something similar looking. I love mini guns, they look awesome, though if not miniguns will probably be a quad autocannon type weapon.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Right, I got this model back awhile ago, but been busy with work and have also finished off an inquisitor in terminator armour for my Draigowing. However, with Chaos having a new codex I am looking to try them out again.


I have purchased and assembled a forgefiend, and a heldrake (with another heldrake completed enough to play with), part of the issue I had was the front mandible type things, I was looking at the mauler fiend parts and then...






I like them. I am aiming to keep it like this to use as a defiler and a brass scorpion stand in until I finish the tail, and probably try and magnetise the tail so I can swap it and transport it more easily.

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CN, you're a nerd. :P


I second this! :D


Nurglez - I like it alot. Any chance you could do a tutorial on this one day? :lol:


I third this!


and, well, I bought the "brass scorpion" from ebay, as it was cheaper then a single defiler kit (and I would have needed 2). it was a pretty basic conversion of the defiler kit, just adding on the rear part of the defiler (to give some extra legs) and making the tail from the spare arms.


I bought a tau piranha for the top part of the body, and took the demolisher cannon from a baneblade kit as it is short and stubby. I plan to try and magnitize the tail so I can use him as a defiler or a brass scorpion.


I really really tried to like the stock defiler, but it just looks wrong. I've seen numerous conversions that look so much better, and if I end up getting one I will probably use a soul grinder over a defiler.


I do intend to do paint this guy up (one day), though I am well known among my friends for not painting, and I'd rather take a forgefiend over a defiler (though I do like the idea of several dreads for elites and defilers/forgefiends for heavy support).


I'll be using him in a small apocalypse game tomorrow (2000 points each plus a super heavy, 2v2) so lets hope he does some damage!

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