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Master Ciaphas

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Hail fellow causers of havoc, death and mayhem!


I am currently playing a Planetary Empires campaign (read all about it here: http://www.powerfist.dk/forum/index.php?topic=47960.0), and on February 19th 2012, I will be playing a game of Planetstrike, 1750 points, with me, the Chaos Space Marines as the attacker against the Imperial Guard.


Now - I would kindly ask for tactical advice on being the attacker in such a scenario, on the basis of the following:


1) The Imperial Guard can muster:

10 Stormtroopers (incl. 2 Melta, 2 Plasma)

3 Autocannon HW teams

3 Missile Launcher HW teams

2 Lascannon HW teams

10 Veterans w. 3 Grenade Launchers

2 Lascannon Armoured Sentinels (prob 3 by the 19th Feb) w. HK missile

1 Plasma Cannon Armoured Sentinel w. HK missile

1 Missile Launcher Scout Sentinel w. HK missile

10 Penal Legionnaires

Ursakar E. Creed w. Kell

42 Guardsmen w. assortment of Plasmaguns, Meltaguns, Flamers, 4 sergeants w. power weapons, Commissar, Ministorum Priest w. Eviscerator

Company Command Squads with senior officers w. power weapons / power fists, plasma guns, medics, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet


2) There will likely be two bastions, defence lines, 1 x Icarus-Lascannon


3) I, the favoured son of Chaos , can muster the following:

Winged Daemon Prince (Be'Lakor model)

Daemon Prince of Nurgle

7 Death Guards (2 flamers, champ w. PF. icon)

10 CSM (2 plasmaguns, champ w. either PP/PF or PW/PP, icon)

2 Rhinos w. extra combi-bolter

1 Vindicator

1 Land Raider

2 Blight Drones

1 Plague Hulk

2 Obliterators

2 Chaos Sorcerors (1 Nurgle, 1 generic)

38 summoned lesser Daemons

5 Chaos Terminators (4 combi-meltas, 1 Chainfist, 1 Heavy Flamer)


I will be able to paint some of the following for the battle, but certainly not all:

5 Chaos Terminators of Nurgle (1 icon, 5 lightning Claws)

Abaddon the Despoiler

Luscius the Eternal

10 Raptors (2 Meltaguns, champ w. power weapon / meltabombs)

10 summoned lesser Daemons

Predator (not assembled yet)

2x7 Death Guards (champs w. PW and PF, 2 Melta, 2 Plasmaguns, 2 icons)

Rhino (not assembled)


I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions for tactics in Planetstrike, as attacker, suggestions for assets/stratagems and so on.


My thanks in advance!


/Master Ciaphas

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You'll want melta/chain fists for busting bastions however you don't want to go overboard because he's packing very few vehicles otherwise. Flamers will be a strong asset for the number of troops as well as the high likelyhood of everything having cover saves.


What I wouldn't do is load up on heavy vehicles, as he really seems to be gunning for them (no pun intended) with all of the heavy weapon squads and sentinels. Rhinos are good for the movement and cheap cover saves so I would still take them.


The terminators and raptors should be ale to take advantage of the improved deep strike rules so they can land and assault, so I see them doing a very good job of opening up bastions or destroying high value units early on. I would have to reread the rules considering summoning them in a planetstrike game but you might run into an issue where there aren't any icons on the board when they have to come in, which would be wasteful. Plague marines and CSMs in the rhinos is a solid choice as are daemon princes. Vehicle wise, I believe the plague hulk is AV13, which might be tough enough to help weather some of that heavy weapon fire. It will probably go pop early, but could protect the transports longer. I'd like to see more bodies on the table, as the basic CSM is a great counter to IG and their light vehicles.



I'm at work so I can't comment directly on the strategems but anything that gives you protection from his long range firepower will be good, as you need to close to short range distance safely.

