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So after the whole debacle over in the rumour thread on warseer there where suddenly some old rumours resurfaced in the midst of what now seems to be proven to be a sea of lies!



Apparently the 6th edition box will be with DA vs. Chaos(the more accurate rumour-guys specifically avoided saying "CSM" it seems), and there will be a plastic chaos dread in it!

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But I want CSM! I have no problem with people wanting Guardsmen and all that crap but I want CSM. If WFB can have beastmen, Warriors AND Daemons why can't 40K have something similar?



EDIT: Yes I am fully aware I sound like a three year-old. It was intentional.

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So after the whole debacle over in the rumour thread on warseer there where suddenly some old rumours resurfaced in the midst of what now seems to be proven to be a sea of lies!



Apparently the 6th edition box will be with DA vs. Chaos(the more accurate rumour-guys specifically avoided saying "CSM" it seems), and there will be a plastic chaos dread in it!


I think rumours seldom can be considered proven (use the previous ones as example), so who knows, we might see yet another change of direction. The need to update the CSM dreanought model is quite obvious so not a great risk to guess at. Though I must admit I'm a bit intrigued by the latest stuff. Most of all if there was mangrove terrain pieces coming out - that would be awesome!

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A plastic CSM Dreadnought would be timely. More than timely, actually, the darn thing is years late IMO. I agree with those who say that Marines vs Marines would be a strange and dull starter set, but if they recombined the Chaos Daemons with the Chaos Marines into one book again it would make more sense.
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The difference between the rumors currently on Warseer and those of the past is that the people confirming or correcting BoK are proven information suppliers. Both Hastings and Harry have a great track record, so when either says that Chaos is definitely in the starter box and definitely coming out this year, then I believe that Chaos is in the starter box and coming out this year.
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Whatever the time the comes out,but all i ask is that i get my Collars and Axes back..., there is more and more Psychics out there, and WE are supposed to be the Ultimate Anti-Psy, and we have nuts...


Also nice CC ability's for HQ's and Elites, like the Incubis and the GK Brotherhood Champ!


And yeah a plastic Chaos dread is damn time!, the actual chaos dread is still a 2nd Edition model!!!

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A plastic dreadnaught would be awesome! I've never ever bought a dreadnaught before, simply for the fact that I refuse to buy ANYTHING metal, they just fall apart and are a right pain in general.

But at long last, I may actually be buying a dreadnaught at some stage soon ;)



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A plastic dreadnaught would be awesome! I've never ever bought a dreadnaught before, simply for the fact that I refuse to buy ANYTHING metal, they just fall apart and are a right pain in general.

But at long last, I may actually be buying a dreadnaught at some stage soon :P





Hum don't you mistake it for Failcost minis, because my Old Metal Dread is pretty solid(drilled the damn thing 15 years ago), i could break a car with it ^^.


But yeah a more up to date model would be awesome.


Also seeing all the new over the top nut jobs of plastic kits they have released-i think of the big monsters for WHB, be it Ogres, Vampires TK- i do really hope we get a crazy kit like that!


After all with the last codex all we did have was new possesd and new Termi lord, oh and the oh so usefull*sarcasm* Chaos Spawns...


Really the lamest Minis outline.

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Conversion opportunities aside, a plastic Dread kit, (provided the rules + cost aren't crap like now and the kit is good looking.. the new VC Skull-chariot-nightmare-blob = the horror) would be nice indeed.
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But I want CSM! I have no problem with people wanting Guardsmen and all that crap but I want CSM. If WFB can have beastmen, Warriors AND Daemons why can't 40K have something similar?



EDIT: Yes I am fully aware I sound like a three year-old. It was intentional.



My whinging about lack of love for the "little guys" of Chaos could be viewed as infantile too, so I'm not in a position to give you any grief, hell, I'm even with you on 40K having a similar set-up to Fantasy. A codex for pure Daemons and one for pure Marines as well as one for a mix of all Chaos has to offer would suit me just fine.


That said, it's infant time ... I want cultists, mutants and traitors, not just marines! :o

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Conversion opportunities aside, a plastic Dread kit, (provided the rules + cost aren't crap like now and the kit is good looking.. the new VC Skull-chariot-nightmare-blob = the horror) would be nice indeed.


Actually, I've gotten the new Vampire Count Skull-chariot-nightmare-blob, and it's actually a pretty good model. It goes together a lot more simply than you'd think.