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How many objectives total? Because that's directly linked to how many stratagem points you can spend. Anyway... I'd go for Scorched Skies stratagem because it gives you more pie plates in the firestorm. Also Confusion Reigns is pretty cool, you can swap out two weak enemies with stronger ones... basically get the elite troops out in the open & drop pie plates on them in the firestorm. Total of 4 stratagem points between the two.
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Thank you for your replies so far.


Well - I have two bastions painted, along with the Fortress of Redemption (painted as well). My opponent will decide how many to put on, but I expect a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5.


Does that help?




Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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It helps a little, each objective gives you 1 point to put towards stratagems. Since it's going to be (seemingly) random, let's break it down...


if it's only 2 objectives (points) I'd say Scorched Skies, that way you have the extra pie plates.


3 points, just pick out a 1 point stratagem along with <-SS... for a 1 pointer I like Darken the Skies... gives you a turn of night fighting, & your opponent gets -1 to LD.


If you get 4 objectives, go for Scorched Skies & Confusion Reigns. Already talked about them.


5 points, go for the trifecta... Scorched Skies, Confusion Reigns & Darken the Skies, basically draw out 2 elite units before the game, hit them with pie plates ( make sure you also lay some onto the bastions, makes them easier to crack open.) Then use Darken Skies after a turn or two to allow your Drop Zone units to quickly make up some ground without taking enemy fire.


Then fight the battle as normal, try to keep at least one model on any objectives (attackers control an objective if ANY model touches it, no matter how many defender models are touching it.) Basically get your toughest models onto the objectives on turn 5 & you're golden... even if it means parking your land raider on the smoking crater that used to be a bastion!


Hope that helps out & best of luck.

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Thank you all for your replies! I will take your suggestions to heart. As I have a few weeks prior to the game, I will have a chance to paint something up. Any suggestions on what would be a good idea?


Here is the list:

5 Chaos Terminators of Nurgle (1 icon, 5 lightning Claws)

Abaddon the Despoiler

Lucius the Eternal

10 Raptors (2 Meltaguns, champ w. power weapon / meltabombs)

10 summoned lesser Daemons

Predator (not assembled yet)

2x7 Death Guards (champs w. PW and PF, 2 Melta, 2 Plasmaguns, 2 icons)

Rhino (not assembled)



Also, if any one has a suggestion for a "killer" Planetstrike list of 1750 points, I am all ears and eyes.


As for the "improved Deep Strike" rules, I think that is meant, is that the "reserves" come in on 3+ in Planetstrike, rather than 4+, and that they come from the first turn, rather than the second. However, there is an asset - "Ground Observer" - who helps with your Deep Strike rolls, as he allows a re-roll of the scatter dice.


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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As for the "improved Deep Strike" rules, I think that is meant, is that the "reserves" come in on 3+ in Planetstrike, rather than 4+, and that they come from the first turn, rather than the second. However, there is an asset - "Ground Observer" - who helps with your Deep Strike rolls, as he allows a re-roll of the scatter dice.


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas


Aha, I see. But I'm under the impression that Terminators can't assault the same round as they Deep Strike, but they can still shoot. Is this correct?

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Normally yes - in Planetstrike, any unit which has the "Deep Strike" special rule in their entry, can assault the turn they arrive. Therefore, winged Daemon Princes, Raptors, Obliterators and Terminators can assault the turn they arrive.


(Technically, this led to some issues in my gaming group, as some said that since Chaos Daemons has "Deep Strike" in the general Codex rules, they don't have it in their individual entries, they cannot assault the turn they arrive in Planetstrike...) Aren't Rule Lawyers fun? :-D

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Indeed - units can do all sorts of crazy things in Planetstrike.


I know that my opponent will field both an Astropath and an Officer of the Fleet in this game, as it will hamper my reserves the most, and aid his own. Now, I could naturally get around this, by firestorming the living daylights out of him, but unfortunately, the squad these characters are with, have a 2+ cover save when going to ground (due to campaign special rules).


So - with regards to what ought to be painted up, in order to improve my chances, I am thinking of either the Raptors with meltaguns, the Plague Hulk or the 5 Nurgle Terminators with Lightning Claws.


Is it correct understood, that the "Confusion Reigns" asset from Planetstrike allows me to redeploy to infantry units, rather than just exchanging their positions?



Master Ciaphas

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I'm not sure if your terminators are already modeled but 5 guys with LCs is overkill, especially so against IG. I would try to add in a fist or two for armor/bastions and give those fist terminators a combi weapon.


I'm leaning towards the raptors actually, they're rare to see on the table and a squad of them is enough to take out almost anything in his army.

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to quote from the planetstrike book on Confusion Reigns: "The attacker may swap the positions of two defending infantry units. This may result in units ending up in buildings that were not previously deployed in buildings. The units cannot be redeployed in a way that would be illegal in normal deployment." So it looks like squad A ends up where squad B is supposed to be and vice versa.



2+ cover save? sounds kinda broken... or are you talking about going to ground behind the aegis walls? because you figure the blast is coming from the center of the blast marker to determine if they are in fact, behind cover. Basically if it lands next to them behind the walls, they aren't actually in cover and get nothing.


+1 on minigun's statement on the termie's, go for at least one chainfist in the group.


Also, I think that the raptors actually come into their own in planetstrike due to the improved DS rules

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you for your advice! I would agree on the interpretation on the "Confusion Reigns" stratagem, and will probably avoid it, instead going for "Scorched Skies", "Ground Observer" and "Darken the Skies", if I get 5 points to play with.


As for the army, I have this morning finished by third Obliterator (nameless thus far), to join his cult brothers Demetrius and Thanatos. I am contemplating painting up 5 Raptors (incl champ w. meltabomb and power weapon) with two meltaguns.


A word of notice: the bastions we play with are not the Planetstrike bastions, but rather these:



Armour Value: 13

Structure points: 3


2 fire points per inch of vision slit. Heavy bolters have BS 2 when automated, or can be manned and fired with normal BS. Characters and unit upgrades never man these weapons, as they are busy directing the fight around them.


No pinning when forced disembarkation, when the bastion is destroyed (wrecked/exploded).


When destroyed, the bastion becomes a ruin, which counts as difficult terrain (either destroyed result turns the bastion into a wreck, so LOS is still affected for the remainder of the battle). If the players agree before the combat, replace an “exploded” bastion with a suitably large crater.


If the access point is blocked by attackers, any unit inside is trapped by the falling debris. The unit is automatically pinned (regardless of stubborn, fearless or other special rules to this effect), and sustain hits equal to a unit inside a vehicle that explodes after moving at cruising speed.


Flamers inflict one hit on each model inside the bastion.


The bastion can only ever hold one unit/squad, regardless of the unit size. Characters may be attached to this unit.


Bastion damage tabel

1 No effect

2-5 Takes 1 structure point damage

6 As above plus roll again.



Glancing hits: -2 modifier on damage rolls

Ordnance hits: two rolls on table, pick highest result

Gauss hits: +1 on damage rolls"


The list itself will probably look something like this:


Daemon Prince w. wings & MoN

Sorceror w. Lash of Submission, meltabomb, MoS

Sorceror w. MoN, Breath of Chaos (to clear out the bastions)


3 Terminators, 2 combi-meltas, 1 chainsfist, 1 heavy flamer

3 Terminators , 2 combi-meltas, 1 combi-bolter


7 Death Guard, 2 flamers, champ w. PF, Icon, Rhino

10 CSM w. 2 plasma guns, champ w. PW, PP, Icon, Rhino

10 Summoned Lesser Daemons


Blight Drone

Blight Drone

5 Raptors w. 2 meltaguns, champ w. PW & meltabomb


1 Vindicator

3 Obliterators


This is about-ish 1750 points


What say you all?


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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Hail frateris


Well - the battle is over and done with, and to sum up, it went very well.


A resounding victory for the forces of the true gods, and a bitter defeat for the boot-licks of the Corpse-Emperor.


Below, a few pictures from the battle:






























Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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