To actually discuss rumours though, I would love to see a plastic Chaos dreadnought. I'm kinda surprised about the two MEQ forces in the starter kit, but I suppose it's good from a marketing perspective.

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But I want CSM! I have no problem with people wanting Guardsmen and all that crap but I want CSM. If WFB can have beastmen, Warriors AND Daemons why can't 40K have something similar?



EDIT: Yes I am fully aware I sound like a three year-old. It was intentional.



My whinging about lack of love for the "little guys" of Chaos could be viewed as infantile too, so I'm not in a position to give you any grief, hell, I'm even with you on 40K having a similar set-up to Fantasy. A codex for pure Daemons and one for pure Marines as well as one for a mix of all Chaos has to offer would suit me just fine.


That said, it's infant time ... I want cultists, mutants and traitors, not just marines! :)

And now my work is done. :o

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Actually, I've gotten the new Vampire Count Skull-chariot-nightmare-blob, and it's actually a pretty good model. It goes together a lot more simply than you'd think.

Though it looks like they just emptied a bitz-box and filled in the blanks with a swirly fog thing...

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Since the guy who runs my FLGS is working on a DA army, a DA vs. Chaos box would work for me!


If they bring in traitor guard-type units, I hope they have options that range from "Hardened Mortals Raised On A Daemon World" to "Recently Captured Slaves Who Are Marched Into The Guns Of The Enemy In A Shackled Mass"


I would love to have super-cheap, super-expendable blobs of 20+ mortals to clog the field and provide cover saves. Especially if the "Mass O' Slaves" were purchased and organized like chaos spawn.


Now that I would consider putting one or more together, a cost-effective plastic dreadnought model, assuming it looks good and is assembled in such a way that it has conversion potential, would be timely.

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A plastic dreadnaught would be awesome! I've never ever bought a dreadnaught before, simply for the fact that I refuse to buy ANYTHING metal, they just fall apart and are a right pain in general.

But at long last, I may actually be buying a dreadnaught at some stage soon :P





Hum don't you mistake it for Failcost minis, because my Old Metal Dread is pretty solid(drilled the damn thing 15 years ago), i could break a car with it ^^.

Dont get me wrong, drilling, glueing, pinning - hell, even cementing the damn metal models will make them solid pieces, but its just so much easier and hassle free to have a lighter plastic version :)


On a side note, I am in agreement, Cultist models would be wicked! Especially the idea that Ammonius suggested, hardened Cultist warriors and meatbag slaves mixed together. My Word Bearers would definitely be rounding up a few of these if it actually happened!



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I can't remember how well it was confirmed or not, but I did hear that Plaguebearers were to be in the Starter Kit, with the plastic squad/regiment box coming a bit after.


So if it's DA vs DG, those models may not do much for me. Though, I will admit to wanting to use those cloaked marines for either Chosen or Count As Plague Marines (after I get some Narthecium/Reductors put on them so they are all Apothecaries).

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Yeah that's the blood kitten thingy somewhere in news and announcements. It's supposed to be more of DA vs Nurgle-aligned Chaos forces. Supposed to include PM, Dread, Lord and Guardsmen(traitors of course). Maybe written fluffy as Fallen.
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if a snap fit kit is made for renegades there will not be 20 but 16 . they will not have hvy weapons , or weapons some may want [like lets say plasma or melta] but there will be granade launchers . there should also be an option for an sm leader for the squad.




as dread goes . right now there is 0 need for it . when we get the new dex this may change but generaly chaos pays a hvy tax for their "short range army that does assaults" and dreads are best not at hth but at shoting [if they are good at all].

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as dread goes . right now there is 0 need for it .


I disagree, there was need for a plastic dread years ago. It doesn't matter if it's not very "competative", neither are spawn or possessed but they're in plastic, so our dready deserves some plastic love too. Some plastic raptors would be nice too.

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it has nothing to do with competitive . the unit is crap . new zerker plastics , or plastic havocks or I dont know plastic oblits would have made sense . A dread does not . It would not sell well .




I gotta disagree here jeske, i think the Dread woudl actually sell very well, and i for one am waiting for it.


On a related note, im now confident that Chaos Gaurd units are in teh works, probably considering the ongoing success of the Vraaksian campaign, and i am sorly in need of lots of official minis, mine are almost as old as teh Heresy.


Malcadors, slaves and Daemons - oh my!

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